《Until we die (BxB)✔️》34


"What do you mean?"

"My dad killed someone at our house when he was drunk. I was younger, him and his friends were threatened and it just happened, they took the body somewhere and I don't remember anything after that. One of his friends stayed behind and knocked me out."

"Tristan, How dangerous is he really? If he killed someone before I highly doubt that he won't do do it again when he isn't able to get to you."

"I don't k-know. He's done so much and I can't remember half of it, let alone talk about without breaking down every time a word comes out of my mouth!" I hug my body as the words start to flow out of my mouth again, avoiding eye contact with Hunter as he sits on top of me, trapping myself from running anywhere.

"Hey, don't tell me then. don't think about it okay. It's okay for you not to talk about certain things Tristan, just know I am here. I'm always here."

My head nods as I close my eyes and fight tears again, I am so over crying.

Hunter places a soft kiss on my cheek before pulling his torso away from mine, rubbing his hands over mine as we sit once again in the silence.

"Hunter...would this be a good time? For them to talk?"

"I-yeah. I guess. We aren't going anywhere."


"Do you want to Talk to Grey or just let them hash it out?"

"Let them at each other first. Maybe that'll cool them both." Hunter nods before getting off of me. Sitting next to me, holding my hand as he lets go.

So do I.

Quickly I am out into the head space and Philip is out, looking over at Grey who stares at the wall.


Phillips POV


Looking over at Grey as he stares at the wall, his hand slowly slips away from mine as his neck twitches.


"Is he actually sorry? Or does he still think that we are like him, that we are ducking Monsters?"


"Because now that I've thought about it. He should think we are. At least he should think I am one. Because I am, aren't I?"


"He should see me as a monster. I forced hunter away, I didn't do shit. And I make Tristan feel like shit. Last time I check that's what monsters do. Those guys out there may not have been working for his dad Phillip. They could have been looking for him because of his fur."

"Grey. You would ha-"

"No. What if I couldn't. What if I backed out, or got shot? What if I died and you and Tristan were sold off. What if you were gone? I would be a monster then too."

"This has nothing to do-"

"It does though. I couldn't protect him again his dad, against Hunter, how can I protect him now. How the hell can I protect you!"

"GREY! Stop. Stop interrupting me. Stop over thinking! Sit your ass down!" He listens to me this time, Sitting down as I stand up taking his place.


"You. Are not a monster. Tristan was not thinking. He was scared! He wasn't even that mad! It was fear! He doesn't think you are a monster! He regrets saying that so much!" He loves you Grey! I love you, he loves you, you and Hunter both. He doesn't see you as monsters!"

"He doesn't. He did once upon a time, but that was before this all. He was scared, he didn't know what to say. I, didn't know what to say."

"You did though. You both are right. And you have reasons to hate us."

"Yes. We do. We have a million reasons to hate you right now. But I know you, I have known you for centuries Grey. I know you, and I've seen you at your worst. This may be one of those times, but I've seen every side of you through the years and I know that you are not a monster. And I can never hate you."


"I said he wanted to leave. That he felt he needed to. He doesn't. He doesn't want to leave, I don't want to leave. Tristan loves you and Hunter too much to ever think about hurting you like that. He isn't leaving Grey. We aren't going anywhere."

"Why? Why would you stay here?"

"Because even though you heart him, you cared for him. You made him see that there was more to life. Because Tristan didn't get that. He didn't get to see that. He is amazed with his life right now, he is amazed with you and Hunter. He doesn't want to leave the two people in his life who care for him the most right now. He's secure. He feels safe. He's always felt that with you two."

"Don't ever say that you are leaving me Phil. Please."

"I won't beautiful. I love you."

"I love you too."

"Now, let me talk to Hunter."

And in a blank of an Eye, There was Hunter back. Sitting in front of me as I stand there.


"Hi Hunter. How are you?"

"I don't know."

"Well, you seem better than yesterday."

"I am."

"That's good. Do you know why I want to talk to you right now?"

"Not really. I guess I just don't know what you are going to say."

"I am going to tell you that we are fine. That I am not not mad at you. And I don't see you as a monster, Rey is thinking it, but I am trying to make sure you don't. I know Grey will stop soon, but I don't know you that well Hunter."

"I know." He looks down at his legs and sighs as I sit next to him.

"Hunter. You are a good person. Tristan isn't mad, nor am I. It was a heat of the moment...and, that's not a Excuse for when we both said. We care about you and Grey. Alright?"

"Yeah. I know."

"Good. I'm going to tell you what I told Grey. You did hurt Tristan. Badly. But you've shown him more kindness that anyone else in his life Hunter. You were there for him and still are, you have sacrificed a lot even if you don't realize it. You are important, and we need you." He nods to me in silence. A small smile biting it's way to there as he looks at me.


"Thank you Phillip."

"Any time Hunter. I'm always here for you, you don't just have Tristan."

"I know."

Nodding, I let go and push Tristan back out. Watching him Hug Hunter tightly and mumble that I am right, Hunter reassures him and kisses him light with a smile.

This is good.


Tristan's POV.




"Can we just watch a movie or something?"

"Yeah, sure.-"

"Can we watch one with Dusty? Or just hangout with someone? I don't know people here surprisingly and you haven't met with any of your friends in a while."

"You? You want to meet my friends?"

"Yeah! I know you've been talking to them a lot. But you never hang out with them besides when your training, and because you refuse to let me train-"

"You're new to this and your body wouldn't be about to handle it."

"Because you refuse to let me train in any way, shape, or form, I haven't met anyone our age Hunter."

"Alright, common. lets go find the boys." Hunters smile spreads across his face as he leaps off the bed and pulls me up with him, so quickly I start to fall until his arm hooks under mine and he drags me out of the room.

This will keep us busy for a while.


After an hour of meeting and hanging out with Hunters friends, who are all amazing people, we ended up on the couch with Hunter, Dusty, Lane, and Stephanie playing some game; while I am being held in Hunters lap, with no escape.

Lane and Stephanie are great, their brother and sister and really funny, then there is Dusty who I already knew and his mate Roxie who hung out with us today, and Dylan who's really....out going to say the least.

Everyone just kinda took me in right away and I got really comfortable around them after just talking for a bit.

Everyone is really funny and nice, it's kinda amazing.

But as everyone has a place on the giant couch, Hunter is holding me in his lap, his chest against my back with his head resting on my shoulder as me and Dylan talk about soccer. It's great because someone else here knows something about soccer, unlike my boyfriend who is completely clueless to the sport, but it evens out cause I know nothing about football unlike him.

As Dylan and I talk, Hunter starts to growl lightly at the video game making my head turn and smile at him, trying not to laugh out loud at him. My arm goes behind his head and over his shoulder as I continue to talk about our high school team, my hand gently finding it's way to Hunters hair, raking my fingers through his soft brown hair calming him down a bit.

"Hunter man! That was my zombie!"

"Shut up Dusy you would have died with that tiny ass gun."





"GUYS GET OUT OF THE DO DAMN DROP ZONE!" I can't help but laugh at the boys as Lane yells at them while Dusty and Hunter yell at each other, all of them dieing at the same time.

"I blame Dusty."


Hunter shrugs as Stephanie yells at Dusty, before tackling him and hitting him upside the head with a pillow, which Dusty continues to fight back. Hunter lays his head on my shoulder again as everyone watches the two wrestle on the floor only to see Dusty pleading for mercy as Stephanie holds his arm against his back.

"Anyone want pizza?"

Everyones eyes turn towards Mary who is calmly standing at the door way smiling, everyones besides Hunter and I run out of the room laughing and Hitting each other as they make their way tot he dinning hall.

"We'll be there in a bit mom." Mary smiles and leaves us alone on the couch as Hunter Kisses my neck lightly before laughing at my squirminess. "So, how'd they do?"

"Why didn't I get to meet them earlier! Hunter they're amazing! Why would you lock me away in that tower of yours!" I yell while turning to face him leaving Hunter smiling brightly.

"You actually like them?"


"Good to know. Cause they've been obsessed with meeting you ver sense you came here."


"HUNTER! TRISTAN! I think you guys should come outside! I was on rounds and I think you need to see this!" Sarah stands at the door way, out of breath as she speaks making Hunter stand quickly with me still in his arms.

Hunter looks at me and I start making mew ay quickly to Sarah as she takes my hand and drags me outside with Hunter on our tail. Pulling me outside as the sunsets and dragging us into the woods as we all run with her.

As running for a few moments were in a hidden area in the woods pretty far out, Sarah stops and looks around.

"Sarah what the hell is going on?"

"Yeah, what did we need to see?" Asking her as she walks around for a bit.

Hunter grabs my hand as Sarah turns around with sad eyes, "I'm sorry Tristan, I really am. but I had to do this, you wouldn't understand but I am sorry. You're my best friend but right now I only need to look out for my family. I hope you understand." and with that Sarah blacks out and falls to the ground Making me drop to her before her head crashes against a rock. I look up at Hunter after checking her pulse.

"Hunter, what the hell-"

"Shh." Hunters body turns fastly as his eyes go everywhere he can see, looking for something. Before I know what is going on I'm torn away from Sarah and Pulled against another body, that isn't Hunters. I feel a cold knife at my neck before Letting out a scream.



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