《Until we die (BxB)✔️》43




"God morning you two." Smiling as Lou and Dusty walk into the kitchen, I get cups out for them as they get closer to the counter.

"Morning Tristan!"

"Morning." Dusty grumbles as he rubs his eyes awake. Lou walks around the counter and give me a hug before taking an apple and sitting at the counter to eat. Dusty pours a cup of coffee for himself as I stand in the kitchen, pouring apple juice for myself.

"What's got you in a twist?"

"This one-" Dusty turns to Lou who just smiles, "-decided to wake me up this morning by blasting the litter mermaid soundtrack on my speakers."

"You love it."

"Yeah Dusty, you loooove it!" Lou mocks Dusty as she eats her food and I start to laugh and Dusty smiles at her.

"What ever." Me and Lou look at each other before laughing our butts off at Dusty. Hunter walks in the kitchen all sweaty from his morning run suddenly, even though it's been years we should just expect this.

Meeting every morning like this, it's a rueteen. Hunter and I wake up around five thirty and start getting food ready for breakfast, before anyone comes in the kitchen and starts cooking. Hunter goes in a run and while he's out Dusty and Lou wake up for their breakfast with me before Dusty takes Lou our for training seeing as she's finally shifted a few months ago.

She's technically still a pup but now that she is shifting she needs training to protect herself. She's still homeschooled so after training she's goes straight to the room we have set up so she can work and can get to Hunter and I if she needs help.

Then Hunter goes and showers and I start cooking with the cooks here for everyone else and we just play our days by ear then.

But it's our thing.

Hunter hugs me and ruffles Lou's hair before grabbing a water bottle and chugging it down. Dusty just rolls his clearly tired eyes at him as Lou munches on her apple. Sliding her a bowl of cereal, she thanks me and starts eating that too. It's hard to believe she's nine already and in fifth grade!

"Morning Babe."

"Morning." My head turns and I smile as Hunter leans on the counter next to me.

"Good morning everyone else." Lou just smiles and Dusty groans. "Maybe you shouldn't have gone out last night Dusty." Hunter mocks Dusty for going out to a club last night with some of the guys, the head ache is getting to him for sure.

"Well I did."

"How's that head ache working for you."

"Shut up you piece of chicken meat!" dusty yells but instantly regrets it making us laugh as he rubs his head and curses under his breath.

"I didn't feel good last night. But I feel better today...." Lou says after Dusty lays his head on the counter, just to pick it up again and look at her worried. "I was gonna go see Hunter and Tristan about it, but they were making A LOT of sound. So I just went back to bed."

My cheeks heat up as I look at Hunter who just smiles at me.

"What didn't feel good?" Dusty grabs Lou's face and looks at it before feeling her forehead.

"My tummy. I was really really warm too, but I felt better this morning. It was weird. I had headache when I woke up too, but it went away."


"Hmm? You sure you don't want to go see someone? You don't feel warm."

I look at Hunter with Worried eyes and he looks at me with a confused face. We look over at Dusty and Lou as they talk and Lou just smiles as she asks if she can go back to eating.

"Fine, but if you don't feel good again call me okay?"

"Okay." And just like that Lou is back at eating and Dusty just watched her with Worried eyes. Hunter kisses my head and walks away, heading up stairs for a shower.

"You guys okay down here?" I ask the two who sit at the counter.


"Okay, I'm going to go shower and get ready. I'll se you two later." I wave to them as I leave the kitchen, heading up the stairs as people start to come out of their rooms and such. It's only about seven or seven thirty. Not to early.

Getting into our room, I hear the shower going already and I make my way to the bathroom. Brushing my teeth as Hunter showers before I start stripping myself of my, aka Hunters pajama pants and getting in.

Hugging Hunter from behind as soap bubbles slide off his back I just relax under the warm water, holding onto him as my head basically lays in the middle of his back. Oh yeah, Hunter fucking grew! Again!

Forget about him being six foot, now the man I call a boyfriend is 6"4 and I'm a whopping 5"8. I ain't complaining about my height, no I'm complaining about his.

Tall people.

"Whatcha need Babe?"

"My boyfriend. And his cuddles." I mumble against his skin making him hum in response. Turning around he pulls my head up and leans down, slowly kissing me.

His hand moving down to my waist as the water runs over us. "I love you."

"I love you too." I whisper before kissing him again. Hunter sways is under the warm, rain like water, pulling my body closer to his as we dance in the huge ass shower.


"Would you hurry up?"

"Hunter, let me finish the laundry! Then we can go."

"Oh lord....no. No I am not waiting for laundry!" Hunter runs over to me and tosses me over his shoulder. All I see now is him walking away from the couch with our laundry as he makes his way to the doors.

Today would have been the Game day, seeing as it is the packs anniversary We had lunch outside but Hunter got rid of those games, where everyone competes for nothing and just ends up hurting themselves. So instead we are doing some more bonfires and a dinner outside.

There's plenty more to do besides that but that what a lot of people are attracted to. Hunter sets me down once we are outside and I hit his chest as soon as my feet touch the ground.


"THEY ARE SOCKS TRISTAN! You are going to be wrinkled if you worry about them!" I roll my eyes as Hunter stand there, hand on hips in Diva mode as we stare each other down.

"Fine. I'll do them later."

"Good. Now let's go have some fun!" Instantly Hunter takes my hand and drags me off towards Stephanie before being attacked by a few kids who start to drag Hunter off for wrestling and piggyback rides.

I laugh as Stephanie and I watch him play with the little kids and even teenagers.


"He's really come a long way Tristan. Thank you."


"Hunter. A few years ago today he almost killed someone in the games because he was blinded by anger. The next year for the games you were here, and he won by not wanting to be there and be with you. And now we don't even have them, because he's moved such a long ways. You might not see it but all of us do, we respect you Tristan, we always will."

"Thank you Steph. It means a lot."

"We have you to thank Tristan-"

"MOMMY!" We look down and smile as we see Stephanie's little boy running at us. He's only two and he's adorable! His name is Mason and he's one of the cutest little boys I've ever met, even at the age of two he's super fun and polite about everything. It's amazing.

"Sorry, Tristan. Do you mind if I go get him food?"

"No no. Go take care of him." I laugh out as I watch her get pulled away by her little boy. I turn to see Hunter in the ground with all these kids on him laughing. I smile as I start to walk over, standing over him as all the kids laugh.

"So, hows it going Babe?"

"Pretty good. Loving the view!" I say, and sitting down, moving his head in my lap before kissing him, making all the kids squeal and run away.

"So, you still want six?" I ask after a while.


"Six? You still want that many?"

"Yes, I want more than six though. I think eight or ten would be good."

"Oh my god Hunter, how much time do you think we have?" Laughing as I rub his hair, I look down and watch his face as he thinks.

"Plenty of time Babe."

"Your crazy, you know that? Ten kids?"

"What's crazy about that?"

"Well, it's...I mean...." I start blushing at the fact that we are talking about kids. I mean, Hunter is twenty one and I'm twenty, we are running a full on pack, taking care of Lou and basically Dusty, he still acts like a kid. I think we could handle a kid.

Then again, we are only twenty. But...seeing as were aren't normal people and we are werewolves...things tend to move way way way faster than normal relationships.

"You think that we're young and don't need that many?"

"No, I....i think that if we really wanted it, we could handle it."


"Yes. But that doesn't mean your going to go adopt a kid or get us a surrogate anytime soon!"


"Eventually." I mumble as I kiss his head again and play with his hair. Eventually we will get our family. We'll have kids and our own home, maybe...

"Hey, you remember when I gave you that ring?"


"And do you remember what you said? About you don't care how I'll ever propose to you?"


I watch Hunter as he slowly digs in his pocket and checks his phone making me laugh slightly. Hunter bites his lip and looks up at me before texting someone again. My hands rake through his soft, short brown hair. Hunter puts his phone down in his pocket with a sigh before looking up at me and a smile.

I don't even realize that Hunter pulled his hands out of his pockets and now are resting on his stomach as I watch Lou and Dusty run around with sparklers. I laugh as Lou falls and to make her feel better, Dusty falls too. Both of them laugh as they get up and run around again and again.

I feel Hunter stir in my lap but I continue to watch our friends and family as we sit here. People are everywhere and everyone just looks happy.

I feel a tug on my shirt and I look down to see Hunter smiling up at me, he looks down and them back up to me. My eyes go to where he looked at and my eyes widen, my hands stop what they are doing as I stare at his hands.

Hunter just lets out a chuckle as I stare at them.

The small velvet box.

His big hand holds it lightly on his stomach, unopened, visible, and there.

Hunter flips it open and looks up at me, my mouth opens as I stare to the ring inside of it. A gold band with a diamond on top and small ones encrusted in it sparkles in the black box. Like the ring I am wearing now, I can see small writing inside of it, but I can't make it out.

I start to laugh as I look at it. I can't help it, I remember when I said 'I don't care when or how you do propose, I will always say yes.'.

And this is how he is doing it! God I love him.

Hunter moves slowly out of my lap and onto one knee infant of me while I sit criss crossed on the grass. The box in his hand, still open as he watches me laugh.

My hand covers my mouth as my face reddens due to my giggling and just natural blushing when ever Hunter does something like this.

Hunter chuckles at me as I calm down and try to put on a straight face, but I can't.

"Tristan Walker, you said it didn't matter how I do this, and I don't want to wait anymore, I had something else in mind but I can't go through with that any more now that I've seen you like this today. I love you more than life itself and I don't even know how I would do with out you. I'm serious now, I don't even know how to make my own coffee because you do it perfectly every morning! I....I love you so so much and I know that we are still really young. I get that. But I can't wait anymore. I know things moved so fast with us at first. It's almost cringy, but that's us."

"We started out awful, I bullied you for years, and one night I found you in the woods, alone and scared. I brought you here for help, and in the same night you trusted me with your life for reasons I will never understand. I explained everything to you the next day, and I mean everything, and you took to me like that. You forgave me and then left.

"You left me, but then you came back, right away. While I was gone by the way! But you got to know some people and you trusted us, as soon as I was back you said 'I will try this whole mate thing' and then you kissed me. You kissed me in my bathroom, in my pajamas too. After just a week of forgiving me and trusting me you basically said let's date but not call it that. So that's what we did."

"We got to know each other after I told you everything you needed to know. The night of our prom you met Grey and loved him like you loved me. But the next few days after that it went south and that was the first Time I lost you. As soon as I got you back in my arms I didn't want to let you go, ever. I never wanted to leave your side. And just a few days after that we found out you were a wolf, just like everyone else here. You were scared as hell and almost everyone else so overjoyed, but we worked at it. We got to the point where you needed shift and we even got through that."

"We worked through everything and anything that was through our way. Our first nights at the cabin is where we fucked like rabbits for the first time which would lead to many and I never regret that. But even then we fought...because of Grey....but we even got through that. I remember how we opened up our hearts to each other after we fought and then Your stomach was hungry, I was only focused on getting you food then."

"We sat in the living room that night eating ice cream and I screamed to the whole pack before breakfast about how I fucked the life out of you and mark you! I fell in love with you over and over that night as we talked and ate fucking Ice cream."

"You took to my friends amazingly well despite all the dirty jokes and sarcasm. And then he came back. He took over and Hurt everyone, he hurt us. Even though That man who was suppose to be your father is gone forever, he left his own mark on us and this family. We lost my parents and we almost lost Lou, but that's apart of our story. It always will be, there is no changing the past, but if anything it made us ten times more accepting of each other and showed us that we love each other more than we will ever know. We spent countless night in the clinics with Lou and Dusty. countless nights trying to get this pack back together, nights spent crying over the loss of my parents and countless people in this pack."

"But we did everything together. We took over this pack together, we took care of each other together, we figured all of this out together. Thats our story, and it is nowhere near over. Not by a long shot, I've been planing this day out ever sense I gave you that ring. I never want to lose you, I want my future with you in it...always and forever. I promised you then and I will promise you now Tristan Walker....I will always protect you."

"Tristan Walker, I know our story isn't over, and that this is just the next step. But will you marry me....Please?"

My hands cover my mouth as I sit there and cry. If I open my mouth I will sob. If I open my eyes tears will come out like a dam. But I do it anyways.

"Yes! Yes yes yes! Of fucking course I will Marry you Hunter!" I get up and pull Hunter with me, kissing him, my arms wrap around his neck as we kiss. Our smile wide as our tears collide together on our cheeks. I know the whole pack is watching us at this point and I don't care. They know how much we love each other and how far we would go.

Hunter takes my hands and slide the ring on my finger, the two rings that he's given me next to each other on my hand as I smile brightly. Cheers break from all over and I hide in Hunters chest as he smiles brightly and proudly.

the whole pack congratulates us as soon as they can get to us through out the night. I can't not smile the entire night, because, this is far down the best night of my life. I stare at the ring on my hand every few minutes and I always cry when I do.

I can't help it.

As the night passes us rather quickly, people start to head in as it gets dark. Hunter and I lay on the grass near a fire as dust and Lou lay on on a chair together, its really just us four outside now with the last fire. Lou and Dusty are pretty much sleeps as a blanket covers them both, and Hunter and I lay on the grass, me resting on top of his chest and side with his arm wrapped around me as we watch the fire.


"Hmm Babe?"

"I love you."

"I love you more."

"You know, that was way better than when you gave me that promise ring." I say to him as he smiles at me, his white teeth shinning brightly to me.


"Yes. Considering you did it, out in the open, around a bunch of people while laying on your back at first, was amazing. And that speech....damn if I didn't fall for you before I sure as hell did now."

Hunter rolls his eyes before kissing me lightly on the nose making me laugh. I stroke his chest with my finger before moving his shirt to look at his newest tattoo, he doesn't have that many, but the few that he has are pretty big.

He has the moons going down his spine and our marks are already tattoo like, both of ours matching, so I guess I have one too. He has tribal markings on his biceps and his newest one, on the left side of his chest, two wolves together. One inked almost fulled black, while the other has hardly any inking at all, black and white wolves, foreheads together with love.

Its my favorite one. by far.

Hunter laughs as I play around with it calmly.

"I love you to the moon and back."

"Babe, I love you to the moon and back, but as I come back from the moon, I'll bring it with me for you."

"Jeez Hunter, disrupt Mother Nature will you?" I say laughing out, Hunters chest rumbling with his own laughter. This is our perfect moment.


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