《Until we die (BxB)✔️》•8•



Hunters POV.






"OH MY GOD SHUT THE HELL UP GRAY!" I scream out loud completely forgetting what time it is or who's around me. Tristan shoots up and looks around alert as hell.

"What's going on?"

"Nothing. Sorry. Sleep talking?"


"Go back to bed." I mumble to him as I swing my arm over my head.

"I d-don't *yawns* need to." I laugh a bit and look at him again.

"Yes you do. Lay down." He looks around and lays down again against my chest. He wiggles so he's almost completely covered in the blankets. My arm goes over his body and I relax again listing to his breathing and heartbeat again.

Every once in a while Tristan will mumble a few things in his sleep, but nothing really audible. I stayed awake most the time taking a small nap every ten minutes to make sure that Tristan doesn't have another panic attack. I don't think he knows he cuddles against me at night but I fucking love it.

After a few hours his head starts to twitch and he mumbles words a bit louder. I sit up and pull Tristan up too. "Tristan wake up." He thrashes around until he wakes up. I stop shaking him and he stares at me.

"What was going on?"

"I-um...Nightmare." I whispers looking down.

"You Okay?"

"Y-Yeah. I think so."


I get up and Tristan rubs his eyes before watching me. I grab a hoodie and shorts and toss them into the bathroom before looking at him. "I'm gonna take a shower really quick."

He shakes his head and gets up while looking at his phone and the door. "If I leave the door open and you sit near there will that be okay?"

He thinks for a bit and nods as I walk into the door. He follows and sits against the wall as I turn the water on and strip down. I can feel how anxious and sad Tristan is right now though the mate link that's forming right now, andI hate how he can't feel anything like that yet because he's a human.

For him to get the actual link I have to mark him and I can't do that. Yet. Hopefully. I don't want to get into it.

I hate how a stupid link is forming already because I haven't spent time with him since I found out he was my mate.

And now that have been with him over a day, it's kicking in at hypo speed.

As I finish Scrubbing my hair I turn off the water and grab a towel. Getting out of grab another and drying my hair out and brushing my teeth. I feel Tristan's stares on my back as I finish up and turn around smirking at him.

"What?" I ask playfully as a pink spread covers his ears and cheeks as he turns around. As soon as I have clothes on I turn the shower on again and toss some towels at Tristan. "Here. I'll wait in the bedroom with some clothes." He gets up and looks in tHe bathroom.


"There's nothing in there Tristan." He walks in and looks at me without saying anything. "I'll just be in the other room." I say. I thought he would shut the door but it stays open as I get my phone and check social media's as I hear the shower go. After a few minutes the water shuts off and I get up to get clothes for Tristan.

As I pass by the door to the dresser I see Tristan in a towel around he waist lightly. I stop and look at his back as he runs a hand through his hair, which is damp and long.

His Back is covers his small cuts that are healed but still show a scar. I see one that's recent. It's long, across most of his back and it's still pretty red. His neck is lightly bruised as well.

Tristan starts to turn around I run to the dresser and grab some smaller clothes and I toss them in the bathroom as he dry's his hair. As I walk back in Tristan's standing there in his underwear still playing with his hair.

"I need a hair cut." He mumbles, tossing on a shirt.

"I like it long."He shrugs and tugs on some ripped jeans I tossed him.

And damn... this link or bind really needs to go away. He's gonna leave, I shouldn't even be thinking of him like that.

His thighs are just thick enough for a guy to turn on any guy and the shirt he is wearing hugs his somewhat muscular arms.

For someone who does have muscles, how has he never defended himself against anyone?

He waits for me to get done and walks out behind me. I grab my phone and he looks at his cracked up phone on the ground. His chest picks up and I stand closer to him as he just stares.


Tristan's POV.


I stare at the phone as the images of my dad come into my mind; Him screaming in my face, storming into my room and destroying everything, slapping my face, calling me every time I was a few minutes late home, choking me, bringing me close to death, smashing bottles on me .

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I jump at the sudden contact and turn around to see Hunter searching my face.

"I think we need to talk."

"A-again?" I ask.

"I think you owe me a bit about your life, with me letting you into a "personal" aspect of mine."

I look down and sigh. "We don't have to today, but it would be nice to hear something soon, before you decide to run again."

I nod and look up at Hunter. "I'll get you a new phone." He says blankly.

"You don't have to."

"I will." He smiles and opens the door. "Coming?"


"Food. I promise no one is here today. Everyone is either at school, or at training for the next few hours." I inch to the door and stay at his side as he leads me down a hall way and down some stairs. I stopped trying to remember where to go after the second set of stairs and sixth hall way.


As soon as we got to a giant kitchen Hunter started to dig through the cabinets and finds some food. He gives me a box and points to a small table. I almost a trip on my way there as he grabs bowls and milk.

"Did you grow up in this house?"


"How many people live here?" I ask.

"Around one hundred fifty? maybe more."


"Yeah, I have no idea how I survived here to be honest."

"What do you mean." I ask as He pours us some cereal and sits down.

"I don't really like people, I mean I do but I just don't know how to really talk to people I guess. And being the Alphas son does not help my case." He laughs out the last part.

"Hmm. Sorry to hear that?" He smiles at me and I start eating and look down the whole time.

"You should probably sleep some today. And If you don't mind I'll send a doctor to check you out and make sure your okay from the other night."

"No. No doctors."


"No doctors. Please. You don't understand. Doctors figure everything out. I-I can't."

"Okay. No doctors. But you should sleep. I have to go to training, but I'd make me feel better if you were resting. Seeing as you don't want people checking up on you to figure out what the hell happened in the woods."

"When do you have training?"

"An hour ago." he says.

"Sorry for keeping you." I whisper looking down again.

"It's fine." Hunter says softly. He gets up an takes our bowl to the sink as soon as I'm done. I stand up and look out the window and hear Hunter step behind me to look over my should. I back up as I turn around and Hunter was a lot closer than I thought. I run into him and we both fall to the ground, Me on top.

Before I know it our lips are connected due to the fall. My eyes shoot open and I get up as Hunter just stares, his mouth hanging open. I stare wide eye'd at Hunter as He just stares up at the ceiling.

Oh my god. Oh my god. "Uhh."

"I am so sorry." I mumble as I try to keep my eyes off of him. "Uh huh." He barley manages to get anything out as he sits there on the ground. I back up until I hit the wall.

"Y-you should get to training. I mean if you have to, your already late. Don't let me keep you, I can find my way back up stairs, I'll just go sleep for a bit. I should probably anyways. Sorry, I-I am ranting now. I-We should go."

Hunter gets up and keeps his head down. "Yeah, I'll take you upstairs and I'll head out."


We both walk back upstairs in total silence, which was very awkward. Not like this whole two days as been awkward enough. I don't like a lot of silence.

It makes me feel uncomfortable. I'm use to loud places all the time. Hunter opens the door and I walk in.

"I'm just gonna..go." He says as he shuts the door. I stand there for a few minutes before walking over to te bed and sitting down. I actually take a look at the room and actually see everything. The bed takes up little space, even though it's a king sized bed, a dresser, closet, night stands, desk, tv on a stand and a bear rug on the floor.

The wall is a light grey and there are lights set up in every corner that turn on with a switch next to the over head lights.

His room is three times the size of mine. My room. My house, my dad. I grip the bed sheets as I start to think about home.

All the damn beatings from everyone who stepped in that house. All of my dads friends would get in too, just like Hunters. I tear up and I try to think about anything else. Anything else. School, schools a good topic.

My mind just goes to the bullies and beatings Hunter's friends would give me. Now that I think about it Hunter's barley touched me this year, it's been all his friends. The few times when someone has really pissed him off he came at me but He stopped a lot of everything this year.

I'm a mess. A very emotional and unstable mess.

I lay back and think about what I'm going to do next. I can't stay here. I'm sure that It's not easy keeping around two hundred people here, it's probably illegal somehow.

If my dad came with some cops, if he found me, that would split this pack up. I can't risk hurting anyone else besides me. I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

And werewolves. How on earth. I'm finally really thinking about it and this is insane. How on earth is this real? I saw hunter, I saw a wolf, I saw him bring me somewhere, I saw his eyes change from brown to gold. He told me what he is. I mean who the hell would lie about that, And I know a lot of people live here so I know that this is a pack.

It isn't so crazy anymore.

It scares me a bit. How most people can grow up and not know about a completely different society is living right under our own. Keeping this huge secret from others. My eyes close as I think about what I'm going to do when I can leave this place. Where am I going to go, I can not stay here. I just can't.

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