《Good Looking》I. Childish Fears


Chapter 1, Childish Fears

We're broke, but yeah let's waste money that we definitely have.

~ Aurelia's POV ~

"Dude, Aurelia, your mother is so fine."

My best friend, Angelique told me as she walked into my room.

I looked at her with a disgusted look playing on my face as I got up from my bed and walked to the closet.

"Okay gross.."

I told her as I opened the door to my closet and began to look through it since I didn't want to be in my pajamas anymore, Angelique shrugged her shoulders and walked to my bed and sat down next to our other best friends, Kyla, Valentina and Marceline.

This was an everyday thing, they come over to my house and always one of them have to talk to me about how fine my mother is, like dude, ew.

"As if nobody hadn't told you that before, she's a literal Goddess."

Valentina added on, Angelique gave Val a high five which made me turn back and playfully glare at them before turning my attention back to my closet.

I was quite bored now to think of it, I didn't want to stay home anymore but at the same time I didn't want to walk outside and then regret it.

"We should go to the mall, I need some new clothes and Ky, well she wants to get a new pair of sneakers."

Marceline said, I thought about the idea and I did wanted to buy some more make up essentials since I was running out of my main things.

I nodded and grabbed an outfit that I thought would look good on me and walked out of my room to go change in the bathroom, there was no doubt that they were in my room talking about my mom.

But that's just how it is, it's not like I would want any other friends either.

Maybe I should give you a rundown on everyone, but then again I'm too lazy to.

Marceline is the mother of the group, she's always looked out for us no matter what and she would believe us until anything that was assumed about us was true, which they rarely are.

I love hanging around Marceline because I know I could count on her to give me any love and affection that my mother was too busy to give me, and Marceline knows that I would do the same for her.


Moving onto Valentina, she's the judgemental one but she also really sweet a times.

Val is more of the fighter of the group, her whole soul was made to protect the ones she loves from the ones she hates and we always respected it, if I were to ever get bullied or disrespected then I know I could count on Val to have my back.

Now for Kyla, she's the sweet, innocent soul that makes all of this crazy friend group stick together.

She's the quiet one, there's moments where she would believe she wouldn't be added in the conversation since that's how her old friends were but not us.

Being silent doesn't mean you don't get to be added in the conversation, Kyla has great advice and inputs which is why she's always the one I'll come to for any help.

Finally, the girl that keeps hitting on my mom even though she's well aware that my mom is over age for her and that she will never get a chance with her, Angelique.

Angie and I have known each other the longest, she's the optimistic friend that will always find a flashlight and shine it in our darkness just so we don't feel bad about anything.

Despite her flirting with my mom, Angie's the one person that can make anyone laugh with simply words or actions and that's what makes me glad to have her as a friend.

After I buckle my belt, I walked out of the bathroom and walked to my bedroom so I could out my shoes on.

We hate spending money, although you'll find us at a mall or restaurant because we have nothing better to do during the summer and occasionally during the school time.

"Rei, are you ready to go? We were hoping to go to the mall and then go to the movies."

Val asked, I nodded my head and grabbed my mini bookbag and filled it with my wallet, phone, chapstick and other essentials that I may need.

We walked out of my bedroom and walked downstairs where my mother was talking to my little sister, Venus.

"Mama, we're going to the Mall and then to the movies, we'll be back later tonight. Is that alright with you?"

I asked my mother, even though I was given a lot of freedom to do what I wanted, it didn't stop me from making sure all of my plans with my friends were okay by my mom.


Venus looked up from her book and looked at me, she stuck her tongue out which made me chuckle and stick mines back at her.

"Yeah, just be careful, and if you're going to spend the night at one of the girl's houses please tell me."

My mom told me as she walked over and kissed my forehead, I nodded and walked out of the house before having to return to go drag Angie out.

I really don't understand the fascination with my mother, she's a regular human.

Since none of us had a car nor did we have the license or permit to drive, we walked back to my house and grabbed our bikes.

As we biked to the mall, we kept speaking about what movie we wanted to see but could seem to agree on which genre we wanted first.

"How about horror? Horror movies are always better during the summer and with friends."

Kyla suggested, I looked at her and we all agreed, now we just needed to figure out what movie we wanted to see.

Once we arrived to the mall, we locked our bikes to the rails and walked inside where chatter and laughter filled our ears.

We're broke, but yeah let's waste money that we definitely have.

Marceline stated, I laughed and grabbed her hand as we walked to Forever 21 so we could buy some outfits that we didn't really need but wanted so badly.

With all the shopping that was done, we didn't want to go to the movies anymore and decided we'd save that for another day and decided to walk to Val's house for a sleepover.

Once we got into the house, I messaged my mom and let her know that I was going to be sleeping over at Val's to which she was okay with.

"Maybe y'all could spend the week here? My parents are out for the week on a date, so I have the whole house to myself."

Val explained as she walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge to give us some water that we so desperately needed, we had raced all the way over here just to see who could get away from a murderer or kidnapper faster.

Fun fact, Kyla would be the survivor, Val would be the injured survivor, Marceline would be the half dead survivor, Angie would be the barely breath survivor and I would be dead.

"You don't have the house all to yourself, mom asked me to watch you."

Cody, Val's older brother who was in college and about to graduate next year, said snarky as he walked into the kitchen.

Val rolled her eyes and handed us the water, she didn't say anything back to him except flipping him off and walking with us to her room.

"Remember when you used to be afraid of my plush animals?"

Val asked me as she opened her closet and exposed her collection to all of us, I looked at her and nodded.

My fears of Val's toys were so strong, I had watched a horror movie based on plushies coming alive and murdering you, I didn't sleep over at Val's house for about three months until I got over my childish Fears.

"To be fair, their eyes follow you around everywhere so it didn't really seem dumb at the time."

I explained myself as Val tossed me her koala plush, I caught it and threw it at Angie and we began to play catch with it.

Oh how much I adore hanging with these girls, we're pretty much a power friend group instead of a power couple.

"What's the plans for tomorrow?"

Kyla asked as she took her shoes off that she had bought, she was trying them on and fell completely in love with how they felt.

I shrugged my shoulders as I changed into some spare pajamas that were provided for me, I then sat down on the ground and waited for Angie to choose a scary movie on Netflix.

"Rollin' with the punches, whatever we're in the mood for, for tomorrow then that's what we'll do."

Val said, I nodded and grabbed the koala plush as I laid on my stomach to watch the movie that was chosen.

"Before the movie starts, Rei your mom is so fine."

Angie gushed which made me gag and throw the koala plush at her as everyone began to laugh and agree with her.

"Y'all are disgusting!"

I said laughing, the movie began and I had a smile on my lips, it felt good knowing I had good friends to love and care about.

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