《Until we die (BxB)✔️》44


"Tristan you look great."

"Thanks Lou." Dusty smiles at me as he leans on the door frame. Lou sits by me on the bed as my knee bounces and I hold her hand.

"What's got your stomach upside down Trist?"

"It's my wedding day Dusty, I think everyone gets nervous."

"Well if it helps, Hunter is pacing in your guys room."

"What?" I start to laugh as I picture my boyfriend...Fiancé, very very soon to be husband pacing around our room. He always does the when he is thinking or nervous, or both at the same time.

Lou grips my hand and pats my back calmingly as Dusty sits down by us.

"You guys are the best." I mumble to them.

"We know."

"Lou!" Dusty gasps at her and I start to laugh again at the both of them. Even now they can't be separated. They really are two peas in a pod, a very very thick pod.

"What, I'm telling the truth Dusty!"

"I-I think I'm just gonna go get some air. I'll see you guys out there I guess."

"We'll be waiting." I nod as I get up and leave Dusty's room. Hunter and I agreed that we weren't going to see each other today, but I think I need to go see him.

I make my way down down the hallway as I fiddle with my white suit. Getting to Mine and Hunters bedroom I wait to open the door. Taking a breath I go to grab the handle but I'm beat to it when Hunter opens it and Pulls me inside before closing the door and kissing me roughly.

I'm pressed against the door where His hands hold my hips, pulling me closer to him as my hands run into his hair. Pulling away for a second just for him to kiss my against and again, he's nervous.

"You Okay Hunter?" He nods and bites his lip as he looks at me. Slowly he nods and smiles at, holding me close to him as he does so. I pull him into a hug and his arms wrap around me, clasping around my waist as his head rests on mine.

"What are you feeling Babe?"

"A bit of everything. I think."I mutter into his chest.

"Why's that?"

"Because this is a really big day that I once thought I would never make it to." Hunter chuckles and kisses my head gently. "Why were you pacing?" I ask him, pulling my head up to look at him.

"Nervous." I crack a smile once again against his black suit. One of Hunters hands runs up and down my back as we stand here. "You look sexy as hell by the way."

I can't help but laugh as his scent I fills my nose harshly. Great, now I have him turned on. I laugh as he pulls me close again and into a kiss, his hands squeezing my butt making me moan into our kiss.

"Hunter....people don't have sex.....on their...wedding day."

"Sure they do, they just wait until the honeymoon. So I am doing the right thing, just a tad bit early."

"Your ridiculous."

"I love you."

"I love you more."

"Not possible Sexy."

"It is Hottie." I whisper in his ear before backing away to the door with a smirk on my face. Hunter grabs my hand and spins me into his chest.

"You can not leave me like this!" Hunter looks down at his tent and looks back up at me with a confused expression.


"Oh hon, like you said, most people wait until the honeymoon."

"We aren't like most people." Hunter motions, his voice mono toned as he looks at me with a now very dead pan look on his face.

"I think we can be normal for a few more hours," walking away again, I open the door and step out, but before I leave I turn around and smile at him. "But if you really need me, I'll be outside." Smirking I wink and close the door just to hear him laugh and groan at the same time.

Smiling I make my way down the stairs. This is no where near a normal wedding. It's outside, of course. It's just our pack here and a few other alphas and Luna's from neighboring packs. It's going to be quick and simple because neither Hunter or I want to stand up there and cry in front of everyone for a long time, so our vows to each other are short and sweet, until the reception tonight before we leave for our honeymoon and even then it's only going to be us when we share those.

We're leaving more Washington where Hunter rented out a cabin on a mountain, which I've always wanted to do and he's wanted to go there for a while, so it was perfect.

Neither of us are going to have bridesmaids or groomsmen or whatever, just Hunter and I will be up there.

It doesn't seem like much, but this is us. And this is how another perfect moment in our life Will go down.


"Tristan, we have a small issue..." Turning around to see Dusty panting after chasing after me up the stairs, I frown as he says those words.

"What do you mean D?"

"I mean your priest or whatever just dropped with the flu and can't make it."

"Ummm, yeah, that Might be a small issue." Rubbing my head with my hand, I look at the ground as I try to think clearly again.

"I can't find anyone else either, I don't know what to do Tristan."

"Can you do it? Like go take a small class or whatever? we can push everything back by half an hour I think?" I look up at Dusty, not thinking of how this could go down with Dusty doing our wedding and all, but as of right now with no one else here that could do this for Hunter and I, it's probably our best bet.

"I can go check."

"Then go Dusty!"

"right." Dusty runs up the stairs to his office, leaving me alone on the stair case trying to think again. I should go tell Hunter about this, but that Horny man will surely not listen to me while he tries to get my suit off.

I should go tell him.

I should because then he can push the wedding back and I don't have to tell people to wait for this to get sorted out. I start walking up the stairs and into our room again to and Hunter, but of course he isn't here. I check the bathroom and closet and with just my luck, he isn't here. I check his office and there isn't any luck wither, but I do see people outside waiting and laughing.

Moving to the Window, I find Hunter and Lou laughing and playing outside together.

God she's so big now, its hard to believe that's she's ten, going into sixth grade! Its hard to bevel that, that is how much time has passed us so quickly, I can remember everything like it was yesterday, everything.


So much has happened, but at the same time, nothing has happened either. We've finally been able to just be us, without any family chaos or deathly threats and battles.

The pack is perfect and Hunter and I are living again. Lou is getting so big and talented, Dusty is happy again(though him and Lou hardly ever Part away from each other.)

I laugh as Lou hits Hunters chest and kicks his butt making him jump and drop her to the ground, quickly getting up through, Lou chases Hunter all around the yard. He does so well with kids, you wouldn't think it but he really gets along with them; Probably because he acts like one twenty five percent of the time. He's really going to be a good dad.

It's even harder to think that she's going to be here in a few months.

Thats right, Hunter and I got a surrogate mother for us, she's carrying our baby girl right now and in three months she'll be here with us. Hunter and I used his Genes for our first baby, and well use mine next but our baby girl is going to be here soon enough and we'll have a new addition to our little family.

It wasn't a hard desion for us to do, we always knew we wanted this, Hunter more than me at first and probably still considering he wants as many kids as he can while I am okay with just three or four. Its not my limit but that's what I've always thought was an okay amount for a normal family, but then again, we are not very normal.

"Tristan! I got....I got it! let's go get you hitched!" dusty busts in even though the door was already open, holding a print out of a certificate, don't think it is this easy to get that but it's Dusty and when it comes to paper work he has this weird ass magic.

"lets do this thing!"


"I do."

"And Hunter, my dear, good, loving friend, do you take this man to be your Husband, for as long as you shall live?"

"I do."

"Well, my the power invested by me, I must say that you two are now Husband and Husband. You may now, make out!" Hunter rolls his eyes as Dusty speaks and pulls my into him, crashing his lips against mine as his hands hold my head and back against his chest. "damn, you could have waited for me to finish you horn dog."

I laugh as Hunter smiles at me and kisses me again, my hands hold his arms as people clap and laugh at Dusty.

"Why did he marry us again?"

"We didn't have much of a choice Hon." Hunter rolls his eyes again and kisses me while squeezing my butt making me squeal and jump. People laugh, including Hunter, while my blush just grows and turns my cheeks pink.

"Your blushing."

"Of course I am blushing, when am I not?"


"Hunter, this means Tristan is my brother, right?" I look down and see Lou standing there with a bright smile in her face, her very light brown hair falls in her face as she looks at us.

"Yes, it very much so means he's your brother, officially."

"Yes!" Lou yells while Hunter picks her up and holds her in his arms, Hugging her tightly. Lou moves and brings me into the hug as well, all three of us with content smiles on our faces, hug each other tightly. "I'm glad I have you as a Brother Tristan, you're good. You make everyone happy, so you're a good brother. I love you."

I look at Lou as she hugs me tighter than before. If possible, my smile grows bigger, hugging her back while looking at Hunter who smiles at me with pure love.

"I love you too Lou. I always will." Of course Lou has said I love you to me before, this isn't the first time, but it does mean a lot to me. It means a lot to me when ever she says it to me.

But it means even more to me today because I know she means it, I know she loves me and I know that she knows that Hunter and I love her with all of our hearts. It means a lot to hear her say it to me on my wedding day.

"Hey, don't I get any love?" Dusty intrudes on our hug and Hugs us all tightly.

"Way to ruin the moment D." Hunter mumbles with a smile as the rest of us laugh harshly, we know cameras are going off right now, getting all of family memories of the day of course.

and this one, will be one of the best.




Sitting outside on the porch steps, my knees shake harshly as I watch the long dirt road, waiting for a car to pull up.

"Babe? what are you doing out here?"

"Waiting." I reply quickly to Hunter who walks behind me and sits down behind me on the step above the one I am sitting on. His legs part so I am in between them as I sit.

"Why? We'll know when they are here Tristan." His hands massage my shoulders lightly as I continue to watch the road.

"I know, I just...I want to be here when she gets here. I want to be here right away. I need to be here. She's coming today Hunter, she's...only two days old and we get to see her." I smile at my last sentence as my knees stop shaking and I start to calm down my nerves a bit now that hunter is here.

"Your excited."

"And nervous."

"And happy. Come and eat something for me, its noon and you need to eat. Come on inside, I got a text from Ally that she's about half an hour out still, come eat and then we can sit here and wait again. Okay?" Ally, our surrogate, had our little baby girl two days ago and sadly we couldn't be there in time for it.

She's a wolf from a pack about five hours away and is super nice, we've met with her a few times. She really funny and has three kids of her own, so we could count that she knew what she was doing. We planed on traveling to be with her and the baby, but our little girl came a few weeks early and very quickly, when Ally got to the hospital she was already ready to push her out.

So we couldn't get there, and because Ally is a wolf, she healed rather quickly meaning she was out of the hospital the next day with our little girl, who spent the night with her and then the next day they started for us.

"Okay." Hunter pulls me up and holds my hand as we walk inside the house, towards the dinning room. I see Lou looking outside the window and I smile as she watches the road, just like I was.


"I'm keeping watch for Tristan, he's stressed." Hunter laughs as he pulls me away from the door and his phone pings a few times. I look at his pocket and back up to him as she pushes me into the dinning room and into an open chair, seeing as no one is in the room with us.

"Eat." Looking down I see a small sandwich and a banana on a plate for me. Hunter sits on the table next to me, grabbing his phone and smiling down at it as I eat food quickly, barley chewing and swallowing it. "Eat it like it's not your last meal on earth Tristan." Hunter looks at me mortified making me laugh and look down.

"I think if this is my last meal on earth, it's a bad meal, and I would be eating so slowly."

"Well do that then, and it's bad because I made it."

"Oh, that explains it then." Hunter gasps as I continue to eat, nudging me with his knee making me moving over a bit We both laugh as we play around with each other, completely forgetting that a baby is going to be here any moment now.

We both end up on the floor, Hunter on top of me laughing as he pins me down to the ground gently, kissing my head and cheeks before his phone goes off.

His phone is ringing.

It's ringing.

Hunter and I both stare at his phone in his pocket before looking at each other. As Hunter goes in to grab it Lou and Dusty are both at the dinning room door.

"She's here!" They both scream before running again to the main door. Hunter and get up and run to the door as well, opening it and running outside to be met with a red SUV, three little kids int he back watching a movie and ally holding her phone up to her ear waiting outside, leaning on the passenger side door.

As soon as she sees us, she puts her phone away into her purse and smiles at us brightly. I leap down the stairs and hug her tightly. Ally laughs as pats my back as we come out of the hug, smiling down at me, seeing as she is taller than me. While we used Ally's genes, her and I look similar, which is really fun actually.

Hunter comes up and hugs her, smiling and watching the car nervously.

"Hey guys, you both look like you're doing well."

"We are. But you just gave birth and you look like you could go run a marathon."

"Thanks Tristan. It's really nice to see you guys again. Sorry you couldn't make it down to the hospital, she came kinda fast."

"Its okay, we weren't too disappointed." Hunter says while scratching the back of his neck and moving from foot to foot.

"Speak for yourself Hunter." I say while staring up at him making Ally laugh and lean back onto the car.

"Hey, would you guys mind if my kiddos run around for a bit? They've been in that car all day."

"Of course." Hunter and I both say at the same time with bright smiles on our faces, We've meet Allys kids before as well and they are all angels, and adorable. Ally smiles at us while opening the door.

"Everyone out! Go get some air you screen zombies!"

"yes mama!" All of them yell before getting out on the other side and start chasing each other around the yard, Ally keeps the door open and Hunter stares at the seat with a smile and I look in and see our baby girl.

Her little body sleeps inside with her head turned to us. Her head is fully of dark brown hair and her lower lip pouts as she sleeps. "You guys ready for her?"

"Yes." Hunter mumbles before moving with Ally, who gets our baby girl out of the carrier and gently into Hunters arms. She's so fucking small compared to him, she head lays on his bicep as she sleeps soundly in her daddy's arms.

Hunter moves so I am next to him looking over onto our little girl. Tears slide down my face and Hunter cries to as we hold our baby in our arms. I see Ally start to cry too and I move to hug her, her arms wrap tightly around me as we cry.

"Thank you Ally, thank you so much. You have no idea what this means to us."

"Its nothing Tristan. You guys are going to be amazing parents. Thank you for letting me do this for you guys."

"thank you." I pull away and Ally lightly wipes her face off and smiles, looking at Hunter with our baby in his arms calmly.

"Now, she sleeps really well from the two days I'v head her, easy eater from the bottle, she gets cold though, so keep a blanket with you. You guys are going to be amazing."

"Ally, thank you." Hunter says, looking up at her. ally nods and hugs him lightly before kissing our baby girls head and walking back to the car where her kids have started to pile in.

"You know, she doesn't have a name yet, what is it?"

I look at Hunter before we both say the same thing.

"Mary Ann."


As soon as ally and her small crew were gone, Hunter and I moved onto the porch steps with Mary Ann, holding her in my arms this time as I smile down on her. Still asleep, Hunter holds me with his arm around my shoulders, sitting next to me with his head on my shoulder contently.

"She's perfect."

"She's amazing Hunter."

"We're parents."

"We are Parents."

"We have a baby."

"We have a baby."

"I love you Tristan."

"I love you too Hunter." I say before Kissing his lips softly, only to look down as Mary Ann starts to move and open her eyes, which are extremely blue. Just like Hunter, they are a light baby blue color, that shine so bright. "Hey Baby girl. Look who is up."

"I'm gonna cry."

"Go a head." and just on cue Hunter cries as Mary Ann looks at each of us before smiling back at us, her toothless grin so adorable. "Hi baby, is your daddy being silly?" Mary Ann makes a baby noise and smiles at Hunter as I hold her. She's only a few days old and she's already doing this, wow.

Hunter turns around and smiles at Dusty and Lou, who come outside and sit by us. "You had your baby time, let us have ours!" Dusty says happily and I smile at Lou.

"Lou, you want to hold her?" She gently shakes her head, watching Mary Ann with a blank stare as Dusty holds out his hands. I moves so he can hold her, and just like Hunter, his arms are so much bigger. Her smile makes Dusty smile brightly, playing where her small hands.

I lean onto Hunter, who wraps his arms around me, and watch Dusty with Mary Ann, it's funny how Dusty is so good with kids too, babies as well. My eyes move to Lou who sits there, not that close to me and not that close to Dusty, somewhat separated from us all as she watches Dusty with a small frown.

As I continue to watch her, she's gets sadder by the minute and starts to move away from us all. Her eyes are glued onto a very very happy Dusty. I thought She would be happy to be an aunt, she was really happy, from what we know she was really really excited to see the baby of ours.

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