《Lovely - Jeff the Killer x Reader》Away With Me


I started to cry as Jeff held me.

I can't do it anymore.

I can't.

"Alright, let's get you to bed." He mumbled, pulling me to the bed.

He pushed my shoulders gently, making me sit down, then lifted the covers as I crawled under them.

He sat down beside me and tucked me in, giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"(Y/N), I love you. I hope you know that." He brushed my hair behind my ear as he spoke.

He's so gentle with me.

How can someone so kind be capable of such brutal crimes?

How is it that I let him in so easily, knowing who he is?

How am I so comfortable with him?

He slowly climbed into the other side, scooting over to wrap his arm around my waist.

I let myself drift off, feeling genuinely safe for the first time.


As I woke up, I felt that the bed wasn't dipped down, meaning Jeff was already up.

I stood, falling back slightly against the bed frame as my body adjusted.

"Woah." I said quietly, hanging on.

"(Y/N), do you want breakfast?" A voice said.

"BEN? What the hell are you still doing here?" I squinted at him.

"Uhh, well I was with Jeff and then I heard you yelling and then everything went quiet. So a few hours later I checked, and you guys were asleep. So I just slept on the couch." He explained.

"Oh, uh, what's for breakfast?" I asked.

"Eggs and stuff. I dunno. He just yelled at me in a whisper to go ask you. He wouldn't even let me talk in a normal voice because apparently you're a light sleeper and he didn't want you to wake up until you were ready." BEN carried on talking as he waved for me to follow him.


"Um, I-" I got cut off by Jeff running to me and hugging me.

"Hi." I laughed a bit, patting his back.

"It's so good to have you back, you don't know how much I missed you." He whispered quietly into my ear.

"Why are you still whispering? Are you talking shit about me?" BEN asked.

"Quit being paranoid. Of course we are." Jeff laughed, returning to cooking.

I rolled my eyes and sat down at the counter.

"Smells good." I smiled, swinging my legs.

"It is good." He replied, putting a portion on my plate.

We all ate and then BEN said he had to go attend to some business.

So it was just me and Jeff.


I grabbed our plates and took them to the sink, rinsing them.

"Hey, (Y/N)?" Jeff came up behind me, scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah?" I questioned, turning to him.

"Do you still like, y'know..." He trailed off, staring at me.

"Do I what?" I raised an eyebrow.

He sighed and then grabbed my left hand, pointing at the ring.

I hadn't taken it off since he asked me.

Not for a moment had it even crossed my mind that it would come off in the first place.

"Oh. Jeff, I still love you. I want you to realize that. I told you to leave because if I see you get arrested again it'll kill me inside. Last time it literally killed me. And the first place the cops are gonna search is here." The realization hit me.

They're still going to look for him.

And he's hiding here, of all places?

We have to go.

"Jeff we have to leave. They're going to find you here!" I yelled, throwing the rag in my hand down and rushing to the bedroom.


Jeff followed close behind.

I quickly grabbed a back pack from my closet and started to shove clothes into it.

"(Y/N). (Y/N)!" Jeff grabbed my arm, forcing my attention onto him.

"I've got it. It's okay. Relax. Breathe." He said slowly, releasing my arm as I complied and took a breath.

"Now that we're calm, listen to me, okay? We will be fine. I've got it under control. You really think I'd come back to you if it meant you'd be in danger again?" He looked me dead in the eyes, his ever-lasting smile making me begin to smile too.

"I guess not." I rolled my eyes playfully.

"There she is. That's my pretty girl. Alright, now we can pack. Slowly." He emphasized.

His words make me melt.

There's not a single thing in this world I wouldn't do for him.

After we managed to pack just one bag each, we made a couple sandwiches and packed them each into a separate bag, along with some drinks for the road.

"Got the cash?" He asked.

"Yep." I smiled, taking his hand as he flipped the lights off and opened the door for me.

He planted a kiss on my head and closed the door behind us.


We climbed onto the 7:00 pm bus.

We were in Memphis now, far from Chicago, the city I knew so well.

"One last bus trip." I smiled, leaning my head against his arm.

"Last one." He repeated.

As we climbed off, we walked to a motel.

"Alright, room 16." The old scruffy man at the desk handed me a key.

"Don't use the phone, it don't work." He stared at me.

"Alright." I mumbled, giving him a weird look as I made my way back outside.

Jeff grabbed my hand as we walked to our room.

The door unlocked with a loud click and the door creaked as it opened.

The room wasn't as dirty as I imagined, but it was definitely dingy.

Jeff put our stuff on the bed, flopping down next to it.

I sat down carefully on the corner of the bed, not wanting bed bugs all over me.

Jeff glanced at me before wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me onto him.

"Jeff I'm gonna get bed bugs on me!" I yelled

"Don't be such a pussy, (N/N)."

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