《Until we die (BxB)✔️》32




Laying on the floor in Hunters room, I start to pass out slowly. All that running took a toll on our body and it's a lot, I don't even know how we didn't fall asleep as soon as we got here.

But as my eyes close Hunter walks into the room rather calm, closing the door as I he looks at me. Moving closer to me I don't bother to move my body, everything hurts again. Hunter sits next to me and lets out a shaky breath, leaning his head on the wall and closing his own eyes we sit here in silence.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think that....that's how you saw me, how you saw Grey. I never even saw anything like that Tristan. I tried to calm Grey down, you have to trust me that I tried. I was trying to get out of the house so we could leave safely but Grey wanted to hunt down your dad. I didn't mean for anything to be let out like that, But I didn't have control."

"And I know that this isn't a great excuse for Greys actions at all today. I'm sorry Tristan, I get it if you want some space. I'll leave you alone if you want, but I needed to let you know that." My eyes open to see Hunter crying. My heart breaks and I feel the need to protect him, to help him, to make him feel better.

I know that non of this was his doing. It was more me than anyone. I know that he wasn't in control and that Grey needs to take account for everything he did and said, just like I do.

This was my fault, I said everything, I thought everything and its wrong. So so wrong.

I get up with a shaky body and move so my head is on Hunters lap, looking up at him while tears fall onto my fur. His hand slowly pets my fur and rubs my head as we watch each other. "I am so sorry Tristan. Please don't see me like him, please."

Getting up and walking to the bathroom to shift and change quickly, I get out with a pair shorts on me and I practically run to Hunter, who is staring softly at his forearms.

Gazing at the scars quickly I get a depressing feeling as I sit on Hunters lap, Moving is arms out of his sight, making sure he his looking at me.

Wiping his tears away softly with shaking hands, he grabs my wrists to help stop the shaking. "Hunter, don't apologize please. Please, just don't. There are somethings that we can't change and that I've already forgiven you for. I just...I just saw him and I couldn't look past everything else. I am trying, I am trying to get rid of everything and start over."


"And we were doing so well, I was doing so good. I don't know what really set me off, but I know I shouldn't have freaked out and I know that you heard everything I said. I need you to know I didn't mean it, I did at the time but I don't now. I was mad, I was upset and blinded and I don't think of you like that. I did at one point of time, but I don't see you like that anymore. I know you, I know that you would protect me over anything and I know that you love me for everything I am, for everything that we are. I never meant to hurt you like that Hunter, but I know I did. I didn't mean it, please."

"I know that you are so caring underneath that tough skin of yours and that you would put me before anything and everything, and hell you have for the past months with your whole heart Hunter. Yo've helped me understand everything in this world and you've helped me throughout everything with the abuse and mental states, you've saved me so many times I don't know how to thank you. You are my savor and I would never get rid of you or try to hurt you ever. I love you, and I don't want anything to happen to us."

As soon as I am done talking Hunter lets out a small smile and cries again. my forehead connects with his and I start to cry too.

Yes, Hunter was apart of the abuse but I've seen the other sides of him. I've seen how he really did care about me over the years, even if he never showed it to me.

I've seen him change around me and I've seen the side of him that no one got to see. Hunter became my world and I never want hi to leave. I will always need him, no matter what happens, nothings going to separate us. I now know how much he really cares and how much of me has changed just because he saw what was going on and what needed to be seen by me.

"Tristan, I love you so much. I really don't care how long we've been together or how long you've even fucking known me, I love you so much and if you left me I don't know what I would ever do."

"Well that is never going to happen. I love you Hunter. let's go to bed for now okay? We can get the other two to talk tomorrow. We will all talk."


"I don't think that's a great idea..."

"Hunter, if we leave it unsaid this won't go away, I know Grey has somethings to say to me and Phillip and I know it's not going to be sweet and sugar coated. I'm okay with that, I know I have to listen to him too. And I think that you should talk to Phillip, I think it would help him."

"Can we talk about it tomorrow?" I nod my head and stand up, reaching my hands down for Hunter, only for him to stand up and pick me up, carrying me out the door and down the stairs.

"Where are we going?"

"I want food, and your stomach was grumbling while you were talking. Not to mention before everything happened we had sex, and we just ran for hours straight."


"Tristan, food. Is. A. Priority." His face I still somewhat sad, I think mines too.

"I love how we just opened up again and let our fricken hearts out to each other, and you are souly focused on food."

"I'm focused on you getting food."

"Hunter." he kisses my head softly as he carries me to the kitchen, setting me onto the counter and walking to the fridge. Both of us in only shorts as he grabs ice-cream from the fridge. Handing me a spoon as he just digs into it, eating the strawberry ice cream out of the tub, looking up at me as I laugh only for him to start laugh too.

eventually half of the tub is devoured and it's around seven AM. I don't think we are sleeping today, we made our way out of the kitchen and to the couch somewhere in time to cuddle and talk again s we suck on ice-cream. No one really paid attention to us thankfully, and we could enjoy ourselves again.

"I think next time we take a break from reality, we go west."

"What's out west?" I ask as Hunter plays with my hair.

"I was thinking Washington, a lot of woods again of course, but rent a cabin out west somewhere during the rainy season to just get away. I mean, we don't have a whole lot of things to do. We would definitely go to a fair though, and then a open lot movie festival, just chill in the truck and watch movies for hours on end We could maybe take Lou with us if you want. I know she hasn't really ever been off the land, she'll go into town but she doesn't get to travel around the States like dad does. Whatcha think?"

"I think you should tell me next time before you plan full details for a trip." I say laughing out, almost chocking on my ice cream. "But I think that would be great. If you can find the time in between training and Alpha stuff that your dad has you doing."

"Don't even start to tell me about all that stuff." Hunter kisses me softly before eating ice cream off of my spoon instead of his, which I think he lost.



"That is my spoon!"


"Boys? What are you two doing up still? Did you two even sleep?" Mary is standing infant of the couch staring at us as we eat ice cream.

"Nope." Hunter mumbles making me giggle.

"What on earth...is that the only thing you've two eaten?"

"I wouldn't say eaten, more like snacked on for a few hours."

"Hunter stop being a smart ass."

"MY word. Hunter, listen to your boyfriend once in a while, it'll get you out of less trouble. I'm making a full meal for the both of you so maybe you actually eat something!" Mary runs off as Hunter and I laugh at her panic.

"the fact that you two can eat like that and keep abs amazes me." Sarah! I look up to see Sarah now smiling at us, I look at Hunters shirtless body and then mine and then I shrug.

"I don't know how I do it either..." She just rolls her eyes and sits in a chair close to me.

"So, how was your guy's weekend?"


"How so?"

"Well I fucked the living shit out of my boyfriend if that's what you're wondering."

"HUNTER!" I scream at him as Sarah laughs.


"Oh my god you two."

"Hunter, you can't just say You fucked me!" I start to move my self upwards to yell at him but all he does is laugh.


"Because it's embarrassing sometimes."



"Then you won't like this...."

"What do-"



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