《The Daphne Effect | ✓》26 | obsessive fans and sword-fighting grandmas


Her parents almost had a heart attack when they saw her face.

They thought she got jumped. They weren't entirely wrong.

Her swollen jaw and bruised cheeks didn't exactly help Karmin. Make-up and baseball caps only did so much, and she tried staying at Viola's as long as she could, but a few days in, her Mom called, yelling at her to come home.

She told them she started boxing at the local gym with an excuse for needing more extracurriculars on her future med-school applications. She said that it was an intense program and the people there were competitive. They wanted her to quit. They went so far as threatening to sue the place because of how "deformed" her face looked.

It went a little like this.

"You want to look like Shrek?" remarked her Dad from his seat on the couch.

"He's... attractive," she faltered. "But that doesn't matter, because it's what's in his heart that's important."

"That's dumb. No one wants to marry Shrek," retorted her Mom.

"Fiona did," she mumbled under her breath.

"Then go live in swamp," she fired back.

You know, they could've been a little nicer about it, geez.

She agreed she would stop, but that didn't stop them from fussing over her face. Everything from an ice pack to turmeric milk, they had her resting. Aaliyah, on the other hand, didn't seem to buy it when her suspicious eyes following her every move. She didn't ask her anything, but Karmin had to be careful.

Just like Aaliyah, her parents wouldn't let her out of their sight. They would call her when she got to school or bombard her with texts if she was a few minutes late. It took Karmin forever to convince them to let her go to the library once again to meet with Leo for their essay.

They still had a month before it was due, but the way things were going with her fights and Leo's inability to write a competent sentence, they didn't get too far. So, they spent the last three hours organizing her research and writing their respective paragraphs.

When she first met him, he asked, and she quotes, "What the hell happened to your face?"

She told him the same lie she told her parents, and he shrugged, her bruised face no longer a concern. Karmin was glad he didn't question her further, but at the same time, disappointed. Did he not care enough for him to ask if she was okay?

But that was only the beginning of things that were starting to piss her off. She hadn't noticed it before, but all he talked about was himself. Whether it was football or the last party he attended, he kept talking and talking. His smile that she once crushed over was slowly starting to annoy her and the words that came out of his mouth made her want to punch him in the throat.

Maybe it was the stress or the pain circulating her body, but she was beginning to short-circuit.

She just about had it with him when she looked over his paragraphs, seeing nothing but run-on sentences, grammar mistakes, and useless information. Karmin didn't have the energy to fight, so she let it go, packed up her things, and left.

She would just have to re-write everything.

So, there she was, clambering down the streets of New York, music booming through her headphones. The random playlist filled with happy pop music helped alleviate her annoyance as she increased the volume, attempting to drown the noise of traffic.


But she was a girl, and that meant she had a habit of glancing over her shoulder every few moments to make sure no one would kidnap her. Maybe it sounded dramatic, but small things like locking the car immediately and the unusual fear of underground parking were just something she did.

Usually, it was fine, but today, she couldn't brush off the feeling of someone following her. A man with dark sunglasses and piercings stayed a few feet behind her, looking away when she would peer back. Sure, it could have been an innocent man just taking a stroll, but it was always safer to assume he was part of a human trafficking ring.

But to be sure, she crossed the street. He followed.

She did it again. He crossed with her.

Great, to make my day worse, I have a stalker or what I prefer to call them, obsessive fans.

Her heart began to race, and anxiety flooded her. She pulled out her headphones and readied her hands into a fist. She had a few options. Karmin could confront him and take him down. But that meant using energy she didn't have. The second choice was to walk home as fast as she could, but she would be leading him to her address. The last option was waiting around at a random shop, hoping he would get tired and leave.

Or maybe, she could get someone to pick her up. Viola didn't have a car, but she knew someone who did.

Karmin scrolled through her contacts, clicking it and waiting for someone to pick up.

"Rhys, for the last time, I am not going to sleep over again. You almost squished me last time, and you snore like an elephant," he shouted.

"Aw, can I join the slumber party?" she teased, feeling at ease once she heard his voice.

"Karmin?" Maddox faltered. "Sorry, I thought it was Rhys. He's been calling me the entire day trying to get me to come over. He took a girl out to watch a horror movie, and now, he's traumatized."

"That boy never learns, does he?"

"Nope, and now I have to suffer," he groaned annoyedly. "What did you need?"

Karmin glanced behind her, seeing the man only a few feet away. "I think someone's following me," she said in a hushed tone. "Can you pick me up, please?"

It was quiet on the other end for a few seconds. "I'm coming. Where are you?"

She quickly entered a busy shop as people threw groceries into their baskets. Just as she thought, the man followed her in. "I'm at Jenkin's Shopper's Market."

"Don't leave. I'll be there in ten minutes," and with that, he ended the call.

Karmin sighed, tightening the phone in the palm. She stayed near the front, admiring the boxes of cereal. "This is one good looking leprechaun," she laughed awkwardly as she shook the box of Lucky Charms.

So, that's what Karmin did for the last minutes. She walked around, commenting on how white the milk looked or the number of calories in a bag of chips, and every time, the man followed. He was careful to stay hidden behind the shelves, but she could feel the stare burning into her back.

Karmin had made it to the instant noodles section, pretending to have a debate between spicy kimchi or chicken curry when her phone buzzed. It was Maddox. She quickly put the bowls down and scrambled her way through the shop. When she saw his car parked outside by the curb, she sped up, and so did the man.


Relief coursed through her when she swung open the door, jumping into the seat and shutting it quickly. "Go, go," she urged.

Without a word, Maddox swiftly pulled the car onto the street, speeding off. Karmin glanced back and saw the man watching them leave. She didn't take her eyes off of him until he got lost in the traffic.

"Are you okay? Did he try to hurt you?" questioned Maddox as he glanced momentarily at her face.

"No, he just followed me. Who do you think he is?"

"My best guess is that he's Ares's men," he said, his hands tightening around the wheel. "He's probably annoyed about the fights."

Karmin scoffed. These men and their fucking egos. "I lost one fight. Isn't that enough?" she exclaimed. "But I could've had him if it wasn't for the other fights. Stupid Lance and his stupid face."

"I'll try to get into contact with Judas and ask. Just be careful."

"Ok," she sighed. "I don't want to go home, though. Do you wanna hang out?" she asked, hopefully. Right now, her house was empty with her sister and Dad at dialysis, and her Mom at work. She needed to be around people.

"I promised my grandma's and my Mom I would be home after picking up groceries," replied Maddox apologetically. "But um, you can come over, if you like?" he said, but it sounded more like a question.

"Are you sure?" she wondered, looking up at him and trying to conceal her excitement.

"Yeah, but my sisters are going to be over, and you can stay for dinner," said Maddox hesitantly. "Is that okay?"

"That sounds perfect," she smiled.

So, that was where he took her. She couldn't wipe the smile off her face. Her entire day had down a complete 360, but she was excited. However, that excitement quickly turned into nervousness when they made it to his house.

It was a two-story home painted a soft maroon with stairs leading up to the door, and an attached garage door painted a pearl white. The front yard was fairly big with a large pear tree and a driveway.

"I just have to grab the groceries," called out Maddox as they exited the car.

"Want some help?"

"Nah, I'm good."

With three bags filled with groceries in his hands, they walked up the front porch. Just when he was about to unlock the door, she stopped him.

"Wait, I'm nervous. What if they don't like me?" she asked, worriedly.

"You'll be fine, Kar," he said dismissively, going back to unlock the door.

And then she stopped him again. "You just called me Kar," she said, dumbfounded.

Maddox froze, his cheeks flushing red. "You gave me a nickname, so I wanted to give you one," he mumbled shyly.

"Aw, Mads," she sang, and without thinking, she threw her hands around his waist, hugging him.

His body went stiff under her touch momentarily, but then relaxed. Maddox stood there awkwardly, holding the bags in one hand, and in the other, stiffly patting her back. "Um, can you stop hugging me now?"

Karmin sighed, feeling content but pulled away. "I'm going to make you love my hugs," she said confidently.

"Uh-huh," he murmured, gulping nervously. He quickly busied himself with opening the door, stepping aside to let her through first.

The first thing they were greeted by was yelling. "You're wearing my sweater!" shrieked a woman.

"It's mine!" the other yelled back.

Karmin narrowed her eyes at two elderly women that looked like twins, fighting with their canes in the living room.

"Not again," grumbled Maddox, rushing forward to stop them. "Grandma Amy, stop smacking grandma El."

"Then tell her to stop stealing my clothes," hissed grandma Amy.

"I didn't steal anything, you old bat," seethed her twin.

Karmin stifled her laugh, watching Maddox step in between them, to only be smacked by his own grandmothers.

"Ow, stop," he groaned, reaching for the canes. "Give me the stupid canes."

Grandma Amy gasped. "Don't manhandle us, boy," she reprimanded, poking him in the chest with the cane.

"It's rude, especially in front of our guest," grandma El agreed, gazing over at Karmin with a smile.

Karmin exhaled shakily, wanting nothing to laugh at the flustered Maddox. "Hi, it's nice to meet you," she greeted, stepping further into the house.

"You brought someone home that isn't Rhys," exclaimed grandmother Amy, squinting to get a better look at her. "I was beginning to get sick of that child."

"Our Maddy has never brought home a girl before," grandmother El explained, pinching his cheeks.

"Guys, stop it," Maddox mumbled, glaring at them. "She's a friend."

"I'm honored to be the first," she chuckled.

"Let me get a closer look at you, honey," said grandmother El as she waved her over.

Karmin slid off her shoes, walking past the stairs and the leather sofa's over to them. Both of the twins pulled her closer, analyzing her intently as she stood there awkwardly. She self-consciously pushed back her hair and smoothed down her dress, glancing at Maddox helplessly, who just shrugged.

"Why is your face like... that?" asked Amy, her lips turned downwards.

Her hand instinctively went up to her bruised face, smiled awkwardly. "I'm a boxer," she lied.

"Just like Maddy?" they asked in unison.

"Yup, just like Maddy."

"That's good to hear. He needs a girl that can beat him up if he mouths off," grandmother Amy said.

Don't worry. Mouthing off is never a problem.

"What are you wearing?" questioned Amy further, pointing to her white button-up dress and oversized grey vest. "It looks like something El's dead husband would wear."

Karmin frowned, pulling at her vest. "But it's fashion," she pouted.

"I think that's enough," announced Maddox, interjecting their conversation with his face as red as a tomato. "Karmin, can you help me with the groceries?"

She nodded, stepping away from the clutches of the twins and following him to the kitchen. They passed the dining table that had a few scratches. The kitchen was small with sage green cabinets and brown accents. A window overlooked the sink, showcasing the backyard that had a wooden porch and a picnic table. What caught her attention was the furry, golden animal sitting by a red bowl.

"You have a dog," she squealed excitedly as she slid over to him.

"That's Frodo," he introduced, smiling at her reaction.

Frodo barked happily, jumping onto his paws. She kneeled down, patting him on the head. "Why Frodo?" she asked, grinning.

"Lord of the Rings," he said simply.

She hummed, situating herself onto the kitchen floor, and continued to pet Frodo. "You are so cute, yes you are," she cooed, her grin widening as the dog wagged his tail. She paid no mind to the doorbell that rang or Maddox leaving the kitchen. Instead, she busied herself with the dog.

Karmin had always wanted a dog, but their townhouse was too small, or that was what her parents always said.

"Um, hi there," called out a voice behind her.

She swiveled around from her seat on the ground, her eyes widening and her heart beginning to race when she saw a woman in blue. A gold badge was pinned to her chest with the NYPD gleaming in the light.

"I plead the fifth," Karmin spluttered, throwing her hands up.


Author's Note:

Hi everyone!

I thought of giving Maddox a younger sibling, but that seemed kind of cliché, so instead, I gave him three older sisters and twin grandmothers. I don't why, lol.

Until next time – m.k.t

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