《The 7 Vampire Wonders |BTS|》Chapter 17


"Mr. Gem!!" I yelled. "Again what??" he gave a disgusted face. "I don't know how to kiss!!" I held my head.


"Hehehe" I awkwardly smiled scratching my back. "Oh my god, you were a professional in that in your previous. Kisses with passion. Lust. Love. Saliva. Tongue" he stated.

"Oh my vamp, my virgin ears" I held my ears. "Listen if he insists to kiss on the lips then ask him to teach you. He has the best kissing methods actually. But if he forces you then I will use my all might and mess with his head" my stupid gem winked at me.

"Okay. But was I really a good kisser in last life?" I shifted near him. "To be honest yes. You practically had 35 kisses a day. Your each soulmate kissed with you probably 5 times a day" he made a disgusted face again telling about the past. "

At what age did I meet with them in last life?" I asked curiously. "Since childhood. You all grew up in the same castle. But unfortunately, you all died when he attac...." He clenched his jaws.

"You don't need to tell more. I think you didn't feel nice seeing your master and friend getting died" I said calming him but what he told me made me more curious. I shrugged the thoughts and again asked.

"So, when will we meet my next soulmate and wonder. According to me, after I find all of them, we have train maybe as they are THE WONDERS and I am THE PROTECTOR" I said little loudly earning a slap on my head from my gem.

"I haven't talked to the other gems. If I get some information then I will show or tell it to you. But remember the next one may lead us to another soulmate also" he said and forced me to open my eyes. He always talks mysteriously, talking in puzzle. Why can't he talk normally. URGH

I heard a knock from my door. I could smell from the other side of the room it is Yoongi.

I said a simple come in and now he is top of me. And leaning to kiss me but he pecked my cheeks then forehead. "I will kiss you after all this gets over or maybe after marking you. Or maybe after all my brother's comeback together. Is it okay with you?" he asked.

Marking means they to bite with all the teeth full mouth bite and inject your own blood into your soulmate to mark him/her. But normally vampires only suck blood with their fangs only.

I could Yoongi's eye colours were glitching. His power and ring colour black to red. "It's really okay. And I think you can't resist my smell. If you want you can drink from me. But don't forget to seal it nicely" I said smiling.


He nodded like a kid who got his lollipop and aimed my neck, every vampire's favourite spot.

I couldn't feel any pain. But could only know blood was sucked from me. Yoongi was about to heal my bite marks with his saliva but my door was slammed open to see a heavily breathing Jin with red eyes.

Well, my scent surely attracted him as his room is near me.

Human and Vampire both's blood. Muhahaha.

"Do you mind if I join?" he asked. I nodded as he aimed the opposite side where Yoongi bit me.

Yoongi couldn't resist so he also started from the same spot he was sucking from before.

My soulmates drinking my blood in each side. WaaaaaH

To be honest the biting makes me feel pleasurable. It depends on the vampire, if he/she wants to feel you hurt or pleasurable. I had never felt the 'pain' one bite.

After sometime they both left my neck finally after clinching their thirst. "Oh god I never tasted like this blood. It was sweet" Yoongi groaned.

"Never talk about the disgusting taste of my blood. I hate thinking about that" I said glaring at them. They seemed little taken aback by my dominant voice. Unknown to me my eyes had to change to a dangerous purple and red colour.

"And well to answer your question. When we drink blood from our soulmate. It becomes the tastiest blood" I explained. They both nodded in agreement as we 3 closed our eyes to sleep.

But I closed my eyes and I called for my gem once but he didn't answer maybe he went for the meeting to find clues for our next wonder and my soulmate. So, I had no option but to sleep normally.

"Sunshine we will always keep you safe" a person said kissing the top of her nose. He had a cute heart smile.

"I kno.." she was cut by a sudden shake on the floor. The house was shaking heavily.

"Hyejin run, he has attacked us. Go to the safe house. I will call the others and bring them. Don't panic okay?" he said cupping her face. Tears trailing her cheeks. "

Promise me you all will come safe back to mw" she said sniffling.

"I will...But don't trust anyone okay? Except us 7" he said twisting his pinky finger with her.

"Promise me another thing if something happens to all of us or to me, remember everything.

Don't forget about me.

Don't forget about your brothers.

My soulmates.

About us.


Even if in our next life.

Remember" she said as she left his embrace.

"I love you HOBI" she yelled running out of the place. "I love you too my sunshine".


I was feeling I couldn't control myself. Everything was going on its own. I felt seeing through a person's eyes now. I felt as it was me experiencing everything in reality. She was running through a forest. I was practically inside her body seeing through her eyes.

A pond came in view. I looked at the reflection.

It was me.

The old me, my past life.

The Hyejin. The Half blood queen.

"I see you are getting back your memories from past" she said. "You can see me?" I asked.

"Hyejin, I am you only. But just a memory probably getting back" she said smiling. "Can you tell me actually what is happening? I mean why did that man say to run? He is also your soulmate. I mean mine also" I said. "Oh yes he is. Hyejin we are going to die now" she lowered her head.

I was feeling like seeing a tale infront of me. Like a character from a story who knows what's its job and when it was gonna happen. As if someone is trying or forcing me see this all.

"Listen Hyejin. Promise me if you ever have to lose your life for them, then lose it. You are their protector first. It's your duty. And listen to your gem's advice. He is an idiot but a nice and respectful gem".

"Ahh, it's a pleasure meeting you QUEEN" a voice popped behind us. She turned around.

"Jaewook" she muttered as the man stabbed her stomach. She didn't let a gasp out. She was silently taking the pain.

He injected something in her. I couldn't move any part of the body to defend.

"Those idiot royals think a low girl half blood is capable of being a queen. And at such a low age. HALF BLOOD" he emphasized the last words saying good bye.

Her eyes were closing. My yells didn't affect the man who I assume Jaewook.

Like I am not here.

Only the dead old me.

The Hyejin. I am unable to do anything.

Is it how my gem feels? Only when I can hear him. He inside my mind.

"Wake up Hyejin!!" I was yelling inside her head.

"What have you done to our soulmate. OUR QUEEN" many voices growled as 7 men entered the scene. I couldn't see their faces because many other people launched themselves on the 7 men. I assume them the Wonders my and her soulmates.

But the bad guys the villains killing My Soulmates.








"NO....." I yelled. I was pulled into an embrace. I was sweating and crying the hell out.

"Shh....I am here" a voice calmed me down.

I just witnessed my soulmates death in last life. I was inside a body dead and couldn't do anything.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I was shouting and crying out loud. I was covered up my many pairs of hands. I opened my eyes to see my 4 soulmates embracing me.

"Y-you a-all are aliv-ve" I cried more crushing them in the hug.

"Yes we are. It's a dream. Just a dream don't worry. We are here" Jungkook said. Jimin was playing with the locks of my grey and purple hair. "Your hair was changed to more purple" he said smiling. Jin was looking at me and I was snuggled in Yoongi's lap.

"No it was not a dream Jungkook. I am getting memories back as she said. Why in the world out of all memories I had to witness mine and all of your's death" I said not looking at anyones eyes.

I felt they all feel sad and I don't want to hear those sad thoughts of them.

I have ask my gem about the heart shaped smile man. He seems familiar. I have to confirm from gem.

Hey are you there" I asked inside my head.



No response. "Why does when at times I need to confirm something, my gem has to disappear" I gave a smug face.

"You talk with your gem?" Yoongi asked looking surprised. I had already told Jin about it. "Umm yeah. How do you think she found you and us all?" Jimin said.

"My gem is a nice gem. Actually, I had to confirm with him something. I think I saw our next wonder. Your brother and my soulmate's face" I said grinning.

The 4 boys surrounding me must have start thinking I am bipolar. One minute before I was crying so loud that had surely made the neighbours and animals wake up from their sleep. And I am now grinning like an idiot.

I looked at Jimin. I could feel as if I knew the next soulmate through him.

I locked my eyes with him.

I searched up through his memory.

Atleast I got something useful.

His dance class days. I broke the contact.

"Jimin so what's your dance teacher's name. I think I have seen him in TV and he taught you also. I am pretty sure his dance place is our next destination" I said.

"Jung Hoseok. His name is Jung Hoseok" he said giving his eye smile, which made his eyes form into crescent moons.

I heard my gem's booming voice inside my mind and I immediately closed my eyes to go to my mind dimension.

"Name?" I asked. he yelled cheerfully.


{A/N- WHAT!!??

I can't stop crying till now writing the scene where Hyejin see's all the BTS dying and she was helpless. She herself saw her death. Her soulmates death. It's heartbreaking}

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