《The 7 Vampire Wonders |BTS|》Chapter 19


"Guys!! I am back" I shouted waking them up.

"Ahhhhhhhh" Jin shouted like a girl in surprise waking up. "What the fuck, why did you wake me up"

"You scared us to death suddenly collapsing you know" Jungkook slapped my arms. "I need my Jiminie!!" I whined.

"Your Jiminie Hug bear in service, my cupcake" Jimin pushed everyone aside and hugged me. His hugs are the best, even if he is a vampire and has a cold skin. The hug is warm.

I nuzzled into Jimin's neck and saw pouting 3 vampires. "Aww, I am gonna melt" I said looking at them. Jimin called them to join the hug and they jumped of us. I love them. my gem disturbed my sweet moment.

"So, guys I think we missed breakfast time. How about we have a brunch and then go to meet our next wonder vampire" I suggested. "No no. You just fainted before a few hours, you need rest" Yoongi said. "I am fine. We have find all brothers soon. Don't you all want to meet them?" I said. "FINE" They all said.

"Hey gem, how does this Namjoon looks?" I asked. We all made our way to the Headquarters of The Persona and helped Jin and Yoongi in disguising. Of course the celebrities of this group.


"Oh my Satan. This is huge" I gasped. The building infront of us stool still made up of glass and looking all modern. "I can't understand why you use sometimes God and sometimes Satan to exclaim?" Jin asked. "Because I am the daughter of satan and god" I whispered giggling. "WHAT!!" he looked surprised. "Nothing lets go inside" I said pulling him inside the building.

"Where can we find the CEO?" Jimin asked the receptionist. "Sorry sir, he doesn't meet with anyone and he is busy" the lady said checking out the boys. "But it is important" Jungkook said impatiently.

"I am sorry sir do you have an appointment or anything? Actually Mr. CEO has went outside for a meeting" she asked staring at the 4 boys totally ignoring me. RUDE. I hear her weird thoughts.

I pushed them aside "Yaah, look at me. Don't get dirty thoughts about them. They are already taken" I glared at her. "Call your boss now and say his soulmate is here and wants to meet him. Immediately" I compelled her. She looked stub born, so no way I was going to request her. She quickly made a call.

"I am sorry, sir is not picking up. So I called his driver said they are actually coming back from the meeting now. They are on their way" she bowed saying. I waved off.

"Your powers are pretty amazing princess" Jin said. I instructed the receptionist to take us to his office room. Jungkook and Jin were playing and inspecting the room. Yoongi was half asleep and Jimin was bored.


"I am bored, we are sitting here for past 10 mins" Jimin whined. "Its just 10 mins not 10 decades. Okay wait I have something interesting to keep your entertained" I said. I started make weird faces and the last one made Jimin fall on the ground.

(This is what I was doing👇 )


Then the door burst open to see a tall man who was sweating and sexily taking his coat off.

The man of my dreams. I mean the daddy of my dirty imaginations. gem informed. Without wasting time, I launched myself on him.

"DADDY!!" I said trapping him with me hands and legs on the floor. "You look hot...." I said seductively. "Hyejin?" he asked.

"Hyejin he is your soulmate not your dad or daddy" Jungkook said from behind. "Shut up. She has a daddy kink"Jimin said.

"What is a kink" Jungkook asked. Jin and Yoongi face palmed themselves at the drama.

"What are you doing here?" Daddy I mean Namjoon asked. "To fuck my soulmate?" I flirted. Namjoon was shocked at my attitude.

"I read a scene like this in a fanfiction, so I wanted to try" I said.

Mr. gem scolded me. I mentally pouted.

"Jin hyung are you sure you didn't feed her something wrong or any drugs?" Yoongi whispered yelled. "Huh?" Namjoon asked.

"I am sorry for my behaviour" I stood up and helped him to get up on his feet.

"I am Hyejin, your soulmate. And the boys behind me are your brothers. We have a lot of things to discuss" I said little bowing. "Oh, I am Kim Namjoon. Call me just Namjoon. And I already know everything. The handsome one is Kim Seokjin, that rapper is Min Yoongi. The shortie is Park Jimin and the youngest one is Jeon Jungkook" Namjoon said.


"I know you all because I spied you?" he grinned.

"You spied us?" I widened my eyes.

"Umm yeah. I and Taehyung have been watching at you all since you shifted to this new house" Namjoon scratched his nape.

"Wait let's go home. What if someone hears us?" Yoongi asked. "No worries. This room is sound proof" he assured. "So you also know about the 7 wonders facts also?" Jimin asked.

He nodded "Except what happened in past I can't remember. And if you ask how I found you, actually my power is locating, identification, intelligence and knowledge. Don't need to tell your powers I already know that. I tried to locate Hyejin first when I found your name from my gem and found you. I was looking after you from shadows you can say for 2 years. Last year I found Taehyung so we together watched you" he explained.

"Who is this Taehyung?" I asked. "Another brother and wonder. Your soulmate" he said.


"Finally, no struggles to find the last one" Jungkook sighed. "Actually he is the struggle. He is grounded in his palace" Namjoon said.

"Palace?" Jin asked. "Oh yeah he is a prince now" he said. "Why aren't we?" Jin whined.

"Shut the fuck up"

"You all are royals. Don't worry" I said casually.

"WHAT!!" they exclaimed. "Did I forget to mention that before?" I clicked my tongue.

"You all found the 7th wonder?" Namjoon asked. "Hmm yes, we are meeting him day after tomorrow. But let's bring this Taehyung" Yoongi said.

"That will be great! So, Joon where to find Taehyung?" I asked. "I am afraid we can't find him now. The palace has very strict security, we have to make plans to bring Taehyung. So, how about we meet Hoseok?" he recommended.

Finally, we all made a nice plan to get Taehyung out of the palace. I kind of manipulated some workers from there to get us the map of the palace. We decided to meet and explain Hoseok about everything then go for the rescue mission. I am gonna bring my all soulmates together.

my gem added.

"What the heck, you miss her??"

"Gem souls also have boyfriend and girlfriend? Fuck"

he sassed back.


"Hyung please don't break my door again" Jungkook yelled. Ah I forgot one fact, when Namjoon came to our house he broke the door. Which ever door he holds the knob or something else breaks.

"Yaah, I also paid for this house. And shut up, if he breaks anything he will pay for that. HE IS RICH. Did you forget" I yelled back.


"NO WAKE UP. WE HAVE TO GO TO HOSEOK NOW" Jin shouted waking Yoongi up.

Jimin was silently enjoying the house drama.

"Let's go. I going to bring the car out of garage" Jungkook said. "No, I am tired let's just teleport. I have no patience to sit in a car today and travel such a long distance" I groaned.

"As you wish Cupcake" Jimin smiled at me. We all 6 teleported to Gwangju.


"Waah, korea's biggest dance academy" I awed at it.

"I did a great job I think getting famous and rich soulmates" I jumped and did my little dance. All the boys face palmed by my childish acts.

We came inside a dance studio room to see a man dancing lost in the music. "Hoseok?" I called out.

He looked up "Hyejin?" I nodded. "Oh my god, I missed you so much. I have been waiting for you since 20 years. I missed you so much" he gave me a bone crushing hug and smeared my face with kisses. After breaking the hug he looked over behind me.

"Oh my, you found 5 of them also" Hoseok said running and crushed the boys in a hug.

"You know about everything?" Namjoon asked.

"Of course, my power is memory and time. Kind of future sighting also. And Hyejin made me promise to remember everything. I knew what happened in past and everything what's gonna happen in this life. I knew she will come back with you all, so I waited"

"Jimin I also knew that you were my brother. I was just waiting for the right time to know everything. So do you all wanna know what happened in past?" Hoseok asked.

"No, first we have have to rescue the last wonder. He has been trapped in the palace" I said.

"Oh Taehyung? So, what are we waiting let's go" he said. So, Jungkook and Jimin explained him all the plan.

"Jimin to the palace" Jin said and we teleported to the backyard of the palace.


The palace was like hidden inside a forest. With Namjoon locating powers, we found it. Jungkook and Yoongi will be guarding for us from behind. Hoseok was distracting some guards. Namjoon for his intelligence, Jin to heal if needed and Jimin to immediately hide or teleport we four entered the palace. Thank god the king and his minister and assistants have gone somewhere.

I manipulated with the guards mind who was guarding the basement. Namjoon said Taehyung is the basement as it is where the cellar is. We all searched all the rooms, but nowhere Taehyung was found. I instructed a worker inside the palace to tell us where Taehyung is. He replied cellar only but he is not here.

"Where in the hell is he?" Jin whisper yelled. "We don't know. Did they take him somewhere else?" Jimin said.

"I can't locate him also. He has kind of blocked me or something" Namjoon whispered. "We have to go back home, I don't have more hope now. The kind maybe coming back" I said.

I was little sad, I couldn't find him. We came out of the palace and 7 of us returned home. It's night now and my heart is broken.

I excused myself out of the house and went to the garden to my favourite place. Under the Banyan tree, I have read that in south asia basically Indians believe Banyan tree are wishing trees.

"I really wanted to meet Taehyung even though I don't remember him. I believe that he is the one I saw in one of dreams. The one with a beautiful box smile, I don't know how he looks or what type of personality he has. But the only thing I know I love him. I wish he is here" I sobbed saying the words to the air.

A heard a gush of air past me and a melody rang.

a deep voice sang.

I looked up with my teary eyes to see the person.

The same cute box like smile.

"Tae~" I mumbled.

Little did I knew the tree somehow heard my wish.....


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