《The 7 Vampire Wonders |BTS|》Chapter 14


"So, Jin as I said I wanted to give you surprise gift. The fact is these two boys are your brothers. The Jungkook you felt as your brother is really your brother. The one who you just knew Jimin who you called Chim is also your lovely brother" I said to Jin.

"And I am their soulmates too" I little lowered my head.

"What the fuck" Jin yelled I surprise.

I was expecting his sudden outburst, but I was not suddenly ready to get wet.

I was drenched with water from top to bottom.

"Wow" I muttered in annoyance.

"Oh my god I am really sorry Hyejin. My power is related to water and healing, so when I yell or get surprised the person in front of me becomes water's victim" Jin scratched his nape.

I made eye contact with him and he really was sorry. The other two boys were standing with their mouth hanged.

I started shiver a little as I was not used to be so cold as being a half-blood our bodies can't resist cold or are cold like vampires.

The next moment Jungkook had engulfed me into a hug and radiating his heat which was different from any vampire.

And Jimin on the other hand with his super and teleportation power brought towels from your room and wrapped it around you after Jungkook left you from the embrace.

Jin was inspecting the house while I changed into dry clothes.


Till now many things have happened.

My marriage just broke, I learnt about Soohee's real face.

I ran from my wedding with guests present there.

And most important I found my real the real soulmate.

I am very happy to know that Hyejin is my soulmate including the other two are my brothers.

After 3 years of struggle to find all the 6, at least I found two among them.

But what shocked me was Hyejin being the other two's soulmate also, but it may be possible that all my brothers may have the same soulmate.


I had once heard about that having more than 1 or 2 soulmates is also possible, especially if we see the story of the 7 wonders.

I felt sorry for Hyejin to make her wet from top to toe.

"Oh my god I am really sorry Hyejin. My power is related to water and healing, so when I yell or get surprised the person in front of me becomes water's victim" I scratched my nape.

She suddenly made eye contact with me.

After seeing the other boys interaction with Hyejin made my heart warm.

Now Hyejin, Jungkook and Jimin are currently explaining me that how Hyejin is my other brothers soulmate too and how we will find them.

The most interesting fact is we are related to the 7 wonders.

Practically we are the 7 wonders ourselves.

"Jin are you on our side saving the world and changing their minds?" Hyejin asked me.

"Yes" I smiled at her.

It is the truth I want to really want the minds of people about half bloods and save the world.

But mainly I want to find my brothers and spend time with my soulmate.

She was making eye contact with me, and sighed in relief after sometime.

"If you are thinking what are her powers? Then let me explain" Jungkook said.

"She can read and manipulate anyone's mind. But she can only see through our minds and listen everything maybe compel or manipulate when we make eye contact. Only her soulmates. Or else she can do everything with mind a human, half blood even vampire or witch also. She may have many other powers which is discovering now" Jungkook explained kindly.

"So be careful to make eye contact with her, Hyung!" Jimin warned, but a smile again crept my face hearing Hyung from my little brother's mouth.

It felt really familiar and a gush of brotherly instincts kicked inside me.

My eyes fell on Hyejin's passed out body.

"When did she sleep. She was just speaking before a while" I exclaimed.


"Hyung she is usually like this. Don't worry. And please don't yell or exclaim loudly, we may become your next victims to become drenched" Jungkook said.

I sighed in relief "She is really weird. But she looks cute while sleeping" I thought with a grin on my face.

It is evening now. We all skipped Lunch in this run and explaining and all.

Jimin left us saying that his adoptive parents will be back soon, so he has to pack bags to run away from the house before their arrival. He will be moving in here.

Jungkook just went to buy some blood and groceries for Hyejin.

I wrote a list of grocery and some food items for my special dish.

I thought making something for Hyejin to eat.

Jungkook had already mentioned our soulmate is fond of food.

Along with my model career I learnt to make food for myself, I hated the chef's food.

I may be staying here for a while to stay away media. This place isn't bad at all.


After hearing Jin's point of view from his head I sighed in relief.

But then I heard my annoying gems voice ringing inside my head.

I had no choice but close my eyes to see me mind which was practically the gem's house now*huff*.

"What info?" I asked taking a seat as usual.

he complained in one go.

"Wow, so you know where is my next soulmate? A rapper? And famous? Woah my luck is coming like a lottery" I smirked.

Like a robotic movie a screen came in front of me. It was a picture of a music studio.


'Genius Lab' but the door mat ¯(°_o)/¯ was a different story.

The image of someone came in front of me.

Everything made sense.

"My favourite 'Tongue Technology' rapper The Freaking Agust D is my soulmate too" I burst.

My gem held his hands on his ears by my loud voice as my eyes shot open.

"Sorry that's how I was made" I muttered.

Within no second my soulmate was standing in front me by my burst.

"Hyejin are you okay?

Are you hurt?

Let me treat it" Jin asked.

"No no I just came to know where your next brother is" I said to him assuring.

"Agust D!! Do you know him?" I asked.

"Of course, everyone knows him" he smirked.

I really have to get used to seeing these smirks of the boys, literally they are creepy. I shrugged my thoughts out.


Let me tell you all a fact- Vampires cannot change their hair colour after receiving new and permanent hair colour when they reach 18. Half-bloods have the same case too. If we try to change the hair colour the dye automatically washes of on its own. But there are very rare exceptions for changing hair colour of a vampire, only a witch or dark magic can do it. On the other hand humans can dye their hair on their own wish.*Lucky*

Jungkook's hair colour is now Orange Reddish. Jimin's is blonde yellow type. Jin's is blue. And finally mine is grey now with purple highlights. Which have become more dark purple today after meeting Jin. 'As predicated by my gem'


"Hey, I think you should take rest. Jungkook and I will be making dinner" Jin suggested.

"No no, that Jungco.. sorry Jungkook doesn't know how to cook. He and Jimin once tried to cook and almost burnt the kitchen" I cursed myself for going to say Jungcock, it is practically a habit. I have to get rid of it.

my gem mocked.

"Don't worry I know how to cook" Jin reassured me. I had no choice but go and sleep.

I was drying my wet hair, I looked myself in the mirror.

I was wearing an old vintage dress.

My face looked pale.

But I looked little old?

Little taller and matured.

Then someone back hugged me.

As if I knew who it was I turned around.

I looked up to see a person with a box like smile.

Sharp chin.

The smile was warm.

I was about to see his face then


That is how I woke up.


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