《Until we die (BxB)✔️》15


"I'll drop you off around the back and see you in a few. I have to check into the office for my suspension stuff."

"I'll see you i the office then. I have to get some slips I guess. I got an email about it too." I say as Hunter drives around the school to the back. We're here about thirty minutes earlier then most kids so we can just go straight to home room.

Which by the way, we have together. As the Truck comes to a stops, I stare out the window and sigh.

"Hey you'll be okay. I'll keep the guys away from you. All your things are in your Locker too."

"How did you?" Hunter raises the eyebrow with a cut in it from yesterday's fight and stares at me. "Right." I say. Hunter had someone run to my house a few nights ago and brought my school things here for me.

And did you know werewolves heal about eight times faster than a human? I didn't and when I woke up today I freaked out cause Hunter had gone on a run and was completely fine when I thought he was in pain.

Well nope, his bruises were gone and just as a small scar on his eyebrow that will go away eventually.

My hand goes to the door handle but Hunter turns me around in my seat as I do so. "I know I'm not suppose to do this but oh well...." hunter says before bringing me closer and kissing me lightly. I think I knew he was going to do this cause I just melted right into it all.

It felt nice, even if I want to take things slow, it just all felt nice, reassuring. To have someone, and something like this.

Pulling away I open the door and smile as him before walking into the school. watching him drive back around the school, I sigh and start heading I, losing all hope again I walk into the hallways and keep my head down from anyone who is here as I head to my locker and then to the office.

09-24-34 is the only thing I repeat in my head as I get to my locker and spin the nob to get it open. Making sure everything really is here, and it is, I make a mental note to thank Hunter again for sending someone to get everything for me.

Grabbing all my books and tossing them into a bag with all my things and laptop I run to the bathrooms and redo my hair due to the wind of today. I was only outside for five minutes and it went really messy.

Playing around with it and deciding it's fine I jog to the office and see Hunter already signing the slips he needs. I keep my head down once again as I open the door and walk up to the desk lady, who does not like me due to my father.

I don't know how they know each other but they just really dislike each other. I mean most people hate my dad but they just really hate each other, and she's my Neighbor.

"Hi. I-I need the suspension slips. My names Tristan Walker."

"I know who you are." She says as she tosses me some paper. "Just fill it out and get out." Someone didn't have their coffee yet. Hunter rolls his eyes and finishes his and tosses me a pen as he walks behind me and give the desk lady his papers.


"Get out now Mr. Rhodes."

"Yes ma'am." Hunter says sarcasticly while leaving me in the office. Rushing to finish so I can just get to homeroom and be done with the day I rush my hand writing and toss the papers over the desk to the lady.

Running through the halls I get to my locker again, entering the code and grabbing my earbuds out of my pencil case and putting them into my new phone.

Logging into my youtube and pressing play on one of my playlist I start to walk to my home room but someone comes up from behind me and jumps on my back causing me to freak out and drop them on their butt.

"Oww. Tristan." I turn around in pure joy as I hear Sarahs voice. Picking her up from the ground and hugging her tightly in my arms, choking her in the process I guess because she tapps out of our hug and her face is pink and shes a bit wobbly.

She got tanner and her blond hair got lighter too. She's my height, which is 5"10, and has blue eyes with her olive skin tone. She literally could have anyone thats how good she looks.

Not that I've ever been intrested, because of the whole gay thing but still, shes got everything in the departments. And I am aloud to say that. Best Friend achievements and rights.

"I can' believe you've left me for two weeks here." I say sarcasticaly as she looks me up and down.

"You seem different."

"W-What do you mean?" I say looking down at the ground.

"You seem so happy. And something feels off about you, It's a good off, but still."

"Well, not a lots changed." Lies. There is a lot that's changed.

"Well I'm glad to be back!" She yells striking the most dramtic pose in history. I laugh at her as she rambles on about her trip and what all happened there.

"I really loved it there. It was so peaceful and everyone was soooo nice to us. I can't even explain how hot the guys were either." I laugh and blush as we get to her locker and Sarah starts grabbing her things, loading everything into a small backpack.

"So what all happened here? What did I miss?"

"Sorry can't tell. I was suspended."

"YOU WERE WHAT?" Screaming at me and pulling me to homeroom where a few people, including Hunter, were already here, Sarah sits me in a desk and starts ranting to me, screaming at me for getting suspended. I look at Hunter who rolls his eyes and smiles at me when no one is looking.

"TRISTAN! YOU CAN NOT JUST GO OFF....what did you get suspended for again?"

"I got caught in a fight." I mumble looking down as Sarah rubs her temple and I swear she growled too. I look up at her as she glares at Hunter, who is watching us closely, smirking back at us. Sarah marches over to Hunters seat and starts yelling at him.

Hunter starts getting defensive and stands up yelling at Sarah too. This doesn't suprise anyone either, like I said, they have a little fued going on.






The two glare at each other before Sarah backs down and stomps off out the door and screams while walking down the hall. I keep my head down as people start leaving the room leaving just me and Hunter in the classroom. Hunter paces around the room growling as he does so.



"What?" He asks suprisingly calmly.

"You okay?"

"Of course." He says walking over to me, leaning over my desk plaing a hand over one of mine that rests on the desk I'm in.

"Your lying." What the hell am I missing here? Something's off.

"No I'm not." I look at him and he smiles softly at me making me forget that he is upset. Standing up I walk around the room but Hunter pulls me closer to him and he picks me up, setting me on the desk.

"Hunter." I whine out as he looks at me with his head tilted. The door nob starts to move and me and Hunter can only watch it Before Sarah breaks in slamming the door shut and Locking it before turning around to see us like this.

Her mouth drops open and her face turns pink.

"It's not what you think." I say getting down and pushing Hunter behind me like that's going to do anything.

"Oh trust me I know."

"You what?" Me and Hunter say at the Same time.

"I knew it the moment I entered the school. I could smell Hunters scents going off a mile away and You." He points a finger at me and glares. "Hunters scents were all over you too."

I look down as Sarah yells at us.

"Okay, that's enough Sarah."

"Oh no it's not. I've put up with your shit at home too Hunter. And now your trying to get into his pants!"

"WAIT YOUR A WOLF!" I scream out as I just realize everything Sarah's just said.

"Shit. Umm...Yes."

"And neither of you told me!"

"Yes." Hunter says.

"I didn't want you to freak. Because you aren't suppose to know about this type of stuff, and I just thought it would be easier for everyone, but I guess your mated to this dumbass so you know. And when we get back home you all are telling me every single think about this week!"

I stand there speachless for a moment before comming back to reality with Hunter and Sarah yelling again.

"Will You two shut it please?" I yell over them before a teacher comes in here asking questions. "Can you two just not argue for five minutes?"

"Tristan?" Sarah wslks over to me and hugs me tightly saying she's sorry. "I really am sorry for not telling you anything, but I honestly didn't think Hunter would tell you. And I didn't think you would be at our home or anything either? What happened?"

"We don't really know. Hunter found me in the woods knocked out."

"Why were you in the woods?" Sarah raises her eyebrow and stares at me.

"I was running away from my dad." I say looking down.

"What did he do this time?" Sarah asks grabbing my hands and lifting my arms. I look over at Hunter who is looking at me with question. He must still want to talk about my "home" life still too. I guess we haven't actually talk about that...I sigh and look down.

"Same thing as everynight. When I ran away, he came in with a bat. He started to smash everything and was screaming like I stole something from him. Told me to get out. When I got to the woods something happened and next thing I know I'm with Hunter."

"I'm sorry I wasn't here to help. I-I should have been here. I never should have left you alone for that long, I'm sorry." She says rubbing her head. "Are you two a thing now?" she asks.

"It's complitacted." I say as Hunter walks over to me and stands behind me, resting his head on my shoulder.

"How is it complitacted? You know about wolves and You've been living with this...thing...for what, a week? More?"

"Sarah, drop it." Hunter growls. I grab his hand and rub my thumb on it calming him down, if there is one thing I know about these two, it's that Sarah gets on his nerves easily.

Like scary easily. I always thought it was just at school, but with our conversation I guess its been more than that.

"Well, I guess I'm happy for you." She mumbles.

"You guess?" I ask.

"I mean, your in a safe place with us, Hunters happy, which does not happen a lot just so you know. You look happy-ish. So yeah I guess I am happy for you."

"You don't sound sure about that at all." I say.

"Your with your bully."

"We've talked about it Sarah."

"That shouldn't make a difference. He beat you up for years!"

"I know that."

"Then why are you with him!" She yells at us as HUnters head snaps up and he jumps in front of me growling loudly.

"Sarah. Stop this right now." He yells at her as she stares at him.

"Sarah, you wouldn't understand." I say.

"Bullshit! Tristan! I-I...he beat you up for years! How the hell did you forgive him for that so easily?"

"KNOCK IT OFF!" Hunter yells at her making her growls loudly as my head drops at her yelling.

"I'm with him because for once in my life, I had someone other than you show me kindness. He cared for me for a week, he was there through every panic attack and nightmare! I ran away from my dad! Do you even know how much danger that puts me in! And Hunter took me the fuck in! I could care less about what of Hunter, I could care less of what you think of anyone. You've been my friend for years, you should just fucking accept this for me! For once in your life! Think about a bigger picture Sarah! I'm safe for once! I realized what the hell was going on with Hunter and I get why he did everything!" I yell at her stepping in front of her and Hunter.

My chest heaves up and down as I stare at her, her eyes are turning yellow as she looks down. Grabbing her bag, Sarah runs out of the room slamming the door behind her. I just stare at where she stood with my mouth hung open.

"I've never yelled like that. I've never sworn like that." I whisper as I cover my mouth. Hunter spins me around and Hugs me tightly as my chest heave up and down from how out of breath I am from yelling like that.

"This might be a rough week." Hunter mumbles as he rubs my back. He kisses my head and just rubs my back until I've calmed down.

"I've never done that before. What the heck do I say when I see her again?" I whisper as Hunter sets me on a desk.

"If she's really your friend, she'll get over this dumb little thing and see things from our perspective. You are right. But so is she.." He says as I lay head on his shoulder.

"I hate school. Everything bad happens here too."

"Do you wanna go home?" I nod as Hunter digs out his phone and types a few things before looking up to me again with reassuring eyes.

Why are they so nice?

"Meet me out back and we'll leave. Okay?" I nod and sniff as I think about Sarah. Hunters right, if she really is my friend she'll see things from another perspective.

She knows I'm not safe at my dads. And I'm safe at Hunters, with Hunter. I feel safe for once, and I'm trying something extremely new, we both are. I walk out after Hunter and go to the back of the school with my hood up and backpack on my shoulder. Passing teachers, none of them look at me and they just assume I'm going to a class.

Standing outside the back doors waiting for Hunter to pick me up I look at my phone and stare at the time. it's only eight thirty in the morning and I'm giving up on today. Hunter pulls up and I run to the truck getting in and Hunter starts driving right away.

"What do you want to do?" Hunter asks. I think about it and I really can't believe I'm going to say this but here it goes...


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