《Until we die (BxB)✔️》•11•


Hunter pulls me closer to him as our lips are connected. we both pull away from it all and look straight ahead. "Like I said. You wouldn't understand." He says hurt.

"Hunter...what are you not telling me."

Hunter just stares as he thinks about what he just did. That's the second time I've kissed him in 24 hours.

"Hunter. Answer me!" I don't like that I am here, with him insisting that I stay with him clearly keeping something from me, that could easily affect me.

"You're my mate! Okay. That's what I was hiding from you! I don't know at this point... I don't know what to do about anything. Thats why I want you to stay, and that's why I told you about all of this." He says freaking out.

"How is that-"

"Possible? I don't know. I just...All I know is your my mate and life has been shit for me the past four years until this week, until these past few days that you have been here. And I don't want you to leave." He says looking down.

"I have to Hunter. I don't want to risk anyone. My dad is dangerous when he wants something. This isn't just an abuse thing. I know him and he'll hurt people for me, I don't know why."

"I know. But we all fend for ourselves and each other. Everyone would protect you Tristan."

"No. I'm not staying. I'm leaving tomorrow."

"Fine.It's your call, I'm not going to force you to stay." He gets up and walks away Hurt, leaving me up on the roof. Running a hand through my hair I sigh and close my eyes.

Thinking. About. Everything.

How am I Hunters mate? I...I can't be someone's mate. I...I feel terrible.

Is that why he bullied me everyday? Because he was just confused over the mate thing? Because he was matted to a gay kid? To a human, that probably isn't normal for his world.

And now he doesn't know how to handle anything. This shouldn't be happening. I need to leave. I should not be in this world. I should not even know of any of this, it's just not right, for me.

Getting up I get a sudden head rush and fall back down. A pain rushes through my back and my arms stiffen up. I try to get out breaths but nothing really works, everything hurts.

The woods. This is just like the woods.

I try to scream but nothing comes out. I see a wolf pass through the fields in front of the house and recognize it, it think it's Hunter. His thick black coat of fur runs into the woods.

Trying to cry for help as everything tenses up and hurts. But nothing comes out again. I guess this is what I deserve right? For hurting Hunter? My body stings and burns as I feel like everything in me is breaking.


Everything takes too long. Passing out soon after the pain started I've been in and out in conciseness. It's getting dark and I can't move my body. Everything hurts too much. "Tristan?" A voice comes up from somewhere and is quiet so I can barley make it out.

"Tristan are you still up here?" Hunter? I can't say anything. I try to make a noise but all I can do is just lay there as my eyes give out on me. "Tristan? Why are you Still-"

Hunter's voice stops and I feel is hands on my back. "Tristan wake up. Please just say something. Tristan." Right after that I'm picked up in his arms again and carried inside. "Dammit Tristan." Hunter curses under his breath as he walks. He whispers things to me and rubs my back with one hand as he walks.


A door opens and I'm placed on a bed again. Hunter takes my hoodie off and sits next to me.

"I'm sorry you don't understand this. But god, I really need you to stay here with me. you have no idea what I've been through because of the whole mate thing, but this just feels right. I don't want you to leave. I don't want you to get hurt." He kisses my head and gets up leaving me in the dark alone.


Opening my eyes and trying to sit up fucking hurts. Okay everything just hurts. And I'm not talking about my body, I mean everything. My brain and heart hurts too. I feel like I can't breathe right and I just need to get somewhere. I don't know where but i need to get somewhere.

Pushing myself up I walk over to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror, and man, I look terrible. there are heavy bags under my eyes and I look really pale and tired. I quickly wash my face with water and find something to wear, stealing Hunters clothes quickly.

A knock is at the door before someone comes in. "Tristan?" I practicaly run despite all the pain and I run out to Hunter as soon as he says my name. "Hey, how you feeling?" He asks.

"Fine. why?" I say tyring to cover up my pain.

"I found you passed out on the roof, I thought something happened again."

"Nope. I think I just fell asleep thinking." I shrug it off not wanting to worry him.

"Okay. Um here." He tosses me a phone while walking to the dresser, grabbing a stack of clothes out.

"Thanks? You know I said I could get one myself right?"

"Yeah, but I thought I would do something for you before you leave."

"You've done enough for me." I say as Hunter walks around the room grabbing things out of every where there is. Grabbing two duffel bags and tossing things everywhere around the bags.

"So, what are you doing?"

"Packing some bags. One for you for when you decide to leave and one for my hunting trip this weekend."


"Just a thing people do in the pack a few times a year."


"Listen about yesterday. Just forget about it, it's not important or anything." Hunter states while packing. He looks terrible, just like me. Did he even sleep last night?

And...Liar! It seems pretty big.

"Okay. Hunter are you sure you don't want to talk about it?"

"Tristan, I've gone my whole life without talking about it. I'm fine. Really, I just don't want to talk about it if your not going stay around."

"Okay." I say leaning against the wall. To be honest I am a little hurt.mI shouldn't be right? I don't belong here, this is a weird situation and I just want to leave.

But He's shutting me out. Even if We have been here together for three or four days now, I think I've gotten to know Hunter more than anyone else....Besides Sarah.

It hurts that he is shutting me out for some reason, I don't know why. I shouldn't feel bad.

"I think I'm going to head out today. I just think I should get out of here. figure out what i'm going to do."

"If that's what you want."

"Let me help you."

"No, I've got it. If you want you can go downstairs and grab some food though. Bring me some too?"


"Umm...Sure." I toss the phone on the bed and head for the kitchen. As I walk down the stairs I see people stare and look as I walk by. It's Saturday, so no one is in school and It's a long weekend that lasts a week. Our school does it for a break before test days, there's only a three weeks left and then I'm out forever.

Well, I guess I'm not even finishing school at this point. I need to leave Today, meaning I am not going back to school.

Walking into the Kitchen a bunch of people baking are in here and everyone stops as I walk in.

"Um, you aren't suppose to be in here, um..." A lady tries to say.

"No no he's fine." A woman comes up to me and smiles. "Tristan is a special guest with us. He's aloud in here at anytime. Okay everyone?" She says turning around and looking at everyone baking. "Now get back to work, we have A LOT of people to feed this weekend."

Turning back around to me she smiles and puts her hand out. "Hi Tristan, I'm Mary, Hunter's mom. It's nice to finally meet you."

"Hi?" I shake her hand and smile awkwardly. "Hunter just sent me down for some food?"

"Oh yes." She runs to one of the many fridges and pulls out a bag. "Here you go. This is for the both of you. Hunter asked me to make some sandwiches for you guys. Basic chicken, ham, turkey. Take your picks, give the rest to Hunter, he isn't picky."

"Thank you. For the food and letting me stay here." I say awkwardly.

"Of course dear. Anything for a friend of Hunters." I feel my cheeks heat up as she says friend a little weirdly. Smiling at me and putting a hand on my arm. "You are always welcome back in here at anytime. Trust me, you are safe here Tristan. And I am not one to break my trust." She says walking me out of the kitchen.

I close the door behind me and take a deep breath as people look at me again. I run up the stairs and close the door breathing heavily closing my eyes as I lean against the door. "You okay?"

I take a few breaths as Hunter walks to me and takes the bag; tossing it on the bed and lightly grabbing my shoulders and making sure I'm okay. "A lot...people...staring...and your mom?" I breathe out quickly closing my eyes again.

"I completely forgot about everyone."

"It-It's fine Hunter." Hunter sighs in relief and goes back to tossing things in a bag.

"Right. So I guess I met your mom."

"Yeah, sorry about her. She can be a bit...out there."

"Just a little. She was sweet though...nice." We both start laughing and things finally settle down in the room tension wise.

"W-What time do you want to leave?" Hunter asks.

"I guess I don't care as long as it's today."

"We'll leave soon then. I always head out early on hunting trips to help set up camp anyways. I'll drive you to the bus station and I guess you'll figure out what you're going to do."

"Okay." Hunter finishes the bags and tosses the food in mine.

"Let's just go." Hunter gets out as he's walking to the door. Grabbing my bag I can tell he loaded it. It is kind of heavy, like my soccer bag but three times the weight. What did he put in here? A gun or two?


"Alright get in." I climb into Hunters truck and he starts driving right away.

"Whoa calm down." Hunter smiles and rolls his eyes.

"My number is in your phone if you need anything and I mean anything. You call me if your dad finds you Tristan. I mean it. I want you to be safe, even if things were weird between us."

"Thanks Hunter, but I think I'll be fine if I get out of state."

"That far huh?"

"I'll go anywhere I can."

"Good to know." Hunter turns on the radio and we sit in silence the rest of the ride. Around thirty minutes we get to the Bus station and we both get out. Hunter beats me to the bag and he takes it as we walk in. We get pretty close to the counters and my anxiety starts to kick in.I should really get med's for this stuff. I do a room check making sure I don't see my dad here and when I don't I look at Hunter. He looks beat, like life is close to over.

"Here, a couple hundred should get you out of the state at least."

"Hunter I can not take this from you."

"Tristan, stop. Take the money." Hunter says shoving the envelope in my hands.

"Thank you Hunter. You didn't have to do any of this." I hug him tightly and his arms wrap around me. As we break apart Hunter waves and walks away, out of the station and his head hung down as he puts his hood up. Sighing I walk to the counter and figure out where I am going.

"A ticket to anywhere. Preferably somewhere far away." the lady at the counter smiles, "How about Colorado. I hear it's pretty nice right about now."

"Sure. How much?"

"150. But the bus doesn't leave until later tonight."

"How late?"

"seven pm." Its only noon...

"That's fine I guess. I'll just wait here if that's okay, I don't have anything to really do." I pay her up front and smile as I walk to a bench and sit there for what seems like hours.


I dozed off and when I woke it's around five already and hardly anyone is here. My mind wanders off and gets to thinking about Hunter. I feel terrible about everything.

He was so confused and just didn't know what to do about everything and I just kind of pushed him back farther. What if I didn't leave, what would happen then?

What would I do with my life. Graduate high school and stay in this town? I hate to admit this, but a week ago, I would have hated Hunter for everything that has ever happened to me. Because he caused all of this.

But ever sense he found out about my dad, and that he was just adding to the flame of my miserable life, I got to see a real side of him. Not a high school bully or the quarterback of the football team; but a side of him I feel like not many people do see. A caring side, a person who genuinely cared.

He took me in for gods sake and hid me from my dad for almost a week. He took care of me when I probably would have died in those woods a few days ago due to who knows what. I saw something in him and I wish that is all anyone would see.

We got to know each other and I liked having a friend. I liked having Hunter around. No I loved it. He was perfect. In every. Way.

Sure, it was weird, it was really weird. I mean, he was my bully, and now I know why he did everything...but I almost liked it. I wasn't the only one is a messed up boat.

I'm not saying him beating me up and bulling me was okay because he had his own problems to deal with, but now I know why and I know that he was going through some really bad things too.

I have a pit in my stomach and I don't know if I should leave. I have never felt this way with anyone in my life before. It just feels wrong to be sitting here, getting ready for a bus to come pick me up and take me somewhere alone.

To not be by him.

I look around and the lady at the front desk is on the phone. She keeps looking back at me then the computer then me. She isn't trying to be secretive or anything either. I can hear her loud and clear.

"Yes sir. This is your son here. He plans to get on a bus at seven. do you want me to hold him here?"

I get up and walk out of the station with my bag on my back and my money in my pocket. I soon as I hit the road I run. I run and try to remember the roads hunter took to get here.

I can not be here. He must have sent crap out about me being missing and shit like that. I run in the fear that he is behind me and he'll find me. I stay in the ditches on the roads and try to remember where to go next.

God, what did I think would happen! Of course he posted about me being missing to some people around town that would look for me! I'm an idiot!

My heart beats way to fast and I take out the phone Hunter gave me, Dialing his number. I get sent to voicemail after 30 seconds of ringing. He wont have connection, he's in the woods. I search through the phone as fast as I can and try to find something in there to help me out. I slid by google maps and a pin point pops up.

I hit it and it brings up a map to Hunters place. He made sure I had his address in the phone too. I look down as I run, pulling my hood up as it starts to rain and get dark. every time a car passes I make sure my dad isn't here. I just run, run away. I can not go back to my dads.

The sun goes down faster than I thought it would and street lights start to pop on as I run. I guess it's a good thing I am a soccer player or this would have been even worse. Picking up my pace I find the back road and book it.

Running for my life I get to the giant fields and I run to the giant house, who's lights are still on ever where you can see. Stopping at the front steps, I run a hand through my hair and breath, trying to catch my breath. I drop my bag and sit on the steps for a few minuets as the rain beats down on me.

I should not be here either. I don't have anywhere else to go. I can't run back to town now. After a few minuets the door opens and a hand is placed on my shoulder. I look up and see Hunters mom above me. "Come on Tristan. Inside before you get sick." She smiles down as I stand up and pick up my bag, walking inside with her.


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