《Until we die (BxB)✔️》13


I hear the water turn on in the bathroom and i sit up. It can't be morning already. Sure enough it wasn't, the sky was still dark and so was the room. "Tanks Twistan." I hear from the bathroom as the door cracks open even more.

I rub my face as Lou and Tristan walk out. I give Tristan a questioning look as Lou crawls up onto my bed and over to me.

He mouths water to me and I nod my head as Lou lays down in my lap. Tristan sits by us and looks at Lou. He gives her my baby blanket that I let her use when she has bad dreams.

"I'm gwad your back Huntie."

"Yeah, did Tristan take care of you when I was gone?"

She nods and crawls into Tristans lap before passing out in his arms. I smile as he holds her carefully like she's gonna break. "She really does like you." I say.

He shrugs and smiles at her. "You know she doesn't like most people. I'm glad out of anyone she trusts you." I say getting up out of bed.

"Where are you going?"

"To change, I can't spend the whole night in Jeans." I say walking to the closet ad grabbing a new shirt with long sleeves and some basketball shorts and tossing them on before throwing my old clothes in a hamper. I crawl back into bed and Tristan looks like he's gonna pass out soon too. I take Lou from his arms and laying her down next to the both of us.

I watch as Tristan lays down with an arm over his head and soon I lay down too way to tired. It's probably around one in the morning and I am to tired. I hear Tristan mutter things in his sleep and he starts to fuss around too, like his hand starts to twitch and he starts to form little beads of sweat on his forehead.

I sigh and get up, Rolling Lou to where I was and crawling to where she was. I move Tristan into my arms and wipe his head before kissing it and taking his hand in mine. He's been having nightmares too? Why wouldn't he tell me this?

Probably because he doesn't want to worry me about him.

I sigh as Lou cuddles into me and Tristan stops fidgeting and calms down in my arms. I could honestly live like this.

I wish I could stay in this position with Tristan forever.

But slow.

I just have to take things slow with him. Thats literally all he has asked of me, and that's the least I can do for him.


Getting up around six in the morning I stretch out and yawn. Opening the Window a bit I look out it and see some of the pack setting up something outside.. I sigh and head to the bathroom to change into my running clothes and brush my teeth and hair.

After I change I run out into the room again and pick up Lou in my arms and carry her to her room. My parents wont be up for another hour either so I have enough time to run through a chunk of the woods. tucking her in and running back to my room to make sure Tristan is still asleep.

I open the door and see Tristan stirring in his sleep again. I walk over to the bed and sit next to him taking his hand and rubbing it gently.

"where you going?" Tristan slurs out with his eyes still shut.


"On a run. I'll be back in a half hour or so."

"Okay." Tristan says before going back to sleep. I smile as I get out of the room. Go through the woods quickly I rush my run and ge back to the house in thirty-five minutes. Covered in sweat I walk into the house and people are rushing around with food or table things. "Whats going on?" I ask some older lady.

"It's the packs 700th year anniversary. everyone is coming back early for the celebration."

I hit my head and nod. "Thank you." I say, before I run up stairs. I completely forgot about this too. Groaning as I get to my room I see Tristan getting out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist.

I walk into the bathroom and grab a towel out of the closet and roughly turn on the water. I hate these pack celebrations. They can be fin when you're younger, but they kinda get annoying.

Every two years we celebrate the pack and have these "games" that people compete in. Big feasts and a lot of people have fun. I get put into the games every year and always make it to the finals at least, some years I win. It's all put into age groups too.

But because I'm the Alphas son I get shit about it and I'm expected to win, something about proving your power or something? I don't really care, most years I just kick people's butts because I have nothing better to do.

"You okay Hunter?" Tristan asks touching my shoulder. I spin around causing Tristan to step back a bit.

"Yeah, sorry. I just forgot about this thing."

"The uh...whole 700 year pack thing?" "

Yeah. How'd you?"

"Your mom talks, a lot." He laughs out. "I-It'll be fine. I hope."

I smile as he says this shyly. I look at him, who's leaning against the counter looking at me. "Are you sure your okay with going? We really don't have to. I mean it, if you don't want to Tristan." I say with hope that he wont want to go.

"I told your mom and sister I would. At least for a few hours. And something about your dad wanting to meet me? I didn't get it all, your mom was talking really fast. If you don't want to go though..." He says tilting his head to the side.

"No I have to for a few hours at least, and I'll probably get entered into the games too." I say defeated.

"They told me about that too. Everyone says your amazing in them."

"Yeah, well perks of being the Alphas son, you get more training. than most other people." I say looking down.

"You'll do great. and if you get entered, we can leave as soon as you're done." Tristan says.

"Yeah. we should get down there soon though. Do you have clothes?"

"Yep. Your mom went digging through and found a few t-shirts and jeans that should fit me. She said that you were small before, and I quote her, 'you got meaty'." I chuckle at this and smile.

"Except I'm only like a size smaller than you, so I wonder how this will all work out." he laughs off making me smile.

"I'll take you shopping after school tomorrow." I say.

His smile fades as I say school. "You know you still have to go right?" I ask.


"yeah. I don't know...wont people tell my dad I am there?"

"Tristan..you are practically invisible. So offense."

"Right, there is a pro to not being seen by most people. Any there's only a two weeks left. I'll be fine." He says, even though I know what he is picturing.

He shakes his head and walks out of the bathroom so I can get in the shower quickly. Sighing as I picture what school will be like in the next week I sigh and try to figure it all out. I'll see him in three classes and lunch, and in the hall and Homeroom. Except I have to make sure none of my friends get to him and cover up why.

Not that it is a big deal, they are just a bunch of punkiest kids that are friends with me because I can get them good portions on football...I don't get the whole concept behind that though.

And I have to go to our Prom on Friday night. Groaning and hitting my head against the wall I rub my head in frustration. I really don't want to go to prom.

It's not like I could be with Tristan there. Getting out and tossing on clothes I had on the counter I brush through my hair and gel it up a bit knowing today is going to be a rough day already. I walk out and run a hand through my hair one more time before seeing Tristan on the bed waiting for me. His shirt is tight against him and it brings out all the muscle he has.

I've guessed I've never really looked at him that way, but he has a good amount of muscle. His arms and legs are toned and he has a slight six pack like me, except mine is more defined.

And damn he has a butt.

Literally. perfect size. why I notice this...beats me. His dark hair looks good longer, it parts so perfectly. And those eyes are a deep brown that anyone could get lost it.

He gets up as I get next to him and heads for the door. I have to force myself to bring myself out of my daze of staring.


"Hey mom."

"Hello Boys. Go outside now for breakfast, you should have a table out there somewhere. Go go!" She shoves Tristan and I out of the house to the back and shuts the door on us.


"Every year she gets like this." I say. We walk to a back table away from people who have already taken seats or started eating. It's kind of a free for all during this time. We sit down and tristan rubs his eyes and shakes his head.

"What, tired?"

"A little. It's fine. I'm always tired." he shrugs it off and looks down. People get louder as more and more people come out, which means mom and dad are going to start talking soon. Lou finds us and crawls into Tristans lap and play with his hair.

"Hey Lou Lou."

"Hi Huntie. Mommy said Daddy's going to make a speech soon."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, but Daddy suck at giving speeches so mommy will take over."

Me and Tristan try to hold back laughs as she tries to do something like a braid to Tristans hair. Tristan looks at me with a questionable look and tries not laugh at out loud.

I mouth I don't know to him making him bite his lip to not laugh as Lou tugs on his hair. I smile as he plays with Lou while sitting here. I just watch them as people continue to flood out into the lawn.

Lou points to a small clearing with my Parents in it. Every stops talking and Lou sits down in Tristans lap Paying attention for what will be four minutes before she gets bored. my dad start talking about pack things that have happened in the past, giving the same speech as last year.

My mind wanders else where as my parents drone on. Somethings about important people and this year. "And I would like to acknowledge my son, Hunter. Who, in a few years will be taking over as Alpha of our pack. He has completed all training this year and led our hunts for the past year also, bring in most of out food." I look down as people turn and clap for my dads sake.

I can feel Tristans gaze look at me and then down at hip lap as Lou gets off to go play with other little kids. His knee starts to Bounce as some people stare at him, not knowing who he is.

I rest a hand on his knee and rub it with my thumb as I watch my parents be them up in front of the pack. As my dad wraps up talking people start talking again and start eating.

"well that was..."

"Yep." I say as My parents start to walk over to us. "Um...Maybe a little to late to ask this but is you dad okay with me staying here?"

"Why wouldn't he be?" I ask.

"I don't know, the whole Human thing? You mom told me a lot of wolves don't like human that much. Something about some governments int he past killing off packs or something?"

"He's fine with it. Trust me." He nods as my parents get to us and sit down. Tristan bounces his knee again as my dad looks him over.

"So your Tristan?"

"yes?" My dad cracks a smile and I feel like I can finally breath.

"Well It is nice to finally meet the man that hunters been hiding from us."

"It's nice to meet you too sir."

"Just call me dean boy."


"Well I hope you will be sticking around for a while, things have been much more lively here, I will say." Tristan smiles a small one but my dad nods and looks at me. "He's a keeper Hunter."

Tristan goes pink and my mom laughs as my eyes widen. "Oh please, anyone could see it." He says again making my mom laugh even more as I just try to hide a smile. "Well. We will be seeing you both later."

As soon as they leave Tristan breathes out and looks down still pink in the face. "I,Am so fucking sorry." I say just staring at where my dad was with my mouth open.

"I-it's Fine." Tristan says looking at me. I smile at him, who is still blushing like crazy and he looks down again.

"You know, you blush a lot." I say leaning back into my chair. "I do not." Tristan mumbles back. I laugh as he hides in his hands.

"Don't worry. It's cute." I say just making him blush even harder. Food gets to us and Tristan takes his hands off his face and he looks at me as people set it front of us. "My mother knows everyone's meal. It's creepy but it makes everyone happy." I say.

Tristan nods as I start eating and Lou comes over to us again crawling into Tristan's lap.

"Lou get down." I say to her and she looks at me with a sour face, sticking her tongue out at me. I stick mine out as Tristan smiles. "It's fine Hunter." I sigh and go back to eating my food as Tristan eats his with Lou talking.

In the middle of our meal my dad starts talking again about the games. Me and Tristan don't really pay attention until my dad brings up the corse.

"And thanks to the Warriors, we have built a brand new course. It's the same concept, who ever can get through the course and climb the rope to the bell first is the winner. And of course, no shifting. I won't spoil to much, but for anyone in the Course, good luck. Really you'll need it. And now let's see who is all in this years games." My dad steps away and everyone's attention goes to the giant screen set up with a list of names on each category.

I search the list and don't see my name in my group. I sit back and smile. I don't have to go through this this year! I look at Tristan and he's staring at the screen. "What?" I ask looking back at it.

"Why are you in the Adult division? Your set with a bunch of twenty year olds." He says looking back at me. "What?" I get up and look at it seeing my name pop up.

Adult 20-30 course

Hunter Rhodes

Mike Davis

Henry water

Lily Ann

Stephany Blum

Lee Anderson

Michal Anderson

Hunter woods

"god.." I say sitting back down.

"Why don't you want to do this?" I hear Tristan whisper to me as Lou gets down and runs to play with other kids.

"I-I've been doing this for years. This is so much work and takes so much energy. I once was brought to the pack hospital because of it. It's so draining and it's beats you. It ranks you, it just a game where everyone beats down on everyone and you have to beat your family down to win a damn title. it's not that big of a deal.."

He turns to me and looks me in the eyes. "Go Tell your dad your not doing it. You can do that Hunter. Right? If you don't want to, which your face says it all..." I look up and sigh.

"You have a choice here." I look up at my father and someone he's talking to and I get up walking to them. As I get to them the man moves away and lets me talk to my dad.

"I'm not doing the games this year dad."


"I'm not doing them."

"Yes you are. You've always done them."

"Because I've had too. I have things to do." I say and I start walking away before he can protest. Soon a few guys come up to me and stare me down.

"What Hunter? You can't take on a few guys?" One of them says. "I told them I would win going against you. I guess I really do now." Another says making them all walk away. NOW. NOW I am pissed. I am so doing this now.

No one. Ever. Comes up to me like that and says they will beat me that easily. I have won ever sense I was ten years old, I may not like this thing, but I still have pride.

I walk over to Tristan and pull him with me to the house. "Whoa what happened?" He asks walking with me up the stairs to my room.

"I'm doing the Games." I say to him as I close the door and run to my closet to change.

I hear Tristan sit on the bed before calling me. "I thought you were talking to your dad?"

"I did. Then some guys came up and pissed me off." I yell back while changing into clothes. Pulling a long sleeved shirt on and some shorts I walk out and look at Tristan.

"So now your doing this because someone made you mad?"

"Pretty much."

"By you were just going off about how you hated this type of thing."

"Yep. But now it's a pride thing. And I'm gonna beat the fuckers ass." I say not even realizing Tristan doesn't swear all that much. He blushes and looks down as I stand in front of him.

"Your blushing again."

"Quit pointing it out!" He says hiding.

"But it's cute." I say going on my knees in front of him taking his hands away from his face.

"Your so dumb." He says back to me making me chuckle a bit.

"Why's that?"

"Cause you are." He says back.

"Well your putting up with it so..." Tristan rolls his eyes and and smiles at the ground.

"Come on. Imma go beat a bitch." I say picking Tristan up making him squeal for a moment. I put him down walk outside with him telling me how dumb I am go doing this. I tell him it'll be fine and and extra things to keep him calm now that someone had explained to him what the course was while I was gone.

As we get into the forest Tristan mumbles words and asks me why we are going to the woods and not where everyone else is.

"Because the games are in the woods. Most people are heading there now Tristan." I say slowing my pace down for him.

"Oh." We walk faster as we hear more and more people. Tristan looks up and see the ginormous risers set up at least fifty feet up surrounding the course. His mouth drops open as he stares.

"How do...you people...do this!" He asks waving his hands around.

"Magic." I say and Tristan start to laugh. "I'm serious." I say. He looks at me wide eyed and I smile at him trying not to laugh at his amazement.

"What the hell do I still not know?"

"So much." I say laughing at him. As I push him to the risers and the stair case leading up to it he stops at the steps and stares. "Are y-you sure about t-this?" He asks looking up.

"Yeah why?" I ask stepping in front of Tristan.

"I-I don't know. I don't like this."

I stare at his eyes as he looks everywhere. "Your scared of heights aren't you?" I ask bringing his attention back to me.

"W-what? No!"

"Yes you are. Your heart beat is going crazy and you're looking everywhere with fear."

"I-I do n-not have a fear of h-heights." He says starting at me. "And how would you kno-." I cut him off by pulling him in by the hips closer to me knowing her no one is watching.

"It's okay. Just sit on the bottom floor and you can leave whenever you want. Okay?" He slowly nods and stares at me.

"Don't die. Apparently that's happened before." He mumbles the last part looking down.

"I won't die. I won't even come out with a scratch."

"Good, cause I am only here because I know you now."

"Well, I will make sure I do not die today."

He smiles at my sarcastic tone and looks at me when I ruffle his hair before pointing up and stepping away from him. "I've got to go. I'll see you in a few." I say before running off.


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