《Until we die (BxB)✔️》41




"Tristan, do you know where the ties are?"

"In the small box in the closet, top shelf I think."

"Thanks!" Running around the bedroom to get ready for the ceremony, Hunter and I are kinda a mess. Having no idea where things are or what we are even doing anymore, we are just trying to get dressed and we can't find anything.

We both try to dress ourself's somewhat nicely, with only a limited amount of time now because we both overslept and had to shower...we are a mess.

Packs from all around are coming for the ceremony for some reason, Hunter says its because they either know him or his dad, or that they all have some type of alliance and its just friendly.

"Hunter where is my shirt?"


Running into the bathroom for my dress shirt I find it hanging up thankfully with out a wrinkle in place. Putting the shirt on I start to button it up when Hunter comes in and goes to the mirror to fix his hair again. Fluffing it with his hands he watches me through the mirror and smiles as I struggle to button the damn thing.

"Want help?"


"Come here." I take the few steps to my boyfriend and sigh as he does the buttons for me, I fix my own hair in the mirror, I finally got another hair cut and its a tad bit shorter, still long of course but it looks way better.

I don't know why people let me look like a shaggy dog for so long.

"Because you looked adorable with that Hair cut Tristan."

"Stop doing that!"

"Sorry." Hunter laughs at me as he steps beck and leans against the counter. Hunter has a habit of going into my thoughts when I forget to close them off, which is all the time, but I guess he can do that because we are mated. I can't figure it out because he keeps his closed off almost all the time to me. "Ready?"

"No. I feel nauseous."


"I'm nervous! There are going to be hundreds of people whom neither of us know watching us! We have to make speeches, and do what ever that thing is that you told me, and then do this big ass party that everyone wanted. And..and we're becoming the leaders Hunter, does that not scare you?"

"No, not anymore. I know my pack and I know what I am doing...somewhat. And besides, I have you with me, right?"

"But I don't know how to do this all... How the hell do I even begin to be a Luner? What if I'm awful or I just can't do it?"

Hunter reaches out as I begin to rant and I instantly go into his arms and burry my head in his chest as his arms wrap around mine. "I know your scared Babe. But you know you aren't in this alone and you don't have to take care of everyone all the time. It's just being there to help anyone when they need it, to be yourself and love everyone here when they don't feel loved. To make sure everyone is happy here, to listen to people when they need it and to be there for us. That's a Luners job, and you know what? You'v been doing that! Since day one after the pack met you Tristan! Everyone loves you so much and they are happy when you are here. Just being yourself is enough. You're already doing your job and you don't even know it. You're going to be a great Luner and an amazing leader."


I look up at him and Nod as he kisses my head, running his lightly up and down my back with a smile. "And besides, the hardest part of your job is keeping me in check pretty much, and I will give you a run for your money some days."

"And I will beat you ass if you make things hard Hunter."

"Now lets go make sure Dusty and Lou are ready to go, they probably are still eating cake with Stephanie yelling at them." I laugh and Hunter leads up both out of the bedroom and down to Dustys room, where Hunter had him move after a few weeks ago. Now he is up here on the fourth floor next to Lous room.

I hear giggles from Lou and a sign from dusty before we even get down the hall, looking up at Hunter I start to laugh as we speed up to open the door to see a Lou running around in her underwear with Dusty in his suit holding her dress and shoes. Jumping onto his desk chair she sticks her tongue out and puts her hands on her hips in a diva pose.

"Louisiana Rhodes! We need to get this dress on you. Hunter is going to kill me!"

"Lou why aren't you dressed?" Hunter asks scaring the crap out of Dusty as he drops the shoes and visibly jumps before turning around and putting his hands up in the air.

"IT IS NOT MY FAULT HUNTER!" Dusty screams as Hunter and I laugh as him.

"Lou come on, get dressed other wise no strawberry cake." I say as her face pales. Jumping off the chair she runs to Dusty and puts her arms up for the dress. "We'll meet you guys down stairs." Dusty nods as Lou gets into her dress. Shutting the door I laugh as Hunter smiles and walks us down the stairs, taking out time as we watch everyone slowly.

Everyone here is really happy, especially today, only because Hunter and I are are becoming the Leaders of the pack. Outside at least half of our pack sits in nice chairs and three other packs while two more stat to unload from cars and the woods.

Nothing could go wrong today unless me and Hunter faint or something up on the stage. But besides Hunter and I, Stephanie and dusty are being appointed today too during the ceremony as Hunters beta and number three.

But as Hunter and I make out way outside Dusty and Stephanie are chaising Lou down the stairs and into the lawn as she runs around with out shoes.

"Lou get back here!"

"You need Shoes Hummer!" They rush past us with little shoes in Dustys hand Stephanie smiles back as she runs.

"You guys look great by the way!" Stopping and watching them with wide eyes, I look up at Hunter and give a weak smile.

"This will be fun."

"Very." I look up at Hunter as we laugh and make our way to the small stage in front of everyone, ready to get this done.


Sitting down at our table inside for dinner I rub my hand with the small bandage on it.

"If you keep rubbing it, it'll hurt more Babe."

"Sorry." I mutter as Hunter sits next to me in his new spot, at the Alphas chair. I'm sitting in the Lunas and Stephanie currently sits next to me on my right seeing as Hunter and I don't have kids, that's her spot.


If Hunter and I were to have a kid they wold placed there instead of her which kinda makes me feel weird but its whatever.

Lou sits next to Hunter and Dusty sits next to her as the pack rolls in ad sits down wherever. Hunter takes my hand in his and kisses it before watching Lou and Dusty.

All of us that are sitting together besides Lou with Bandages on our hands due to the ceremony, where they basically draw a small amount of blood and the witches do with thing with it to change our scents to your status so people know that you're the Official Luna or beta or Alpha or what ever you are now.

Food gets passed around as all four of us talk about anything really. Dusty keeps Lou occupied seeing as he is the only person she ever wants to be around anymore.

It's kinda funny actually, they are so close, Lou hates sleeping alone so she crawls into Dustys bed almost every night, and if she isn't with him she crawls into our bed. Some nights he'll tell her he has to go out or hang out with some people, and he'll come to us instead.

But her first choice is almost always Dusty.

But as of right now she is happy and Dusty is complexity fine with it, so we are just going to leave it at that until we figure everything out.

"Dusty, can I have cake?"



"Because you need to eat all your food first Hummer. Then if you are still hungry later we'll eat some cake."


"Pinky promise."

"Yes!" Lou starts to gobble up her food as everyone enjoys themselves for the first time in a long time. Hunter rubs my hand with his thumb and watches everyone.

"What's wrong?" I ask quietly as he just stares off. Lately Hunter been zoning out a lot, I don't blame him though. A lots happened and I know how he feels. Our lives just really changed today.

Frankly I don't feel all that bad my "dad" died but I've felt his pains in another way so he does open up to me.

"Hunter?" He looks a bit angry, not that anyone else could tell, but he gets that look in his eyes. I should know it best, and I see it now.


"What's wrong, your zoning out again."

"We're going to talk to Sarah after Dinner." He says while still holding my hand tighter and eating with the other.

"Hunter...are you...why do we-?"

"Because Tristan. She betrayed us, betrayed you. I am not letting her get away with everything she's done. I want answers. All of this is her fault."

"Do I-?"

"Yes. You are going down there and you are going to be there." turning his head to me and nodding so no one listens in on us, he stares at me like I am crazy for being hesitant.

"Hunter I don't-?"

"No Tristan. You are going down there and that's final." Hunter let's go of my hand and eat his food the rest of the time, not saying another word to me or anyone else around us.

I swallow my thoughts and pick at my food, suddenly losing my appetite. I've been dreading this for weeks, I don't want to see her because she is he reason everything happened.

Hunters told me he needs to talk to her soon, and take care of her. He wants me there and I know that, he's told me that too. I don't want to see her because he is right, everything is her fault right now.

I don't want to see her. She was my best friend.

My eyes glue onto my lap as I barely eat, blocking out everyone. Not even noticing people leaving and cleaning up as I get lost in my thoughts. I don't notice how me and Hunter are the only ones left here at the table out of all the wolves who have finished.

I suddenly look up and see everyone is gone, besides Hunter who has his head against his clasped together hands, thinking as we sit there.

"I'm gonna go." Before I can leave Hunter grabs my arm and pulls me into his lap. , his hand holds my hip to his, Looking into my eyes he signs and nods before letting me go again.

"Tristan, please go get Dusty. We're going down to the cellars soon. I want you both waiting there."

"Okay." My voice comes out as a whisper as I run to Dusty's room. Lou is fast asleep as Dusty watches the Little mermaid which Lou of coursed picked.

"Hunter wants us down at the cellars." He nods and carefully moves Lou off of him to only tuck her into bed before kissing her head and walking to my slowly. "You know, you're great with her."

"Thanks, I just...feel like I'm responsible for her right now."

"Oh, I'm sorry you feel that way Dusty. Hunter and I can start doing-"

"No no, I like it actually. That sound weird but it helps with a lot to be able to take care of someone, I've always been that way."

"Oh. We never really talked about anything these past few weeks, how are you doing with all this."

"It's weird," Dusty keeps his head focused forwards as he rubs his hand lightly. "But I guess I'm okay. I'm getting over the deaths of people slowly, and taking care of Lou helps. I-I miss them but I'm okay now. It was rough the first couple days but we are good now I think. Like I said, taking care of Lou helps take my mind off of things."

"My door is always open if you need to let lose to anyone you know."

"Thanks Tristan. I appreciate it, I'm glad your here."

"So am I." And as I say that we are already standing at the cellar door and Hunter is walking to us.

"Let's go. I don't wanna be here long." Hunter grabs my hand and opens the door with the only key in the whole house, the only key to the cellar that the Alpha and beta only have access to.

"Hunter, I don't want to be here." Whispering to him as Dusty stays a distance behind us.

"I know. But you're going to face her wether you like it or not Tristan, this is part of our job now and I don't want her rotting her forever."

I can hear a small growl from Dusty but Hunter just keeps moving, pulling me with him as Dusty follows. As we past all the dirty cells, there's hardly anything here, considering Dean made it clear that if a rouge was ever here they would be killed. But a few lay on the ground, asleep or dead.

I hope asleep.

As Hunter pulls us forward we stop at the last cell here, the biggest one here at that. It holds Sarah in it, iron chains confining her wrists and feet, a metal pole behind her making her stand. Her face drips with blood and a vulgar smells cover everything in here making me want to vomit myself.

Just looking at Sarah, as I hide behind Hunter, I feel instant worry and guilt for some reason. What have they done to her? With my head down Dusty and Hunter stare at her in disgust as I almost break down and cry at the sight of her. Her face and body are so bruised and her eyes have hardly any of her color in them.

"Tristan, I want you to look at her." I shake my head and Hunter sighs, turning around and moving me in front of him, holding me down by the arms as his head lowers in my ears.

"Tristan, the faster we talk to her the faster you can go back upstairs." I slowly open my eyes to meet her pleading one. He isn't doing this to be a dick, he is doing this because I am scared of her.

And I told him I want to see her, but I am scared of her now and that I don't like the idea os seeing her, but now I really don't. "Now Sarah. Tristan is in control here. You've took enough beating from all of us, but now it's Tristan's turn. He can do what ever he wants with you and when he's done, he's going to decide if you die or become a rouge, which we all know is almost worse than death."

Hunter backs away and pushed Dusty away, standing in the corner as I stand there, tears in my eyes as I watch her.

I don't want to be here.

"Tristan please. I'm sorry. I'm sorry please don't hurt me anymore. I learned my lesson, please please-"

"Why?" I whisper, my head still down as she pleads to me. I can hear the iron burning her skin as she leans towards me and it makes me want to gag.

"W-what? Tristan I swear it was't my fault! Please please just let me go! I'll be good! I'll go on parole or probation! Pl-"

"Why did you do it?!" I scream in anger suddenly as she continues pleading. I can feel Hunter's angry as I get angry at her, it fuels me as well. Suddenly realizing that she is the problem. S

he's the one who caused, everything.

"Tristan! Please I did-"

"I said, why did you do it? What did you gain from killing hundreds of wolves? Ripping apart family's! Your family! You know you got your own Alpha and Luna killed! You got this pack destroyed all for me and Hunter to die? So what? What did you fucking gain Sarah!? Your own mother died, and you took his side?" I scream at her as she cries.

"I don't know! I'm sorry. I'm sorry! Please he-he said he would help me! He said he would t hurt you!"

"And you believed that shit? You were there with every beating I took from that man! You were there for ever bruise and scar! You were there Sarah! And you sided with him!"

"Tristan please, I would never hurt you!"

"Yeah, well your word broke once and I'm not taking it back now! You tore apart this pack! Because you you, everything is fucked up! We are just back to god damn square one with everything! You have no idea what's this done to anyone! You deserve those scars on you now, any blood that you lost is for all those families up stairs who lost theirs! Because of you everything is fucked up and I can't fix it! I never can! Because of you, I'm now A damn Luner, where I have to take care of at least a hundred people when I can't even take care of myself! Because of you, we lost our family! You deserve anything that you've gotten in the past few days Sarah. I never thought that I would see you like this, where I would have to be here like this with you! But here we are and I'm not regretting anything I say."

"I would never say or think anything like this Sarah, you of all people should know that. so you better know that I mean everything when I say you are the reason family's are broken. My family is broken, I now have a job that I shouldn't have at the age of eighteen, I'm barely eighteen! You are the reason my mate and family lost their parents and the reason my friends lost their mates. You are the reason we are back to square one rebuilding this pack. You don't deserve to be apart of this pack or even be here right now where you are being kept alive."

"Tristan, please please I'm sorry I know I know!"

"No. You don't know. You don't know anything. You never have and you never will, I thought you were my friend."

"I AM!"

"Then why did you fucking do it?"

"He said he would kill me if I didn't! He said he wouldn't hurt anyone here if I got you to the woods! He made me do it!"

"And I don't believe you. The Sarah I knew would have just taken a bullet for me instead of work with the man who ruined my life."

"Tristan, please. I'm begging you, just let me go."

"I will." Everyone gasps as I speak now calm. "I will let you go, alive and free to roam. But you are not apart of this pack and you won't be apart of any pack again. Sarah, your going to be a rouge for the rest of your life. And because you demons know what you've done to these people who were your own family, your going to be stripped of the pack tomorrow evening, in front of everyone you hurt. I want you to see every tear and once of pain you've caused Sarah, and then I want you to feel that yourself. You don't deserve us...none of us."


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