《Until we die (BxB)✔️》!REVAMP OUT NOW!


Hey loves, I have started the revamp of this story. It is out now. LIKE RIGHT NOW. (7/9/22)


I have evolved as a writer since 2018, and I know that evolving a story that I love is something I need to do. So if you liked Tristan and Hunter's story; .

If you didn't like the book, that sucks, go read the new version. Right now.

I am excited for it and would love to see those who loved the book go check out the new one. I hope you guys like it as much as I do and will watch these two characters grow even more in their new book.

I cant express how thankful I am for those who have/had read this story and those who have voted and commented their thoughts. I loved seeing them then, I can't wait to see them all now!

Please go check out the new story which you can find on my page! (I don't know how much I can say that.)

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