《Until we die (BxB)✔️》35


Hunters POV.


Turning around to see Tristan held up against the man who was once his father infuriated me more than anything.

But I can't do anything without risking his life.

With Tristan standing against his fathers body with a knife pressed against his neck, whimpers leave his lips as a pain shudders through him visibly.

The man grabbed him before I could even react and tore a cut right at his side making Tristan start to bleed lightly, the blade though is obviously silver because of how much Tristan's body is reacting badly to it.

"So little wolves, quite a spot we have ourselves in now."

"What the Fuck Do you want you Damn Bastered?!"

"Now, little wolf," his grip on Tristan's body tightens as he speaks making Tristan cry out in pain as tears begin to roll down his face. ", I only want my son back from you animals. I have a few plans in mind for him and I, that you Hunter, are not apart of. I would like to leave with my son peacefully but, I'm afraid that won't happen."

"Just give up already. You lost him the moment You first fucking laid a hand on him. You won't fucking leave these woods without dying."

"See, if I die, Tristan dies, and so does you pack. Well...I'm afraid they are already dying."


"What I mean is I have over a hundred hight trained rouges attacking your pack as of now, with no leader to guild them. I'm afraid your father is dead by now and most likely your mother as well. They have no idea that my little puppet Sarah here has taken you out here, where I plan to kill you as well before taking Tristan with me."

A sudden fear rushes over me as howls break sound in the distance, screams and smoke come from a affair as I am paralyzed here.

"So little wolf, it's either Tristan and your pack dies here tonight, or me and Tristan leave here, and you could possibly save a few of your pack members."

His father smirks as Tristan cries and struggles against him as I can only stand there.

-Hunter, go. You can't loose them.-

-I won't loose you again.- Tristan's finally figuring out his connections with me but not saying what I want to hear.

-It's Okay, please go get your pack.-

"NO! I am not losing Tristan again to you! Let him go before I tear you to fucking shreds, I don't want my boyfriend covered in blood after this!"

"If you need to be like that Hunter," a scream from me and Tristan let out as Tristan is stabbed in his side before falling to the ground, loosing blood so fast. ", be that way." Tristan's body stays immobile as blood floods out of his body once again.

I can't control my body as I shift and attack Tristan's father, ripping his neck open and fighting him as he just takes it. His blood drips from my snout as I stand over him, forgetting about everything as rage takes a hold of me, searing off of my body as I tear His father apart. Making sure the bastered is dead this time. Grey takes a hold of me and kills him for sure.


The only thing breaking me out of my thoughts is my bleeding mate on the floor, quickly shifting again as run to him, dropping to my knees as I place a hand over his side, trying to stop the dramatic blood flow.

"Tristan! Babe stay awake! Please Tristan! Oh my god baby I'm sorry! I'm gonna fix this! I promise it's going to be fine."

I can't get him to open his eyes, I knows he's there. I refuse to loose him again. I refuse to loose his for real this time. There's been scares and quick turn of events in the past with us but I refuse to let him go this easily. I know him and Phillip are fighting and I won't loose them.

Picking him up and holding his side I try to run as quick as I can to the pack, only to everyone fighting, blood covering the lawn along with the bodies of rouges and my own pack.

Tears fall from my face for the first time in a long time, seeing my entire world fall apart by just one snap of some psychopaths fingers.

It's a complete battle field as rouges just come out of no where, more and more dropping after every second.

Where he hell is my dad!?

I see dusty run towards me, protecting me from the fights as I race Tristan to the clinic, praying to god there is someone there to help him.

I can't help but look around as I run, everything flying at us in slow motion, bodies dropping and blood flying. The howls and barks from everyone ringing through my ear as I hold a limp Tristan in my arms.

As Dusty gets me inside and guards the doors to the clinic a couple nurses rush towards me in fear, looking at me like I've been hit by a bus recently, and it sure as hell feels like it.

"Take him and get him safe! He was stabbed in his side and I don't know how much blood he's lost! If he isn't alive when I come back you all will be dead along side him!"

I feel Grey take over as I speak, his dominance outnumbering Anything and everything else around us. They nod in fear, one of them grabbing may arm before letting go as I growl harshly, running outside to shift and help my people.

All I know is that I am not losing anyone else today, I am not going to let these people who have stood by mine and Tristan's side, these people who I grew up with as my family, I'm not letting them all risk their lives against these rouges without me.

Even if he is now dead, I am not going to let him win. That man who Tristan once called a father will not take anything from Tristan anymore, and he sure as hell won't steal anything else from me.


"Hunter, there's only a few more rouges, five maybe. They are running off."

"Good, get rid of them. Burn them all and get rid of them. Everyone one of them, I don't want their bodies here. I-I need to get to the clinic."

"Hunter, there's going to be a lot going on there, are you-"

"Yes! I need to be with him!"


"Just get done with the rouges and start a body count on our pack Stephanie. Get the guys to help you, as of right now your in charge of getting things cleaned up. I don't care who you use but I need to be with Tristan." Everyone I know keeps on trying to get me away from the clinic, away from Tristan though I don't think that's why.


It's been at least two days with no sight of my mother or father but I refuse to think of them dead like Tristan's father said. I haven't seen Lou or Tristan and the only thing keeping me going is the fact that my pack is scared and I am the only one here to lead them seeing as Our beta was killed yesterday during the fighting.

As I start to walk away I call for Dusty who is at my heel with in and instant.

"I need you out in the woods, Sarah and Tristan's Dad are our there. His dad is dead, don't worry. I want him disposed of."

"And Sarah? Should I bring her to the clinic?"

"No. Sarah's the reason everything just happened. I want her locked up with sliver in a fucking cell."


"As of right now my dad is Missing and so is my mom and Lou! I'm in charge and I'm telling you to lock that traitor up and get rid of everything!"

Dusty nods slowly before walking off, leaving me alone with a headache and aching body. Everyone who survived the attack is currently in the pack house receiving help or at the clinic, we cleared the field as much as we could but there wasn't a whole lot we could do for those already down.

Everyone, including pups were fighting and risking their lives, over half of them now gone. As I make my way towards the clinic I see gatherings of wolves from my pack sitting, waiting outside.

"Why isn't anyone receiving help?" My voice booms over crying wolves and saddened people.

"Hunter, I think we should talk." A doctor pulls my arm inside as a fear for Tristan takes over.

"What? Where's Tristan?! Is he okay?"

"Hunter please, I know there is a million things goin on but you need to listen. Tristan will be fine, he's resting. It's about your family. We found them all in your fathers office, your father and mother were killed."


"I'm sorry for your loss Hunter. We tried everything we could-"

"Where's Lou!"

"She's the only one we could save, her younger body and wolf are what saved her. She's resting too, she'll have a lot of scaring and nerve damage but with physical therapy she'll be just fine."

"GOD DAMIT!" Anger takes over as the doctor explain to me how my parents were just killed and my little sister was almost dead. I kick around chairs and hyperventilate as tear flood down my face. Pains hit me like Ives never felt before.

Now that I know, I can't do this. I brake down by breaking everything as a sudden rage takes over me, blinding me as the only thing runs through my head is that fact that I have lost half of my family in fourth eight hours and this pack is in hell right now. I am in hell right now.

My world is coming apart and I have no idea what to do. My nails dig into my skin as I sit and cry, scream, letting my frustration out on the furniture here.

"Hunter, if you would like to see them..."

"No. I don't. Get Lou and Tristan in the same room with someone there twenty four seven. Get these people help. I can't deal with this right now, I need to see Lou and Tristan now!"

"We'll move Tristan into Lou's room. Follow me."


Sitting in a room alone with the only two people I can really be around right now, both are asleep and in pain and it isn't doing me any good, but I can't bring myself to leave even with a nurse in here with them.

While Tristan is just asleep with a bandage around his side and tubes giving him all kinds of liquids; Lou is hooked up to at least four machines, tubes galore, and bandages all around her body.

I'm sitting there holding both their hands as my head hangs, sending silent prayers they'll be just fine. That everything will be fine.

It's been a few days and they've been fine. Nothing will happen.

Or at least that's what I say to myself.

Lou's coded twice in the past seven hours which is never good and has scared the shit out of everyone. Most people in the pack aren't even concerned with them self's anymore but more he fact that their Alpha and Luna are dead, The alphas daughter is in the hospital, Tristan is in the hospital and I can't do anything about it.

Our Beta is missing, meaning I am in charge now. And my mate is int he hospital.

Plenty of people have tried to come in and ask about them, and now I have two guards at the door.

I left Dusty in charge for now as I watch over them, getting body's taken care of for a burial ceremony, the fields cleaned up and getting the pack all the help we need.

Tristan's hand moves in mine, gripping as tight as he can making me look up at him. Tears threaten my eyes as I stand and smile, cupping his face and kissing him lightly knowing he is probably in pain still.

"Hunter? What's...did?"

"No babe. He's gone. He's gone forever. Your safe okay?"

Tristan nods, tears forming in his own eyes as he smiles lightly. His eyes widen and I turn my head to look at Lou, tears leaving my own eyes this time around as I look at my baby sister sitting there, machines keeping her going as her body is covered in bandages from burns and cuts.

"There is a lot we need to talk about Tristan, don't worry, she'll be fine. Okay? Just sleep for now." And with that Tristan nods and holds my hand tighter as he drifts off again, a sad face as he takes one last glance at Lou before understand what is going on.

This has happened a lot, he wakes up not remembering what really happened, then he sees Lou and I tell him she is fine. Everyone says it's because of the stress and not something I should worry about yet but that isn't very reassuring.

Slowly but surly things will get better. I'll make sure of it.


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