《Until we die (BxB)✔️》33


Sitting in the giant dinning room with my head looking down, my hand on my forehead trying to cover my beat red face as everyone in the house eats breakfast.

Hunter sits at my side talking to Dean as we eat, in front of the whole pack who all heard Hunters little shout of joy ten minutes ago. And like Mary said she made me and hunter full king sized meals for each of us and she fully expects us to eat it all. But as I eat my food Hunter talks on and on Until he turns to me.

"Whoa, slow down Tristan. You're going to choke soon."

"I am not, we've been here for half an hour and you've barley touched your food!"

"Tristan, we've been here for ten minutes, slow down." He gives me a dorky smile as I look at my food and my eyes widen. I laugh a little as his hand rests on my lap with a smile. I start to pic and play at my food as I get pulled into a conversation with Lou about dolls.

"And I swaid 'little boo, you put the horse away or you are gwounded!' And she didn't put it away!" She waves her hand in her booster seat as she shoves a banana in her mouth.

"And what happen then?"

"I gwounded her to the end of time!" My eyes widen again at the five year old in front of me as her parents laugh.

"Remind me to never go behind your back." Hunter mumbles making me laugh harder.

"So boys, what are your plans for today?"

"Umm...Well we need to talk for a bit about some things..." I say slowly as Dean looks at us concerned.

"Is everything alright? Tristan if this is about your father back again I want you to know that we are keeping an eye on things."


"What....what do you mean? M-My dads...He-hes back!?" My voice shakes as Dean looks away and Mary stays silent. Soon the whole room goes quiet with about hundred people now looking at us. "Hunter?"

"That's why we had t leave but Grey took over and everything happened yesterday. I couldn't tell you."

"I-You..." I start to feel sick and soon I am running to a bathroom to throw my guts up. Gripping the toilet bowl as I toss up anything in my stomach, my body shakes vigorously as People race to the bathroom I'm in, foot steps stoping at the front door frame.


Hunters smell invades the room as I continue to throw up, His body sits next to me as he pulls my hair out of my face considering out long it is.

As I continue to toss up my breakfast Hunters free hand rubs my back, Mary steps in and stands by the sink as she looks for something in the cabinet. I flush the toilet as My head lays on my hands as Tears form in my eyes.

Mary hands me a cloth and I quickly clean my self up and get up to brush my teeth, grabbing a spare out of the cabinet and washing my mouth as Hunter and his family sit there waiting, watching me in silence.

I lean against the sink as My chest shakes ring to regain air after my throwing up. I stare at the sink as we all just sit. Hunter gets up and hugs me from behind, whispering to me as Marry talk to dean outside quietly.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. it somehow slipped my mind as we were talking last night. I should have told you before I even thought about letting grey take over at all. He was spotted near here but a few miles off of our property lines and on another packs land. those people who were at the cabin yesterday were working for him, that's why we ran. It's going to be okay, he is not going to get you. You are safe here Tristan, trust me. This time you won't be taken away from us. "

"I-I know... it's just...scary."

"I know. I know." Hunter turns me around and holds my face in his hands as I start to cry. He hugs me in his arms tightly as I cling onto him.

"Why. Why does he have to come back every time I get happy? Why is he doing this! Why is he fucking obsessed with me? I don't want him here! I want him gone forever Hunter! I hate him! I-I hate him!"

"I know Tristan. I don't know why he's doing this."

"I JUST WANT HIM FUCKING GONE!" I scream into Hunters chest as he holds me as I break down. I clutch his shirt tightly as my tears stain it, my emotions are surging at a million miles an hour and I guess Hunter can feel it.

"Tristan, I know. I know you want him gone but you need to calm down a bit okay? You're still new to all of this but you are about to have another forced shift and you need to calm down." His lisp rest by ears as He talks to me, gripping my hips a little bit.


"And if you don't calm down we are going up to the bedroom, its only nine babe." His words somehow calm me down on to get me excited a tad bit. I nod and stop crying, calming down until I start to feel numb again, hugging hunter as His parents knock on the door frame. Hunter lets go and I nod at him as we walk out of the bathroom.

"Are you okay honey?" I nod as Hunter grabs my hand and dean nods.

"Come on boys, we need to talk about some things." Dean starts walking to his office and we follow him as Mary goes to get Lou. As we all get seated in Deans office he smiles at me and nods his head again as my leg starts to shake.

"So yes, your father was found near here and we were informed by another pack. We have a warrant out for him and when you are ready Tristan, we want to go to the police. When your eighteen it'll be easier but if you feel like we should we will. As of right know only packs near us know that we need this man in our custody." I nod my head as Dean talks.

"We will have guards out every hour of the day and you need to be with Hunter at all times until we have any more news, he is the best protection considering you two are now...mated."


"We'll keep you guys updated but there isn't much we can do."

"Thank you dean."

"Of course." Hunter grabs my hand again as we walk out of the office together, our fingers twiddling with each others as we walk up the stairs in silence.

"I'm sorry Tristan, I know we were just getting there, and then yesterday happened, and now this."

"It's fine. let's just go upstairs."

"Tristan. You're going to stay open with me, right?" Hunter pulls me to stop me from walking any further up the stairs.

"Yeah. Let's just go up stairs." Hunter sighs and lets me continue walking upstairs, following me up to his room and when we get there I lay down on the bed and toss my arms over my head as Hunter walks over and sits next to me, rubbing my thigh as We sit there and take a moment for ourselves.

Sitting in the silence I thought that I would start crying, I never do good in the silence, I hate, I'm just not use to it, I don't think that I ever will be. But I'm not crying. I'm angry, or sad or shocked. I'm just breathing.

We're just breathing.



"What going on in that pretty little head of yours?"

"I don't know." I keep my hands over my head as Hunter swings his legs over my waist so he is straddling me. His hands remove mine from my head so he can look at me, smiling at me when he sees my face. His hands cup my face as he moves my hair out of my eyes, just smiling as he waits for me to start venting out to him.

"I just don't know how someone could do this. How he could fricken beat his own son and not care and hell, even get away with it. I mean you saw it for gods sake Hunter, how did no one else? I just don't know why he is still doing this. Why is he still after me. It's been months, you would think he would just move on but no, I just don't know why. I don't see it. I don't see why he is after me when he could have gotten a life and moved on without have a kid. I just want him gone and out of my life, out of our lives."

"I know, and once we get him he won't be a problem anymore. I'll make sure he's taken care of."

"Hunter...what-what are we going to do with him?"

"Well, considering you're now mated to me and I have a strong connection with the pack, and that literally everyone likes you a lot and knows about your dad, a lot of people are gonna vote to kill him probably."


"I know it sounds bad, but....Tristan it'll probably happen." I stay quiet and close my eyes as Hunter holds my face.

"I know....it's your ways or the real worlds government system with trials and he'll probably get life in prison with all the shit I can say."

"what do you mean?"

"My dad...he umm..He didn't just abuse me Hunter, he he abused women too. He killed someone before."


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