《Until we die (BxB)✔️》43


"Tristan, be quiet and stay here! I promise it'll be okay, just stay."

He kisses my head lightly as my heart pounds harshly in chest. Hunter lets go of me and walks down a small path, completely leaving my view as I sit here in the woods, alone, when there is something going on!

Phillip tells me it's okay and that I should trust Hunter. I do trust him. So if he is going to tell me to just stay put because it's safer I will.

After a few minutes I start to get annsie and I know Hunter can feel that. I pace around in a circle bitting my nails as I wait for something to happen, my eyes constantly wandering around the woods.

-Okay, Babe, use that pretty nose of yours and find me.-

-Is everything okay?-

-yes. Just trust me...-

-okay- I start to smell around as I walk where Hunter did, instantly getting his scent of Coffee and strawberries. I follow it slowly and cautiously, careful of my surroundings.

That is until I see roses show up. Slowly, they poke out of the ground making me narrow my eyes as I continue down the small path, roses slowly paring up on the sides of the dirt walkway, slowly grouping into bunches the father I walk until the point where they are everywhere.

The thing is, roses don't grow in these woods. And they aren't red, they slowly transform into black and white roses as I get closer to all of them, light illuminating off of them leading me down the path. Hunters sent grows stronger as do the roses.

The woods become something else as I walk through them, making me smile a bit as I walk faster, finding Hunter through the winding path through the trees. Everything is beautiful. I have no idea what is going on but I know that this is so Hunter.

I gasp as the woods lights up around the trees, little fairy lights everywhere, showing me the way once again as petals fall from the trees, covering my shoulders and the ground, some getting in my hair making me laugh until I see Hunter.

Kneeling in a small clearing, his small clearing, our small clearing. The clearing he took me too the night of our prom, the clearing that he took me too when I wanted to meet grey.

The same clearing with our tent, which has fairy lights all over it. Hunter kneels in it, petals around him as he bites his lip and smiles at me as I look around, my mouth open as I walk. My eyes fall on him and I smile at him as I get closer, a blush growing in my cheeks.

When I get to Hunter he holds my hands and smiles up at me. I look around before my eyes land on his, in the dark I wouldn't be able to see him, but with all the light around us, god he looks so damn good.

His tan skin glows with his hair and his baby blue eyes glow as the lights twinkle in them. He bites his lip and smiles up at me as I just watch everything happen.

Gulping as I look at him, I weakly smile at him. "Hunter....was this?"

"This is all for you Babe."

"Hunter...." I pause as he reaches into his pocket, my hand covers my mouth as my eyes widen. I watch as he pulls out a box and smiles up at me. "Hunter, if you are about to propose, I swear to god, put it away! No!"


"I'm not proposing Tristan. That...that will be an even bigger, better event. I promise you that! I just want you to have this. " He open the box and I gasp at what is inside.

Inside a silver ring lays, encrusted with blue gems and diamonds. I can see something is engraved inside the ring but I am too scared to grab it.

"hunter, You. just pulled out a fucking ring..."

"I want you, to keep this on your finger for me. I want you to have this as a promise ring Tristan, so you can get use to the feeling for when I do put a big ass rock on your hand and ask you to marry me." Hunter and I laugh but he starts to continue as my eyes water up and the blush grows harsher.

"I want you to have this as a promise, that I am never going to leave you. That I love you so much and that I never want to lose you. I know I say it a lot, but I mean it. I really do Babe. Tristan, I love you with all my heart and I want a future with you. I want the kids and little house on the lake, I want the happy family and marriage, I want the Crazy pillow fights and arguments, I want everything to happen with you."

"I would never make you do anything you don't want too, I would never make you stay here if you didn't want too, and I know that if you wanted to leave me you would. But you haven't. And I know it's only been a few months of us dating, only a few months since I told you about everything, only a few months that you've been here, but god, it's been the best months of my life. Having you here has changed me, from being hostile and a jerk and not wanting anything to do with anyone, to opening up and loving and caring to everyone here. I neglected myself and everyone here, I hurt you, but you forgave me and changed me in time."

"When you came Here, you changed everyone. But I own you everything Tristan. I love you so much, and I want everything to happen with you. I want to be by your side and I want you by mine. I want to promise you that I will always love you no matter what happens, no matter what is thrown our way, I will always love you. We've been through a lot, not everything was great, I hurt you so bad and I don't know why you ever forgave me, but you did. We worked at everything and I am so thankful you gave me a chance after years of hurting."

"I am so happy you stayed with me when you found out about my world and what I am, hell even when you found your that you were a wolf too. We've been through so much, so many emotions and talks. When I am mad or sad, when I am at my lowest I will always look to you, because I love you. When I am happy and full of joy, it's because of you. I could never ask for anyone else to be in my life, I would leave everything behind just for you to be here with me. Just to see your smile on your face and to see you happy forever. I want you Tristan Roman Walker. I love you with all my heart and I want to promise you it will always be that way."


"....Did you practice that?" Asking before tears let out of my eyes, Hunter laughs and looks down at the dirt.

"a little bit..."

Tears stream down my face as he slides the ring on my hand and kisses it. I can't help but nod and cry as he stands. His hands wipe the flowing tears on my face as he laughs quietly at me. I can't open my eyes because I know I'll cry even more.

"Babe, open those big brown eyes." I shake my head as I hold his hands on my face, falling into him as he embraces me in a bear hug.

"I love you so much! I don't know how you are going to top that speech when you ask me to marry you Hunter, but I promise you that I will say yes no matter how you do it! I love you so much!"

"I love you too, more than I can ever show." Hunter brings my face up and kisses me, making me smile as I kiss him back, our kisses growing more harsh as we back up into the rose covered clearing.

"Is that tent set up?"


"Good!" I push him into it, seeing as it is open. Pushing him down in the new tent, covered in pillows and blankets. Climbing on top of him I smile as I kiss his, removing our shirts as he undoes our pants.

Leaving Hickeys on his skin, I kiss down to his mark and suck on it harshly making him groan and growl. His hands grip my ass tightly making me squeal as he flips us over.

"You know, that was really good."

"I know. I wrote it."

"Hmm" Humming as Hunter sucks on my lower stomach, I smile and look down at him. He winks at me and I laugh as he handles me softly. Kissing down my stomach and chest, biting my skin as he makes his way down.

"I am so not waiting."

"Please don't!" Hunter smiles up and makes his way to my lips, his very happy dick waiting at my entrance impatiently as he hovers over me happily.


"Already down, you fucked me in the shower this morning. I'm good." And with that Hunter pushes into me, making me moan loudly as he bites at my mark. My nails dig into his skin as he starts to fuck me, not going slow at all.

No need to right now as he stretches me over and over as he pulls out just to slam back into me. With ever movement I fells is heart through his chest as he kisses me harshly, moving to my mark.

"Agh-!" gripping Hunter and the pillow next to me as he continues to work down on me, gripping my skin as we fuck, I smile as he tilts his head back.

Flipping us both over as both over, Hunter grips my hips, finger nails digging into my skin as I start to ride him. Holding onto his shoulders as he moans and starts to fuck me from there.

This is going to be a great night.


"Oh god."

"You okay Babe?"

"Yea, just pretty sure you torn my ass open."

"Language, and we can check that....if you want." Hunter pulls me onto his lap while wiggling his eye brows making me laugh harshly. Hunter grips my, now very sore, butt in his hands as we lay in the tent of ours.

"Hunter! NO. We....we've been in here for hours."

"So? Whats a little longer?"

"No Baby. I love you, but five rounds in two hours in more than enough for my tiny baby body, as you say."

"I didn't mean it when we are talking abut sex, but fine. Cuddle me then." Even though I am in his lap, onto of him, he holds out his arms waiting for me to fall Into them. I turn around and lay back into his chest as he leans down and lays us into some pillows.

Hunters head rests in my neck, his warm breath coming out of his nose and onto my skin as I play with the ring he got me. I twirl it around my finger and tilt my head at it.

DIdn't it say something? I slid the ring off of my ring finger and turn it so I can read the inside,

I will always Protect you

I smile widely at the words, because they are special. I put the ring back on my finger, which slides on perfectly, fit to my exact finger size.

"That was the first promise I made to you."

"I know. Thats why I love It even more. Why I love you even more. You kept that Promise to me, unlike others, you keep your promises Hunter. I love you for that."

"I love you more." Hunter kisses my cheek, is lips lingering like they never want to leave my skin as he pulls away. I smile brightly and close my eyes for a brief moment. And then I realize that there were bonfires tonight, pack bonfires, and we aren't there! It has to be at least Eight if not later. I don't know cause we don't have our phones on us.

"Hunter! The bonfires!"

"Oh, yeah." Hunter just pulls me back down into his chest like it's nothing.

"Don't we need to be there?!"

"Tristan, baby. Why do you think I chose to night for a pack night?"

"Because of this?"

"Yes. So everyone can stay out as long as they like and we can take our time, Duh!"

"Why are you so perfect?" I ask, turning my head slightly as Hunter shrugs.

"I could ask you the same thing babe." A blush creeps in me from my chest to my ears making me shrink down and smile more. Hunter just laughs and ruffles my hair, pulling my body upwards on his chest. "But if you want to still go to the bonfires we can."

I nod and Hunter lets me go, staying in his spot at I crawl around the tent, tossing the blanket off of me as I tug on my underwear and pants, tossing Hunter what I think is his or my shirt.

As we finish cleaning ourselves up and me organizing the tent, keeping the pillows and blankets in here, Hunter keeps on kissing my head and cheek.

Hand in hand, we leave the tent and start walking, even though my butt is sore and my arms hurt a bit along with my throat. But I don't care. I'm happy.

Walking through the woods, Hunter keeps me tight at his side until we start to smell the smoke and firewood being burnt by the pack. Through the border lines of tree and grass fire light up everything as people sit and talk around the warmth in the night.

Peoples heads turn towards us and as soon as someone sees the ring in my finger claps and cheers come out of nowhere making me jump.

Hunter just laughs and kisses my head as he walks us to Dusty and Lou, who is lazily laying in his lap still awake, barely. Hunter sits down in a chair and pulls me in it with him gently.

Curling up against his chest I'm instantly warmed up from the fires as him and Dusty talk. My eyes close as Hunter rubs my back softly as the two talk, slowly I start to drift off until Stephanie and Dylan sit by us too, joining in on the conversations as I start to fall asleep slowly again.

Listening to the beat of Hunters heart and the crackles of the fire, my mind wanders slowly until I'm met with darkness and sleep.

This is where I'm suppose to be.


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