《Until we die (BxB)✔️》25-prt.2


"What do you want to know about him?" I ask.

"When did this all start?"

"About ten years ago?"


"After my mom died, my dad, he gave up trying to raise a baby and my aunt stepped in and took care of me for years. But she had cancer and passed away when I was about eight. He was always drunk and it just started as a hatred of me."

"And why do you think he hates you?"

"Because I'm not like him. He thinks I killed my mom after she had me. I'm a wolf. He hates them. I remember when I was little he talked about wolves a few times but I thought it was because he was just so drunk. I guess he's not that crazy now. he says I look like my mom, and he hates me because of it. So he hurt me cause he says it's my fault she is dead."

"He liked to blame me for everything, I just kinda took it. When I was younger he'd make me feel bad about not having a mom and that his wife was dead because of me, so I thought that it was my fault and just took the beatings. I didn't really know it was Wong until I was ten or eleven."

"And how did he hurt you Tristan? Verbally, physically?"

"Both. Most days he would talk me down and then go out with friends or get drunk or something. I'm surprised he's still living."

"Can I ask why you never went to anyone for help?" I'm hesitant to answer. I don't know how to talk about these things, I know I can...I just don't know how to yet.

"No one would believe me anyways. My dad would just hurt me more. He would come home and drag me down the stairs or into the attic and have at me like I was a punching bag for his own personal pleasers." I say to him, tears forming in my eyes and my voice cracks at the end.

"And I was scared to ask help from people, because if they didn't believe me, my dad would beat me more and more. There was one time I tried in a store...I didn't leave the house for two months cause I had a broken arm after that and He didn't take me in until two months later for surgery on it."

"if you had any other family besides your Aunt and father? would you go to them?"

"Probably not. My dad trusted my aunt and when she died he said it was because I infected her. I don't even know what that means. He never talked about family before, we don't have pictures or anything of anyone in his house. It was like no one really existed there."

"And how did you end up here?"

"I ran away for good when my dad beat me and told me to get out. So I did and I ran into the woods knowing he would go into the woods with me. I started having one of those strains and hunter found me."

"Hunter found you? How do you feel about that?"

"He was on a run apparently. That afternoon he came to talk to me and try to apologize. I sent him away after accepting it and then he found me in the woods. He took me here and next thing I know I'm finding out I'm Hunters mate. I'm really thankful that he found me. I don't think I would have died or anything out there, but I wouldn't be as happy as I am right now."


"I feel safe, I did feel safe for some reason here. Almost right away. I shouldn't have, because of Hunter I shouldn't have. I wanted to run right away but then I broke down when Hunter said he knew about my dad. He was there for me, I didn't know why he was or why he even cared though. It was really strange because days before he was beating me up in a hallway."

"I'ms sorry?"

"Hunter was my bully. Before all of this. And, I know its really weird and crazy. I know why and I get it, it wasn't right and he knows that more than anyone else. I forgave him a million times when he came to my house one day to apologize. That was a few diss before the woods incident and then he brought me here. I forgave him over and over again. I don't think he fully realizes that yet though."

"Hunter was your bully?"

"Yeah. He found out I was his mate, and the whole Human thing was still there. His wolf and him fought for a long time until they were separated for a bit. It broke Hunter, a lot. He didn't know what to do and wasn't in control over half of the time. It's not an excuse and he doesn't use it as that. And thats why I didn't trust him aright away. But forum reason I started to really quick."

"And that was because the suppressants were wearing off. Your wolf and mating instincts were working to connect you and Hunter together."

"I guess so. I'm glad I started to trust him though. I mean, things moved really fast though."

"That can happen between mates, when they have been separated in a way. I am glad that you are happy here Tristan. I can make things really easy sometimes when you can be happy and calm where you are. And how are you doing with the whole werewolf thing? With you being one and just being brought into all of this?"

"It's a lot. I didn't even know this was a thing and I would have thought anyone was crazy if they told me this a little over a two months ago. But I saw Hunter. I saw him as a wolf. It kinda amazes me that I'm not dreaming and this is real. I mean I learn something everyday and I'm still getting use to it all. Everything is so much more different than most peoples lives. You all work so well with each other and it's crazy."

"And how are things going with people around the pack?"

"Okay I guess. I mean people already know I'm gay and with Hunter, so the people that don't like it are kinda cold but most are pretty happy around us. I've met a few people but I really just stick to Hunter and His family I guess."

"I am glad people are open to you. We are happy that you are here Tristan. Your making a great start here and I can tell your going to be a great Lunar. Well thats all the time we have for today I'm afraid. But feel free to stop by and we can talk some more before your next meeting." He says while leading me to the door where hunter is waiting.

"I am proud of you Tristan, this month has been hard on you, I can tell. But you coming and just talking about somethings is a great step. I am sorry for what you have gone through. I hope that next time we can talk about your past a bit more?" Nodding to him, he smiles and nods at Hunter before leaving us.


Hunter hugs me as soon as I am out the doors and I am taken back a bit but hug him back, thankful he is here. He rubs my back and kisses my head, whispers sweet things into my ear as smile. That was good. Hard, but good.

Hunter a really big cuddler and I find it cute. "I'm fine Hunter." I whisper to him as he looks me all over, concern filling is eyes.

"You sure? How'd it go?"

"It went okay. Just went over basic things I guess." I say as I wipe my face and smile. "We talked about him for a bit, not that bad I guess. I just needed those tears to fall quickly. But I'm fine, really." Hunter takes my hand for a moment before he pulls me away from the clinics offices.

"Hunter what are we doing?" I ask running to keep up with him as he walks quickly around people dragging me with him. Instantly changing my mood.

"You said I could have you for the rest of the day and I leave in two days. So I am taking you with me." I smile as he leads me to his room and picks me up, kissing me as my arms wrap around his neck. He kicks the door shut with his foot and lays me in the bed before kissing me again.

Being more forceful, his dominance takes over and he takes my wrists in one of his hands and holds them about my head lightly. I tense up in a good way and kiss him back. His tongue moves past my lips and fights with mine as we make out.

I give up and he smirks over me as he kisses my jaw and bites down on my ear making me let out a small yelp and groan. He kisses my neck and moves my shirt off of me before kissing my chest too, leaving dark marks on my chest and shoulders. He licks and bites his lip as he looks over me with a smirk and he smiles knowing he did what he wanted.

He kisses me lighter this time and let's my hands go, and they roam his covered chest. I roll us over and straddle him as he looks up at me.

"My turn." I say mocking him from the other week as I bite his lip and look at him. Taking his shirt off I bite on his neck making him groan every time my teeth are there to long, my tongue licking over it as he grip loosens and tightens on me every time. I leave a few big marks on his neck where I know he won't cover it and on his chest. Moving down his stomach, biting and kissing every time my lips touch his soft skin.

I bite at his v-line and come back up knowing he's hard, thinking I'll be a tease today. Kissing him again and biting his lip, pulling at it as I pull away from him. I figured out a while ago when you bite his lip, he instantly groans.

He kisses me again and again, only pulling em away to let me breath for a few seconds.


"what?" He asks lazily, looking up at my hand my hands rest on his bare chest.

"You know we can't just makeout for three hours right?"

"Oh, really?" I nod my head and he moves my fluffy hair out of my face and kisses me gently this time, softly holding my cheek and pressing his swollen lips softly against my own. I smile as he pulls away and my stomach flutters at the loss of touch.

"I don't know what I am going to do while you're not with me." He says softly.

"You'll be okay. You can always facetime me too, and text."

"Yeah but it's not the same. I practically haven't left your side in two months."

"It's only for three days. I'll call you and you'll be back in no time."

"I don't want to leave you." He says before kissing me again.

"I don't want you to leave either. But you should." I say against his lips, I swear only he understands the words that come out of my mouth at times like these, sometimes I thank god for that too. His hands go under my shirt and onto my stomach, I suck in a breath as his fingers roam.

I moan as he presses his thumbs against my lower stomach and he kisses my neck again. He lightly pecks my skin, being gentle this time around and I thank god for it.

"Hunter." I moan against his lips as he smirks and pulls me closer down to him again.

"what Babe?" I open my eyes and fully realize what is going on.


"What?" Hunter asks me as I sit up straight on his lap and look down at him. Smiling at the dark mark I left on his neck...I quickly change the subject with a smile.



"I'll let you figure it out, okay? You're smart." Hunter raises a brow at me as I move off his lap and kiss his cheek. He huffs and sits up, "Tristan!"

"Go change and I'll help you pack okay?" I say getting off the bed and pulling him up with me. He whines but does as I say, walking to the bathroom.

"TRISTAN WALKER!" He screams at me from the bathroom and I smile, I guess he saw the giant hickeys on his neck. He walks into the room and points to his neck growling. "What is this?"

"Hickeys. Why?"

"I have to meet with other packs this week! These won't go away anytime soon. What the hell am I suppose to do?"

"Go with it" I say turning around, walking to the closet to help him get clothes.

"Tristan!" Hunter Follows me into the closet and pins me against the wall, one hand by my head the other on my hip, trapping me against the wall. He isn't mad, which is kinda funny. He's trying to be, but that attempt keeps breaking into a smirk.

"I was just making sure no one hit's on you, especially on slutty girls who wanna fuck you Baby." He bites his lip, He's attempting not to smile still. He's really trying to be mad.


"I'm sorry baby." Smiling slightly, I look up at him, I've also learned that adding Baby to sentences makes him very fond of me, well, even more than he already is. So now he can be mad at me.

Hunter sighs and breaks into a small smile thats been wanting out. "It's fine."

"You sure?"

"Yes." He says smiling at me, making me smile at the killer shine of his. He picks me up and brings me back to the bed cuddling me tightly, not letting me go anytime soon.

So much for packing.

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