《Until we die (BxB)✔️》••••23••••


"Hunter?" Sitting up quickly, I watch Hunter shuffle to the bathroom. Clearly neither of us are really awake right now because I barley open my eyes and Hunter is stretching while walking.

it's only like...six in the morning.

"I'm going to hop in the shower quick, you good?"

"Yeah I'll be fine." I say laying back in the mattress with a huff and wince after my back hits it softly, even though it hurts a bit to me. I try to fall asleep as hunter gets in the shower leaving the door open for me Incase something happens.

After a few minutes of not falling back to sleep, which would be really nice, I stare at the ceiling as I listen to the water run.

I start to think and that's dangerous. At first I think of what the doctor said about finding my mom. I might actually know something about her. Then I start to think about how I'm a wolf and how this world does affect me now. How Hunters world is my world too.

How the fuck am I a wolf, I mean. No one ever suspected anything and now I have to figure all this out on my own. I mean, I'm not alone but, what if my wolf hates me? I mean, he was suppressed for years and now I'm just finding out everything! What if he doesn't understand that! What if he hates me and blocks me out, like hunters wolf did?

What's going to happen to me? But what if he takes me over! I won't have good control and he could take me over and screw things up for me! Oh my god! People can make these really bad things prominent...what if I end up like Hunter and Grey and get all cold and Hunter shuts me away?

No, he wouldn't do that. He said he wouldn't. He would help me, we'd find a way to fix those things.

How did my dad hide this from me?

My dad. I don't know why I call him that anymore. He beat me for years and he went so far to hide everything from me. He kidnapped me in Hunters home, where a few hundred wolves are and he got me right here.

Oh my god. He got me here. I look at the window and tears swell up again as I look at it. I can picture everything so clearly.

Even if everything only lasted a day at most, it was so vivid and worse than anything I've ever been through. I can't believe that he would do that. I mean, how did he even get this far with me?

How have I lasted this long? I could have ended this along time ago. I wouldn't have been here. I wouldn't have put everyone in danger like that, even if no one else was hurt.

I shakily sigh and sit up wiping my eyes and look around the room. It was redone or something cause somethings are new and in different places. Sarah did say hunter went haywire when I went missing and tore somethings apart.


Getting up I walk to the window and open it, leaning out and looking at the woods. I shudder as the wind picks up but I refuse to leave. I try to take pressure off my right leg but they both start to hurt.

But again, I refuse to move after sitting in a bed rethinking my life and options in life for ten minutes. I block everything out and focus on the trees.

How did he even find me? How there he'll did he hide the fact that he was a warlock? My dad, Tomas Walker, is an abusive warlock who is god knows how powerful?

I cry a bit as I think. God what's happened to me? I was doing so well. I shouldn't cry about everything. Its pathetic, right? Why do I cry all the time.

I jump as a pair of arms wrap around me. I smell strawberries and coffee instantly and my body warms as he rests his head on my shoulder, lightly so he doesn't hurt me. I relax and know it's Hunter because he lightly kisses my shoulder, directly on a bruise but it makes me feel better.

"Why are you up?"

"I feel fine. J-Just wanted air I know you won't let me outside."

"You putting all your weight in me, so I don't think you feel fine Trist."

"I am!" I say turning around and leaning on the window sill.

"Prove it." He says backing up and sitting on the bed. I narrow my eyes at him and walk to the bed. Literally as soon as I am there, my left leg gives out and I start to fall forward a tad bit, but Hunter being Hunter catches me and hold me up with his hands.

"See you're not fine."

"I am too." I say back as he makes me sit on the bed. "you've put me on bedrest or whatever this is for almost a week!"

"Would you just give up and admit your not healed up yet. Just because you're a wolf doesn't mean your gonna heal that quickly Tristan. You have a shit ton of wolves-Bane in you still. Take it easy. That stuff doesn't drain easily." He says looking down at me concerned.

"I feel fine." I say again making him roll his eyes and smiles at me. The only thing I can smell is strawberry's and I love it. So much that I say it.

Out loud.

To Hunter.

"Well okay then." He says laughing a bit and pulling away from me.

"Can we sleep?" I ask as he stands up and closes the window and blinds.

"We just woke up, I mean you can but I don't think I can sleep." He says turning to me and shutting off the light.

"You need to sleep. You didn't rest at all this weekend and you didn't sleep much at the clinic."

"I don't need that much sleep."

"Hunter. You have training today and meetings with your dad and whatever else. You need sleep. You were out cold last night as soon as you hit the bed, you still have bags under your eyes. You need it. "


"Your kinda bossy."

"Get in the bed." I say pointing next to me.

"Yes sir." He says sitting on the bed next me. "Only an hour." I sit up and look at him as he tosses an arm over his eyes and sighs. I smile and place a hand on his arm making him look at me. Even in the dark I can tell his eyes are a bright baby blue and it shows. I smile and turn to him, it's weird how a few moments ago I was thinking about anything bad in my life and now I'm only focused on him and how happy I am.

I don't know what's happening, I don't usually like people. Not how I like Hunter.

I sit on top of his lap as he looks at me with scrunched eyes. I move my hand onto his chest and scrunch his shirt in my hands, soon getting courage I take Hunter's shirt off and rest my hands on his chest after tossing his shirt off the bed.

"What are you doing?"


"I mean there is not much to admire."

"Yeah but I like to look at what's mine." I say looking at his eyes. He puts on a smirk after I said that and a blush covers my face, up to my ears and over my cheeks I can just feel that hot pink lines burn through me.

"Oh really?"

"Mhm." I hum out as I nod slowly with a blush building on my cheeks. I get a spot of courage again and move hunters arms above his head and and rest them there as I stare him down, like holy shit. How did I manage to get this? Perfect face, body, abs, personality. Perfect person?

I smile as he bites his lip and looks at me. I get closer to his lips and hover over his lips. I take a moment to stop and look at him again, his eyes are practically glowing blue and I can feel heat radiating off of him. I smile as he lets out a shaky breath and I kiss the corner of his mouth and move down to his neck pecking kisses and moving back up to kiss him lightly on the lips.

He kisses me back roughly and I deepen it by biting his lip and his tongue slides over my lip and slips into my mouth. He takes control against and I give in as I feel my own check reddening as I pull away and stare at him. My hands still hold Hunter wrists about his head and I look at them before looking at him.

"Where did that come from?" He says while biting his lip. I smile and lean down to kiss him again, just not as long. My hands slide down his arms, going over all his scars and feeling his muscles as he stiffens as my hands roam. especially when my hands go over his scars, he still isn't happy with them.

I understand it though. Pulling away and I lean my forehead against his and I smile and close my eyes.

"So I'm Yours now?" He asks. I feel a blush cover my face once again and I nod.

"I guess so. I mean I'm stuck with you now, minus well make it official." I say sarcastically making hunter bite his lip and grin. I totally just jumped the gun on that, but I think it works out in my favor.

"I'll take it." He says kissing me again and I move closer to him, freeing his hands which fly down to my hips and neck imedently and they grip me as I bite his lip and kiss his lips, which are now swollen.

"I thought you were going to sleep."

"I am."

"Are you sure?"

"No." I whisper.

"I mean. As much as I fucking love this, you should sleep Babe. You are the one who wants it." His hands roam over my cheek and bandaged side, kissing my cheek and flipping us lightly so he can lay next to me. I smile and snuggle into his frame.

"Just so you know, I like when you call me that." I say snuggling closer to him. Getting close and personal again I close my eyes an I don't let go of Hunters arm. His other free arm goes around my waist and he holds me as I try to sleep.


a week later


Waking up a few hours after Hunter and I called it a night, I open my eyes instantly forgetting about where I am. I take a shaky breath and force myself awake, looking around and making sure I'm still with Hunter.

I look down at him and let out the sigh I've been holding in my lungs when I see him sleeping on his side. Laying back down next to Hunter I move closer to him and he moves an arm around me again, mumbling to me to go back to bed. I close my eyes but don't fall asleep, I can't now.

Opening my eyes every few minutes until an hour passes, then another and another. Soon I try to get myself to sleep again but I can't, I feel like something is wrong. Sighing and sitting up I look at hunter again and get out of bed and walk to the bathroom.

When I come out I see a figure standing over Hunter and I stop dead in my tracks. He puts his finger to his lips and looks at me. I stand paralyzed with fear. The guy pulls out a knife and stabs Hunter before disappearing. I let out of scream and run to Hunter in He bed, pulling the knife out and shaking as I watch him bleed out. I don't know what to do.

"Hunter! HUNTER!" I scream while I hold his face, his blood pooling in the sheets and on me as he sits there lifeless.



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