《The Daphne Effect | ✓》07 | cookies and angry russians


Karmin's confidence had been at a rough eighty percent, but when she got into Maddox's car, it plummeted to a solid seven.

This time around, she had told her parents she was going to sleepover at Viola's place and since they saw her as their own daughter, they were okay with it. They did complain that she was going out more than often, but that didn't make any sense, because other times, her parents would tell her that she never left the house.

Would they rather I stay at home and curl up in my bed the entire day, or become a socially interactive human being?

They couldn't have it both ways.

But in the end, they let her go, and Karmin was able to make it to Maddox's car just in time.

"Hey," she greeted, presenting a smile his way and throwing her gym bag filled with clothes onto the ground by her feet.

Did he greet her back? Absolutely not. Instead, he decided to take a different approach, but this time, he didn't comment on her dress.

"What is it with you and bringing cupcakes?" Maddox asked, peering at the box on her lap, a confused expression on his face that Karmin would admit was kind of cute.

Kind of.

What bothered her the most about him was that whenever she saw him, he never said 'hello'. Instead, he would just nod at her, but it wasn't like she was expecting him to bow or anything like that. A nice 'hey' would've sufficed.

Karmin held up the small lunch box, offering it to him. "These cookies are for you."


She sighed, thrusting it into his hands. "It's like a thank you. I really appreciate you doing this for me," Karmin said.

Karmin had baked some cookies after her Health Sciences class this morning. She realized that he was the entire reason she even got into the fight club, and although he wasn't too happy about the situation, she was still thankful. Also, everyone loved chocolate chip cookies, even brooding and reserved people like Maddox.

"Oh," he said, slightly shocked as he loosely held the box. "Thanks, I guess."

Maddox gently placed the box of cookies in the back seat. Without another word, he started the car and pulled out into the street.

It was silent and since she knew that Maddox wasn't going to be the first one to start the conversation, Karmin spoke.

"I'm kind of freaking the hell out right now," she started, peering at him. "At first, I wasn't too worried about it, but now that I actually have to physically hurt someone in less than an hour, I feel like my heart is going to explode. I don't like hurting people, ya know? I'm more into baking cookies which is very different from beating the shit out of people. Is this how you felt for your first fight?" Karmin rambled.

"You talk a lot," pointed out Maddox.

"You don't talk enough," Karmin muttered.

The corners of his mouth twitched. "That's fair." Maddox cleared his throat and added, "I grew up boxing, so I can't say I felt the same."

"Have you seen Natasha fight before?" she asked, crossing her legs and patting down her dress. She was really hoping he had some advice because right now, she was going in blind.

"She leaves her left side unprotected. Go for that," he offered as he sped through a green light.

Karmin nodded and they fell into a comfortable silence. She focused her energy on Natasha Reznikov. She was the one standing between her and her next fight.


She was going down.

Let's just hope I didn't break a nail doing it.


Half an hour later, Karmin and Maddox were making their way through the painting and down the stairs towards the lively crowds.

She clutched the gym bag tighter to her body as they walked between the mass of people, the boom of the referee echoing through the sound system. The room was excited with drunk people failing miserably at pool, the rich betting on players, and the fighters getting ready in their respective corners.

Karmin kept close to Maddox as he led her to an extra space that had been turned into a locker room, and as much as she tried not to lose him, it was proving to be difficult as people cut her off with their hands filled with overflowing beer cups. He just kept on walking, clueless to the fact that he was losing her.

She huffed annoyedly, trying her best not to knock over their drinks and push them out of the way. Finally, Karmin made it to the end of the room to see Maddox with his signature bored expression.

"Thanks for leaving without me," Karmin retorted sarcastically, bracing herself when a woman iced to the nines with jewelry stumbled past her.

He ignored her blatant sarcasm and pointed to the door next to her. "Your fight starts in fifteen minutes. Unless you're fighting with the dress, you should get changed."

A part of her wanted to fight in the dress just to spite him, but her more reasonable side rolled her eyes and was about to head inside when someone called out behind her.

"Hey, you!" they shouted, their voice laced with a thick Russian accent.

Karmin turned on her heel to see a woman about her height with large, toned muscles shining with too much baby oil. Her thick red hair was put into a neat braid, and her mouth was turned down into an angry frown.

"That's Natasha," Maddox muttered to her as he stood behind her, his muscles stiffening.

"Hi there," Karmin smiled at her, reaching out her hand. "I'm Karmin."

"I know who you are," Natasha sneered, glancing at her outreached hand in disgust.

Karmin awkwardly moved her hand back to her side, but she didn't let Natasha's cold attitude stop her. "I see that we have a match together," she grinned.

Natasha just glared at her, sizing up Karmin as she cracked her knuckles, the loud pop audible.

"But I don't see why we can't be friends, right?" Karmin asked.

She took two large steps forward until she was face to face with Karmin. She fiddled with the clips on her hair and pinched at her dress in repulse. "I am going to squash you like a bug," Natasha threatened.

Karmin instinctively leaned back, gulping nervously when Reznikov got in her face, attempting to scare her. With that, Natasha swung around and moved to leave, but just before she did, Karmin quickly yelled, "It was nice meeting you."

Natasha in return stuck out her middle finger, a scowl permanently etched on her face.

Karmin glanced at Maddox stiffly. "She seems... sweet," she said, choosing her words hesitantly.

Maddox made a face at her. "Go get changed," he grumbled.

She gave him a salute and pushed open the door into the changing room. It was a small room with a few locker compartments that were graffitied with inappropriate doodles, a bathroom stall with a sink, and two worn-out benches.

You think this rich guy would invest more in decorating the room.


Karmin scurried into the bathroom stall, meeting a thankfully clean toilet. She quickly changed out of her clothes into a pair of gym shorts and a black tank top. After throwing her hair into a ponytail, she exited the stall and threw her backpack onto the bench.

She walked over to the sink, washing her hands and splashing her face with some cold water. The cool liquid woke her up, making her more alert of her surroundings. Karmin looked up into the mirror, the beads of water running down her bronze face. Her light brown eyes stared back at her, reflecting the nerves from within.

This was it. She was either leaving this house with money and the chance for a second fight, or a bloodied loser. From the small meeting with Natasha, she seemed fierce with a possible set of anger issues. Hopefully, she was the type of person who became blind with fury. Karmin could use that to her advantage.

"You can do this, Minnie," she muttered to herself. "This is for Dad. You have to do this for him and prove everyone wrong, okay? All those morons who think you can't do this are going to regret doubting you, even that idiot Maddox."

Her pep talk was cut short when she heard someone clearing their throat. She swiveled her head towards the sound to see Maddox lounging on the bench with his arms on his knees as he leaned forward.

"You done?" he asked lazily.

Had he just heard her pep talk? She sure hoped he heard the idiot part. "Yup, I'm done," she replied, stretching her arms and rotating her shoulders.

"You're up in two minutes. Let's go."

Karmin nodded and picked up her bag to realize she didn't have a lock. "Maddox?" she called, looking at him expectedly. "Can you keep my bag with you?"

Maddox sighed but reached out his hand for the pink duffel bag. He was already doing so much for her, so might as well throw in being her personal bag carrier.

She smiled and retorted, "Pink looks good on you."

He grumbled something inaudible under his breath and trudged out the door with Karmin following closely behind.

The screams and shrieking of the crowd flooded her senses as the referee stood in the center of the massive ring, his voice booming throughout the room.

"Today we have a returning fighter, Natasha Reznikov," he shouted. "Fighting against her is a newcomer, Karmin Desai. If you haven't placed your bets already, I suggest you do so now before we start."

Karmin froze at her name as they walked to the ring, her stomach doing cartwheels. They made it to the edge so with one last deep breath, she pulled down the red band and bent down to enter the ring.

Please God, do not let me walk out of here with missing teeth.

"Let's go over the rules for the newbie," the referee said. "No weapons of any kind are allowed. If you are found doing so, you will be permanently removed from the fight club. If your opponent taps out, you win. If your opponent is knocked unconscious, you win. Now, are both of you ready?" he asked, his eyes flickering between the both of them.

Natasha nodded as she jogged in her spot with a menacing expression on her face. Karmin tentatively dipped her head in affirmation, a sense of excitement mixed with fear running through her.

Just before the bell sounded, Karmin turned to the side and gave Maddox a thumbs-up with a small grin.

He stared up into the ceiling, shaking his head in disbelief and mumbled, "She is so fucked."

Karmin put up both her fists up, protecting her face once the bell rang, signifying the start of the fight. Natasha and her circled one another, neither of them making the first move.

"I would really appreciate it if you could stay away from my face and this general area!" Karmin shouted over the loud noise, waving her hand around her face.

And then Natasha proceeded to punch her right in the face.

"So very fucked," Maddox repeated, running a hand down his face.

Karmin stumbled back in pain, her hand instinctively going to her nose. Natasha smirked at her condescendingly with a this-was-going-to-be-too-easy kind of look on her face.

She was so very wrong.

Karmin put her hands back up, anticipating her next move but this time around, she was going to go hard, and she wasn't going to back down until this bitch tapped out. She was light on her feet from the years of training as she felt the cold material on her bare feet.

Natasha swung her arm back, but Karmin was ready as she ducked swiftly, landing a punch on her exposed left side. Searing pain travelled up her fist, but she ignored it, proudly staring at the Russian staggering back from the force. A look of surprise was etched on her face, so she took the chance to turn on her heel and successfully kicking Natasha in the face.

The crowd roared with most of them cussing at her or screaming 'boo,' but Karmin didn't let that discourage her.

Natasha wavered to her feet once again, but Karmin lurched her fist back for another blow, but she caught it, crushing and twisting her hand firmly. A scream forced its way out of Karmin lips when the next jab came to her abdomen, knocking the wind out of her.

Before she had the chance to catch her breath, Natasha turned her around with her back pressed against her front. The Russian woman slithered her arm around her neck, constricting Karmin's airway. She clawed at her bicep, but she tightened her hold and whispered in her ear, "Just give up, little girl."

A rush of anger coursed through her when she recalled all the times she was underestimated. When she told people she wanted to become a doctor, they looked down at her and told her she was too pretty to be smart. The time when Maddox laughed at her or when Ezra insulted her right in her face.

With her newfound determination, Karmin kicked her in the shin and reached behind her, seizing the back of Natasha's shirt tightly. She lurched forward quickly and with all her strength, she flipped her forward, slamming her into the compact mat.

Karmin swiftly straddled her, blocking out the cheering and discouraging words, and repeatedly punched her in the face. One jab after the next, she could feel the skin on her knuckles ripping and her fist becoming bloody with the crimson red liquid dripping from Natasha's face.

She pinned Natasha's arms with her legs and leaned closer to her battered face, her breath fanning her bloodstained face. "Tap out or I'll make you," Karmin seethed.

Natasha fought and squirmed underneath her, swearing at her in Russian. "Never," she screamed through her tainted teeth.

Karmin pushed her hair back from her face and shrugged at her. "Okay, then," and with that, she whirled her arm back and aimed a punch directly to Natasha's temple, knocking her out cold.

She went limp, so Karmin stumbled to her feet as the referee grabbed her wrist and lifted it up, signifying her win.

"We have a winner, everyone," he yelled, and the crowd went wild.

Karmin's eyes travelled through the mass of people from pissed of individuals who lost their bets to Ezra and Judas perched on a small stage, looks of shock and respect etched on their faces. Her gaze finally settled on Maddox whose eyes were widened in surprise with his mouth agape.

That was right. You should never underestimate Karmin Desai.


Author's Note:


How was the fight scene?

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and if so, please vote and comment!

Until next time – m.k.t

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