《Until we die (BxB)✔️》14


Tristan's pov.

Sitting down on the chairs I think I'm going crazy. Heights is my number one fear, besides my dad, and I'm at least 50 ft up in the air by myself. Not really alone, but I don't know any one here.

Everyone seems excited about this and I don't know why. Apparently a lot of people get hurt for a small title.

A few years ago some guy died afterwards. This course looks hectic too. A lot of mud and wood that's for sure. There's five main opsticuls that everyone has to pass that includes full body work.

A ginormous set of monkey bars thirty feet up in the air and at least 30 ft long. Then a cargo net and you have to climb up onto some wood posts where they have to somehow get to each one and cross with out falling.

Next is the swimming section of a 200 yard swim and then everyone competing that's left has to take down one "guard of the bell"-which is someone they have to fight and if they take down the guard they have to climb a 30 foot rope and hit the bell to win.

This is like a triathlon I guess, but more intense. And you can/ will get seriously Injured if you fall. But apparently werewolves heal faster than people so it only is a week of bed rest for most people. Everyone starts cheering as at least 20 people walk out and get in line for the start.

A gun goes off and everyone competing runs to the bars. I see Hunter immedently take first and starts the bars before anyone even reaches them. Skipping three at a time he easily gets half way across but people are catching up.

Skipping the last five He leaps into the net along side one other guy. Both climb the net but the bulker Guy gets his foot caught as others climb up and shake the net. Three people already fell on the bars and two more on the net lose their grip. Hunter holds on tightly and you can see every part of him working.

Hunter gets to the beams and leaps from one to the other as everyone races down there and cheers up here. Getting to the eighth beam many people are catching up to hunter on these and no ones fallen thank god. Hunter speeds up his foot work and stops before diving into the water. He dives down the drop bringing everyone out of their seats as everyone else is climbing down the beams.

When hunter comes up and starts swimming everyone cheers and I watch with Eager eyes as he swims faster than I've ever seen anyone swim. He really is trying to win this.

Getting out and running to the guards, along with others chasing after his tale, he makes it to his rope and the guards comes out and they go at it. I listen to people talk behind me watch hunter. These guys are super big. "Why isn't he using his right arm?"

"Hunter has an amazing right hook, why isn't he using it?"

"He won't ask it past here if he doesn't get a good hit on the guard."

"He's worked so hard."

I stare and notice that Hunter is trying not to use his arm as much as he can. Falling to the ground due to a blow to the face from the other guy; everyone watches Hunter. "Hunter never falls. Ever."

"What is up with him today?" Everyone talks about hunter and totally forgets about everyone else getting beat to the ground trying. I watch with pleading eyes that he will stop this and give it up. He's obviously hurt! The guard bears him down twisting him up and beating him down every time he gets up.


Hunter spits in the guys face and uses his feet to kick the guy upwards on his back. With everyone falling and getting beat down or pinned hunter climbs the rope. His arms quivers as he hits the bell and slides down as the crowd cheers in awe. He bends over and pants as people get up and come over to congratulate him.

Looking over the crowd he finds me and we make eyes contact for a solid minute before he smirks and shrugs. Racing down to the steps to get out of here I run to the door in sheer panic that Hunter is really hurt. That dive could have done something and the guards blows to Hunter were bad.

Racing to the doors where hunter went I stand there and pace waiting for him. Everyone said it would take a bit of time to get people out of there and get all the new contestants in the ring again. I watch as people are helped out of the doors, even some on stretchers. But they all have a smile on their faces, none of them seem mad that they lost or just to a serious blow to the body.

I honestly love these people. Most are so nice and caring. Wanting to get to know you and watching out for each other. None of them give their hopes over nothing. I pace and run hands through my hair as I try to calm myself before I have a panic attack.

I lean my head against a tree and and take deep breaths as more and more people walk out.

"I told you I'd be fine." I turn around and see Hunter beat up pretty bad-in my Opinion; he has a bruise above his eye and a split lip. He neck has a bruise or two along with one on his cheek. There already a deep purple and a few cuts on him.

"Holy! Hunter! Your-you look!" I try to get words as I look him over making sure nothings broken.

"I'm fine. Like I said. Not a cut." He laughs out as I panic over his state.

"Your crazy." I say as I lean against the tree again.

"I do need one thing." I look up as hunter say this and I give him a confused look. "I need you to pop my shoulder back in place."

"What! No! I-I can not do that!"

"Okay. Well your going to cause all the pack doctors are busy now and this hurts like hell." He says walking closer to me.


"Tristan just push it back for me."

"No! I'll hurt you more." I yell at him and he rolls his eyes.

"My shoulder is out of place and I can barley feel my lower half of my arm and your scared your going to hurt me? You punch like a girl. You Can't hurt me, now come on."

"Hunter! Get someone whose done thIs before!" I say looking around.

"Tristan. Please. Just do what I say. Everyone is busy right now getting ready for the next games. And your the only one out here at the moment." He says getting annoyed.

I shake my head as he steps another step closer to me, pushing me against the tree. "Tristan."

"Okay!" I say shakily putting my hands up.

"Put one hand on on my collar bone and the other on my shoulder on my back side." I nod as I place my hands on him scared I'm hurting him.


"Then push both ways. Hard." He says.

"Okay. Three. Two. One."

I push together as hard as I can and I hear a small pop. I jump back as hunter jumps away from me and hisses in pain. "OH MY GOD WHAT DID I DO!" I scream panicking. Hunter smiles as he bends down and breaths.

"Well not quite there yet."

"WHAT! How! I'm not doing that again."

"One more time."

I shake my head as Hunter walks up to me. "Come on man!" I groan as I place my hands back where they were and push again hearing sounds I should not hear. Hunter hisses again through his teeth and leans his head in my shoulder as the pain hits him.

"Good god." He whispers through his teeth and we both breath heavily.

"Did I hurt you?"

"No. That was my shoulder. I'm fine." I bring my hand up to his back and rub his shoulder as he breathes, still laying on my shoulder.

"Don't so that again! That scared the shit out of me."

"What part?" He asks. I can feel his smirk as he says this to me.

"Every part.! That was brutal! Why the hell do you people do that?" I say still rubbing his back. After a few minutes Hunter slowly relaxes into me and is breathing normally again.

"Because its our way of old fashion fun? Can we go get food?" He mumbles. I can tell he's getting sleepy so I stop running his back and say yes. He gets up and his eyes are heavy after resting and not being in a such pain.

Slowly but surly we walk back to the house and get to He kitchen. I warm up the oven and sit Hunter down who is going to pass out soon. searching cabinets until I find the medicine cabinet and give Hunter pain relief and a lot of water.

"I don't need it."

"Take it." I say quietly. "You took care of me and I guess it's my turn." I add on. He smiles and nods as I put a pizza in the oven. Most people won't be back so I think it's fine. We sit there as Hunter lays his head down. With the pizza done in fifteen minutes I grab two plates and split it 75-25% leaning more into Hunters side.

"Come on." I say leading him up the flights and flights of endless stairs to his room. As we get in he sits on the bed and grabs the remote just wanting to relax a bit.

I set his pizza down and grab the Pj's I stole from Hunter and grab the ones he was using last night from the bathroom and walk out with everything in my arms just to find Hunter in the blankets eating his pizza and is very focused on the TV screen.

I look at what Hunter put on and he has a show called 'Pawn Stars'. I sit next to him after changing and watch a bit of the show getting into it.

"Eat your food." Hunter mumbles getting up very slowly and changing in the closet as I take a bite of my food. Hunters already had five pieces and I grabbed the last one knowing I wont eat that much. Hunter comes back out and sits next to me as I finish my pizza quickly and lay back on the pillows.

"I really don't want to go to school." I mumble thinking that we have to go back tomorrow.

"Then skip."

"Hunter. I actually want to pass senior year. If I have the option." I say looking up at him. He smirks and shrugs, but I can tell he really is sore. He wasn't kidding when he said this takes a big toll on you mentally and physically. In the week or so that I've been here I've never seen Hunter this out of it.

I get up and look at hunter.


"Take your shirt off and lay on your stomach." Hunters face goes white and he raises his eyebrows at me. "Trust me."


"Just do it Hunter. I promise it will help." I say quietly. Hunter turns around and lays down after taking his shirt off hesitanly.

"Why am I doing this?" He asks. I crawl over him and I am practically sitting on his butt. I place my hands on his back and slowly rub at his muscles.

"I've been told I have magic hands." I say working slowly at his back and shoulders. His skin is really soft and smooth. Not a scratch or mark, just like everywhere else on him, Unlike me. Even after today he still is perfect. Hunter turns his head and lays on his arms as I work at him.

"By who?"

"My friends Sarah..."


"yeah." I know her and Hunter hate each other with a passion. This will be fun to explain to her when she gets back home, hopefully she will be back soon.

"So are you going to school tomorrow?" He asks.

"I guess so. We only have a few weeks left. I'll make it."

"Are you sure?" I sigh and nod even though I know he isn't looking. he knows I will.

I just want to get to school and see Sarah. She's been gone forever in a forest across the country. No phones or technology was aloud so she has no idea whats going on with me right now.

Sarah is single handledly my best friend. We've just kinda stuck together for years. She was the Only one who knew about my dad and she's always hated Hunter for bullying me in school too. But she's kind of like the mother and sister I never got. I'll stick around her for the day I guess.

My hands make their way up to Hunters shoulders and I lightly kneed at his knots he got today under all this god damn muscle. I look at his tanned skin and he brings me back to reality as he stares off looking like he's going to pass out.

"You can go to sleep. I promise your not going to miss anything. It's five already." I whisper to him as he nods. I just run my hands up and down his back as he continues to relax underneth me. Going to sleep pretty fast I just sit there and look at him-not in a creepy way- And I just get lost.

His hairs been getting lighter due to the sun more and more, where his brown is is an light aburn color. His jaw line and cheek bones are sharp too now that I look at him. With baby blue eyes he literally is the package- gay or straight- He's always has had a tan, even though both his parents are pale.

He's always been built but I thought it was just because of football, but I guess it's the whole werewolf thing too. I should really ask him about all of this so I know what I am getting into, or have gotten into.

Sighing I slowly crawl off of Hunter And lay next to him. I see a red scar sticking it from his arm and I think that's it's just from the fighting, he only wears long sleeve shirts and I always wondered why.

I don't think too much of it either, I mean I don't see any more so It has to be. I pull the covers over us both and Pray that maybe I'll get sick or school will be canceled.


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