《The Daphne Effect | ✓》13 | sweatpants and coffee


The final stage of kidney failure was a bitch.

There was a long list of symptoms from fatigue to weight loss to bone pain. The list didn't seem to end as Karmin ran through all of them as she walked to the Starbucks near the hospital to meet Maddox.

The 40,000 dollars weren't going to come easily. This meant she needed to book more fights, and that was where she needed Maddox's help. She wanted to ask him in person, so she told him to meet her at the coffee shop.

Karmin needed Maddox to get her more fights, and he was in charge of setting up her fights because she did not have the patient or the muscle control to not punch Ezra in the face when he talked to her.

He asked several questions, weirded out that she wanted to hang out somewhere outside of school or the fight club. When Karmin stressed that it was an important matter, he finally agreed.

She had spent the entire morning with her Dad, bringing him food from home since he hated what the hospital served. They played board games while her parents had their daily dose of chai. Karmin wanted to talk to him about his transplant, but he would shut her down every time. He told her not to worry about it and went back to rolling the dice for snakes and ladders, but she couldn't shake off the terrified look in his eyes.

It mirrored her eyes.

Karmin couldn't even will herself to dress up cute like she usually does. Instead, she stuck to a pair of grey shorts and a hoodie with her hair braided down her neck. When she had no desire to wear a dress or put on make-up, it was bad.

Even Maddox knew that because when she found him sitting in the corner of the shop, ten minutes early, his eyes widened in surprise.

"You're not wearing a dress," he observed, tilting his head in confusion. "That's weird."

She sighed, taking a seat across from his, thanking the universe that the Starbucks wasn't very busy. She didn't want anyone catching her in this atrocious outfit. "I feel like shit internally, so I wanted my outside appearance to match," Karmin remarked simply.


Maddox shifted in his seat stiffly. "Is everything –"

"Please don't ask me that," she interrupted tiredly, "because if you do, I will most definitely burst into a fit of tears, and from the last time that happened, it became clear that you aren't very good at consoling crying girls."

"So, you're saying the chicken nuggets didn't help?" Maddox asked with all of the sincerity in the world.

"No, they really didn't."

"Good because I don't have any on me right now," he retorted with a hint of amusement, "so please don't cry. I mean, you can if you want to," Maddox faltered quickly. "I just won't be very helpful."

Karmin's lips quirked up into a small smile. "I won't cry. Probably," she assured. "And if I do, feel free to make a break for it."

"I won't leave," Maddox replied shortly, shaking his head as he rolled up the sleeves to his navy sweatshirt, a white shirt peeking out from underneath.

She quirked a brow, surprised at his answer. "Really? What would you do, then? Sing me Taylor Swift?" she joked.

"Me singing would probably make you cry more," he said thoughtfully. "How about cookies?"

"Cookies might actually help," Karmin said. "Maybe throw in a muffin."

"Chocolate chip?" he asked.

"Most definitely," she replied gently.

A smile threatened at his lips as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "So, what did you want to talk about?"

Karmin looked him in the eye and firmly said, "I need you to schedule more fights for me."

His expression immediately turned stoic. "I don't think that's a good idea."

"Why not?" she questioned, desperation dripping from her words.

Maddox sighed, shaking his head. "You won't have any rest time. At least with one fight per week, you have a couple of days to heal."

He did have a point, but right now, it didn't matter. Karmin wished she had the time to do this carefully and responsibly, but she didn't have that luxury. All the pain and blood were going to be worth it at the end. Her well-being wasn't as important as her father's.


"I don't have time," she emphasized. "I need 40,000 dollars soon."

Maddox's eyes widened slightly from the amount of money. "I don't know..." he hesitated as he crossed his arms on the table.

"It's important. My Dad," she struggled, her voice wavering. The words got stuck in her throat, recalling his sickly body lying in the hospital bed. She could still smell the sterile and aseptic odor mingling with the food her mother had brought from home.

"You don't have to tell me," he interjected. "I'll do it. I'll call Ezra and let him know." But he didn't look too happy about it. As a matter of fact, concern was evident on his face.

"Thank you. I really appreciate this," she said, leaning forward to put her hands on his.

He stiffened underneath her touch, shocked by the sudden contact. Karmin could tell he wasn't comfortable with her touch, so she quickly retracted it. She really needed to stop doing that until he did feel comfortable around her.

"Sorry," she apologized. "I'm just a touchy person."

He nodded, unable to look at her in the eye. Instead, he focused on a barista as they effortlessly made chocolatey drinks and steaming cups of coffee.

"So, any plans for today?" she asked, attempting to make conversation as she pulled at the sleeves of her hoodie until they covered her bruised hands.

"Nothing much."

Karmin rolled her eyes. "Oh, come on. Give me something."

He heaved out a sigh, going over the itinerary for today. "I have to drop off my grandmas at book club and –"

"Aw, that's so cute," she interrupted without a second thought. "I love old people."

"My grandmas aren't cute. All they do is argue," Maddox remarked.

"It's hilarious seeing the elderly fight though," Karmin retorted, the number of scenes she had seen at the senior home replaying in her mind. "So, anyway, what else are you doing today?"

"I'm working on the essay for sociology."

Karmin's ears perked up when he said essay. She never got the chance to ask him about Leo. "Hey, you never told me you knew Leo."

"Didn't think it was important," he shrugged. "How's your essay?"

A smile pulled at her lips when he asked her a question. Usually, it was her trying to further the conversation. "It's going pretty good, although I haven't had the chance to work on it too much."

"Is he even helping?" Maddox wondered casually, but she sensed some irritation in his words.

"Of course, he is," she said quickly. She had asked him to gather some information for the essay, and he did. Although, it was only half a page long and most of it was useless, but it counted.

"Just don't end up doing the entire thing."

"Don't worry," she waved dismissively. "We're writing on racism in the health care system. How about you?"

"Feminism in the workplace," Maddox answered. "I read this article about colour coding in the health care system. I'll send it to you."

"Aw, thanks," she grinned. The fact that Maddox was writing about feminism made her really happy. Everyone needed to be feminist, and the fact he educated himself, not only made him a better person in her eyes but an attractive one too. The one thing she hated were ignorant people. "I have some books on feminism if you need any, too."

"Thanks," he said quietly. "Um, I should get going. I'll text you about your next fight."

"Sounds good. Bye, Maddox," she sang, leaning her head against her hand.

Maddox got up from his seat, giving her a small wave. With his head hung low and hunched shoulders, he clambered through the chairs and tables, making his way to the exit.

Karmin watched, unconsciously smiling as he passed by the windows to the parking lot.


Author's Note:

Hi everyone!

So, what were your thoughts on this chapter?

Until next time – m.k.t

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