《Lovely - Jeff the Killer x Reader》Cabin in the Woods


We spent the night in that motel, with the nasty bed sheets and the creepy noises.

I could swear I heard gunshots and screaming, but that's none of my business.

A stream of light hit my face as the sun rose, telling me to get my ass out of bed.

Jeff laid quietly behind me, sleeping peacefully, assuming we were safe.

We were never truly safe, but he deserved the rest after all that.

I scooted my way off the bed and went into the disgusting bathroom to clean myself up.

I closed the door behind me, not wanting to wake Jeff up with the noise.

Just as I began to start my routine, I heard 3 loud bangs on the door.

My heart sank, I quickly threw the bathroom door open and shook Jeff, attempting to grab our bags at the same time.

"Jeff! There's someone at the door! Get the fuck up!" I whispered.

He quickly sat up and grabbed a bag, slipping his shoes on.

"Alright, let's go. Does the window in the bathroom open?" He asked me, throwing my jacket over my shoulders and pushing me away from the door.

"I don't know, I didn't check." I stood on the toilet, attempting to unlock the window.

The banging on the door happened again, this time, a voice spoke up.

"Jeff! Open the fucking door." The voice was deep, far deeper than Jeff's.

Jeff rubbed his face with his hands and hooked his arm around my waist, pulling me off the toilet lid and setting me on the ground.

Jeff threw open the door, revealing a man in a blue mask, with black goo dripping down from the eyes.

He quickly pulled the man inside and slammed the door.

"What the fuck do you want?" Jeff leaned against the wall.


"Who's this?" The man immediately looked me up and down and crossed his arms.

"Girlfriend. Now what do you want?" Jeff asked again.

I watched silently as the two interacted, it was interesting to me how different Jeff acted around others.

He was completely sweet and gentle with me, but turned cold and mean around his "friends".

I was busy spacing out when Jeff suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door.

He and the man carried our bags, they seemed to be in a rush.

"What's going on Jeff?" I asked quietly, trying to not let the man hear me.

"I'm going back home, you're coming with." He said.

"Home? We can't go back to the apartment!" I stopped in my tracks.

"No, (Y/N), not our home, my home. Duh." He rolled his eyes.

"Well excuse me for not realizing you had a place to live before you held me hostage. You reeked like a homeless man." I sighed dramatically.

He glared at me before pulling me along again.

After a short walk, we arrived at a phone booth.

The man went in and made a quick call, then BEN appeared.

"Let's go, losers." He held out his hands.

Jeff wrapped his arm around me while he and the man grabbed BENS hands.

I blinked, and suddenly we were in the middle of nowhere, thick trees and bushes surrounded us, and in the middle of the clearing we arrived in, sat a large cabin.

It looked surprisingly new, with the logs on the outside being a nice warm color, and the door being a deep red.

"Welcome home." Jeff smiled at me, giving my hand a squeeze.

I looked up at him and smiled back.

As we walked inside, I noticed it seemed pretty well lived in.


"So, do BEN and that other guy live here too?" I questioned.

"Well, kind of, we all pop in and out whenever. The guy is Jack. All 3 of us... found this cabin." He scratched his neck.

"Found, huh? The bloodstain on the floor must be a weird coincidence then." I raised an eyebrow.

"You always get weird when I talk about killing people. I was sparing your feelings." He chuckled.

We went upstairs and into a room that was clearly Jeff's.

I'm not sure how better to explain it, it was just... very him.

"Home sweet home." He flopped down on the bed and sighed.

I stood in the doorway awkwardly for a second before he patted the spot beside him.

"We may need a bigger bed, but that isn't a problem." He turned to face me as I sat down.

"Oh yeah? Forgot you always had a plan." I smiled.

"Always. I'm the man with the plan. Jeff the man." He flexed his bicep.

"You're fucking weird is what you are." I pushed his arm down and laughed at him.

"You're mean, you know that?" He pouted.

"You're the one who kept me alive. As far as I'm concerned I'm YOUR problem." I poked his cheek, laughing again when he attempted to puff them out.

"You have holes in your cheeks, you can't do that anymore." I raised an eyebrow.

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes.

I have a funny feeling I'll be enjoying our time here.

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