《Until we die (BxB)✔️》31


"Hunter, we really.....really need to get going." Hunters impossible now. Now that we had sex and he marked me, his sex drive is just on the rage, it's kinda funny.

He is currently holding me against his very bare chest, pulling me away from the truck and back into the cabin. It's been a few days...a few amazing days....and now we need to get going home but Hunter is set on staying for at least an hour now.

"But I want to have fun."

"Hunter, we've had fun....amazing fun for the past four days! now stop!" I say as my body goes limp, Hunter is now dragging me back to the cabin. Up the stairs and across the living room, into the master bedroom, which I had just gotten done cleaning, and onto the bed. He smirks as he looks at me all given up.

"Please?" He brakes out puppy dog eyes and sits on my lap making me laugh as he hands hold my neck softly. His thumb grazes my mark and my body instantly jerks upwards....stupid wolf genes. "I'm gonna take that as a yes..." Hunter mumbles before kissing me softly, slowly moving faster as his hands take off my shirt and hold my face in his.

"Hun...hunter that's....not f...fair, at all!" I get out in between kisses.

"Sure it is, you didn't say no and your body said yes."

"You manipulated my body and stopped me before I could say no!" I laugh out as he pecks my lips while smiling brightly, I haven't seen him this happy all summer, and it's July!

But now he has me trapped, completely. I have a raging boner and I know for a fact he knows it because he grinds down on me, making me groan out as he places feather like kisses on my jaw before bitting at my skin leaving a small red hickey.


his hands go down to remove my shorts and boxers as I work on his jeans, staring at his neck that is covered in dark spots, I'm sure mine is worse but damn, we need to lay off. His lips trail downwards on my skin, slowly moving down my stomach while leaving love bites and red marks on my skin, leaving his marks on me.



"Just fuck me already!" I rush out needfully to him, not caring about anything else as my sex drive takes over. His fingers work magic on me, and in me as he slides two of his fingers into me, stretching me because even though we've fucked a lot this week, I still tighten up again. I become a moaning mess as he fingers me, slowly teasing me.

"Hunter! Please don't....."

"It's this thing called prep Babe. You kinda need it." Hunter brings himself up to me and slides his extremely hard dick at my entrance, making me groan as he pushes all the way in, stoping to let me adjust myself and my heavy breathing. "If I didn't know better, I would say you want this more than me Tristan..."

"because you started it!" I try to say all at once before Hunter moves in me, stoping my words and making me yell instead as he harshly moves. Grabbing my neck as he fucks me into the bed. Hunter bites his lip as he looks at me while fucking me.

"W-What?" I moan out as he slams into me.

"You're so hot. And you are so mine." Pulling out of me for a mere second to flips me over onto my stomach, making me squeal at the sudden loss of dick and the sudden burden of being on my stomach, Hunters hands forcefully spread my legs wide as he grabs my neck pulling me up partially before entering me again, slamming into my prostate this time making me scream and wiggle in pleasure.


I don't think we are leaving any time soon.



"Hunter shut the light off." Mumbling to Hunter as he picks up a phone call in the dark room, turning on a lamp just to light up his skin and bed head. Rolling so a pillow is on top of my head I get this feeling inside of me, a feeling of dread almost. Fear is you must. The spot that hunter Marked me is throbbing and I hiss at it, moving my head up to look at Hunter.

His mouth hangs open slightly as he grips his phone, hard.

"Hunter?" My body forces its self up to sit next to Hunter in the bed sheets as he listens to someone talk on the phone.

"Yeah, well leave soon. Keep a perimeter and a watch on him, well be back before he figures out we're gone. Tristan, go get dressed please..." He kisses my cheek, but it's quick and hard, not like Hunter. As he gets up and tosses on shorts, still on the phone with someone, he walks to the bathroom and slams the door shut.

'What is that all about?' I try linking to Phillip, not knowing If was working or not.

'I don't know, I can't talk to Grey, he shut me out.'

'I don't think Hunter will talk to me.'

'If you don't want to talk to him, I will Tristan, Okay? I'm always here if you don't want to be here.'

'I know. Thank you Phillip.'

And with that I grab a shirt out of my bag and some jeans, knocking on the bathroom door only to be met with Grey.

"Hey Grey, um, is everything alright?"

"No. Grab your bag. we're leaving."

"But I thought...it's only like....eight."

"Tristan. Grab. Your. Bag. And get into the truck." Grey holds my jaw with one hand tightly, forcing me to look at him. I think I started to shake or something because he lets me go and steps back, looking at me concerned before huffing and leaving.

What was that all about?

I do as Grey says, not wanting him or Hunter upset even though I know they are, I feel it. I toss my bag in the truck and Grey carries his bag and the food out, slamming it down into the truck before getting in himself.

"Grey, I want Hunter back please."

"No. Get your seatbelt on."

"Grey. Please. I need to talk to him."

"We have a long drive and I suggest you out your buckle on Tristan."


"I said NO! Just shut up Tristan!" He stops backing out of the drive way, gripping the steering wheel tightly as he scowls. Tears peck my eyes as I grip the door, looking down as Grey breathes heavily, growling as we sit there.

My dad flashes through my head, a millions times on repeat as I try to block it out. I haven't had an episode in weeks. I'm done with this. I'm over this.

I got over it. I am over this.

He doesn't deserve a place in my head, he should have a place in my head! Tears fall as all I see are images over images of him. The worst time of my life set on loop, the worst times of my life set on repeat for me to never forget.

I open the truck door and run, slamming the door shut, trying to regain my focus, trying to remember every other time with our him in my life, trying to remember when Hunter found me, when Hunter saved me. Trying to remember Hunter, his family, his pack, his love and kindness, trying to remember him only to see the bad moments with him too.


The moment when he would beat me to a pulp in school, the moments where I got broken noses and black eyes at the snap of his fingers. The moments where he was my bully, my abuser. Were him and my dad were he same.

They were the same!

I'm so stupid. I'm so fucking dumb. Whats even going on with, I shouldn't think this, Hunter isn't like that anymore.

I run into the woods with Grey or Hunter chasing after me. Running into a tree just to hold it tightly while I sob, my tears wetting the bark that scapes my hands.

My hands with scars from broken glass. All the broken glass that was used again me. Every object in the house that was used to beat me. Everything that beat me left a scar.

He left the scars.

Hunter left the scars. Everyone left them and never worried about them. No one ever worried.

No one cared.

"Tristan!" Grey. He's mad. He doesn't care. No one did.

"Get away from me!"

"No Tristan, come here." His tone is getting angrier and more rushed with every step.

"No! Stay away from me." Grey steps back and he face furrows with question and concern. Concern that he never had!

"Tristan calm down. I'm sorry, can we just-"

"Talk! Can we just talk! No! No we are not going to fucking talk. We aren't going to do anything because you two never did!I never asked for this! I never ever in my life wanted this! Any of this shit that we are in! Don't you fucking see that you two are just like him! You two are him! You never cared, you never worried! Instead because you two had problems you beat me! Just like him! I don't care! I don't care about you! Get away from me!"

My screaming could have shattered a mountain. My words could have pierced the deadliest monsters know to man. And they just pierced two souls on the spot. My words hurt.

Not only me but Phillip, Hunter, and Grey. But even though my words hurt, they hurt me more. Hunter and my dad hurt me the most. And nothing else would ever make up for it. I finally see that now. I see how throughout everything, it want just one person. It was two. It was three.


"No! You don't get say anything!" Phillip starts to go mad in his space or what ever it is, trying to calm me down while he is angry too. Not angry at me, but at grey for freaking out and at Hunter too. He sees it as I do.

"Tristan please, calm down..."

"NO!" A sudden rush takes over me and I feel myself let go. Running away from Grey again this time shifting uncontrollably, my anger getting over me and forcing me to shift. With my second shift going much smoother compared to the first one, I'm in and out of my forms in minutes.

Why am Thinking this! Why did I just say all of that? What did I do?

Running like my life depends on it against Grey, who also shifted after me. With his form much, much, much bigger than mine he starts to catch up as I make it to the beach. I'm dragged down by Grey biting my hind leg and pulling me into the sand. Barking and turning around with a hurt leg Grey stares me down as I growl harshly.

"Tristan Shift. Back. Now."

"No. Go away for the last fucking time!" And with that Grey lunges at me tackling me to the ground, causing me to struggle and only get more upset. Bitting at him and and barking as we fight each other, I nip at his face making him bite my neck harshly causing me to become immobile as he holds me by my neck. Growling again as Phillip yells in my head at everyone now. "Let go of me!"

"No. You are going to fucking shift and get your ass back in the truck even if I have to drag you through the woods by your neck Tristan!"

"Let go of me!"


"GREY!" At my yelling again he gets angry but lets go, dropping me to the sand as I catch my breath, Greys harsh bite causing an instant pain to my neck as soon as he detaches himself from me.

Never the less I get up on my paws and walk away from him, towards the water and away from Grey, I hear him take heavy steps to me and I turn around, watching him as he walks, only to get angry again and lunge at him, taking him on again, bitting and scratching at him as much as I can as he lets me, he lets me get my anger out on him.

As soon as I realize this, I get off of him and run again. I don't want to hurt him or Hunter. I just hurt them, baldy, I just don't want to have him here. I don't want anyone right now, why won't he fucking see that, why didn't anyone see that.

-Tristan, please stop running babe, just talk to me!-

-Get out of my head!-

-Tristan, stop!-

-Get out!- Hunters voice rings thorough my head and I stop running just to scratch and claw at my head.

'Tristan, let me take over, you're going to hurt yourself!'

'Please...please....' Letting Phillip take over only to have him just as angry at everyone as me. What did I do?

Why did I say those things? I should have said them..."




Taking over for Tristan now, I stop us from scratching and just sit in the woods, knowing that Grey is close behind me. Sitting and waiting, my tail flicking every second that I wait as all the anger from Tristan builds up in me.

I know what is going on, I know what he is feelings, and I am just as angry as him. I don't know where this came from other than Grey yelling at him in the wrong way.

Grey comes up to me and sits, resting his head on mine, or at least he tries to. My head moves away as I glare at him, making him tilt his head in frustration and stare back at me.


"What? Really, what? Have you even thought about anything that has happened int he past twenty minutes Grey!"


"Then what are e mad about? What do you think is going on Grey?"

"I think that he is only upset because I yelled, but he shouldn't be. Okay, I yell, all the fucking time. Just because one man in his life did too doesn't make me the same though."

"That's not what is goin on Grey! Your'e like him because you let him and Hunter beat him everyday. You didn't even try! You didn't even try to get out! You did nothing! You did nothing for him, ever."

"You don't think I know that Phillip! You don't think I know that I didn't do anything! Your impossible, I at least thought you would talk to Tristan and calm him down! But you're just upset over things you have no idea about."

"I don't know what's going on? I had to sit there Grey! I had to sit there with every beating and threat and life threatening attack! I had to sit through everything while I watched HUNTER beat us! Did you ever think of that?! I had to watch my Human die inside and not be able to help him ever! I couldn't do anything Grey! So don't you dare say that I don't know anything!"

"Philip do not raise your voice at me."



"HOW WOULD YOU KNOW GREY?! HOW WOULD YOU KNOW? OH WAIT YOU DON'T YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT BECAUSE YOU WEREN'T THERE!" Before Grey or I can say anything more gun shots go off. spangly close to us, Grey and I look at each other and just booked it.

Running for our lives together as more bullets are amid at us as we run. It's getting dark and we have hours of ground to cover now that we are wolves and don't have the truck.

"What's going on!"

"This is why we needed to fucking leave! Tristans dad knew we were here! Just run Phil." picking our pace up to out run the three men behind us, they must be humans or something because we lose them quickly and the gun shots stop, but that doesn't mean we stop.

I follow Grey assuming he can get us to the pack by midnight at the best, he weaves us through the woods as best he can.

"Grey. This conversation is not over between any of us."

"It was never a fucking conversation Phillip."

"Well you won't ever have a conversation with Tristan again if this doesn't get worked out! He doesn't want to be with you two right now because you yelled at him like his dad did! He thinks you two are just like his dad and that you tricked him because you both are selfish! He thinks he needs to leave again for his safety." Grey comes to a halt and stares at me.


"Grey we don't have time for this, let's just get home first and let these two figure it out, we will have our own conversation later."


"Don't. Just run, now."


After hours on hours of running and both of our boys still locked away in our head we make it onto our land, stopping to catch our breathes again, it has to be at least four in the morning. Thank god that werewolves can run faster than other animals because we would have never gotten here safely if we couldn't.

"Phil, we need to get to the house, not sleeping now, it's still dangerous."

"I-I know, I just need..Need..." I feel like passing out on the spot, I need water and food, My limbs are exhausted. Never the less, Grey pushes me up and we run the extra mile to the house, where the guards stand, wolves and Humans.

They see Hunter and let us pass quickly, and thankfully easily with no one talking to either of us. Hunters Parents come running down the stairs as soon as we are let into the house, only to be met with Greys growls as they run to us.

"Grey. Stop."

"Go upstairs." Giving into my exhaustion I get up the stairs to Hunters room, falling on the floor not bothering to shift. I feel myself let go even though I try to not, but Tristan comes in and lets me, telling me he can handle this now, he's calmed down thankfully, though this is going to be a harsh conversation between him and Hunter.


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