《Until we die (BxB)✔️》•6•




"SO....how Does everything work with you?" I ask, not really being able to look at Hunter as I talk t him. I feel bad for not looking at him, but...like I said or think I said earlier, this is weird.

I woke up hoping I would be in the woods, but then I saw Hunter and figured that this wasn't a dream. And that I'm not going crazy, I know what I saw...and it's weird. This is just weird.

Hunter runs a hand through his hair and sighs. "You really want to know?"

"I mean, if it has anything to do with the past few years yes. I guess. You don't have to if you don't want to, it's weird right?" I say. "I probably won't even understand so you don't have to, but it'd be cool to know. Well I think I know, I-I....will stop talking now."

Hunter only laughs at me, not in a mean way but a light hearted way as he sits back in the chair. Running a finger over the patterns of the table as he chuckles for a moment, smiling up at me.

"Yeah, well it's not the complicated I guess. I mean...Okay then. Um I mean you get the jist of it right?"

"So your a...wolf?"


"Like a shape shifting creature of the dark from a fictional book I would have read as a kid?"

"Pretty much?"

"But you aren't like a human like furry thing that walks around killing people?" I ask. His face looks like he just saw a dog get killed by a bird. I don't think he understood my question.

"What?" He chokes out.

"Like in the movies? No? Got it." I look down as he chuckles out a bit.

"Um...no It does not work like that."

"So your just a person that turns into a wolf?"

"Pretty much."


"Just like me."

"A pack?"

"All live in that giant house. Or somewhere in town."

"Okay." I breath out. That was quick and easy.


"I mean, I don't want to freak out. I just don't know how to take this all in. This is weird...like really weird. But I don't thick I am going crazy and I think that you aren't crazy either because then you would just have a random Wolf in your bathroom. So. We aren't crazy, your a werewolf thing? And I just slept in a house full of them." I say leaning back into the booth and rubbing my face.

"Are you sure you aren't going to kill me? Like eat me alive or human sacrifice?"

"No. I can assure you, no one wants to eat you."

"Oh, thanks?"

"Your welcome."

"So you change into a wolf, so does your family, how does the whole wolf thing work? There's more to it right?" This is weird, I will say that a million times over. But this is kinda cool I guess.

"Basically, every person has a wolf with them, like another personality that we talk to in mind space. We can feel them and such, it's like they live in the back of our minds. It makes me sound crazy, but the wolves can communicate to others and push them selves out so the person isn't in control of their body. We shift into wolf form and most of us have full control over everything."


"Our wolves can come out and take over our human form when needed and most wolves have a good relationship with their human, it's like a bond, emotionally and physically. All wolves have mates, again most wolves live in a pack and all packs live together for the most part. There are jobs in each pack, we have an Alpha and Luna too. Those are actually my parents."

"And the eye color thing, it's when we switch with our wolves. Like mine are blue, so I'm in control right now, But when they turn gold, your wolf is starting to appear or trying to take control. You kinda saw that last night, or at least that's what you said. And then there is black, that's when your wolf is in full control of your body. You basically get put in the back of your head and you can only talk to your wolf." Hunter explains, leaning back in his chair again. He just watches me with a semi blank face as I nod slowly and take this is.

"Um...Got it?"

"Yeah, not the easiest thing to take in, but your surprisingly calm. Which is weird. Your right, this is weird."

"I have a way of staying calm." I say with a small smile.

"I am sorry. I really hope you know that. I don't think I ever really meant to hurt you, but things just really went the wrong way for me and I don't expect you to forgive me but I do want to make things better."

I look up at Hunter and bite the corner of my lip as I think about what to say. "Why? What was going on?" I ask.

Hunter looks down and sighs. "Some things went on about my mate, I mean with me realizing who they were and my wolf was really frazzled. I got into some argument with him and things went down. He took over my body for a week or two and then when I got control back I shut him out for a week, but then he was still upset so he blocked me out for two years." Hunter, now looking down at the table, talks to me in an ashamed voice.

"I looked for something or someone to get out on. I had so much anger and confusion. And I know that and I did know that back then, but I didn't have control over myself or what I did to anyone. I've hurt a lot of people, not just you and I want to fix things. Not having my wolf was a whole other thing for me, it was like he was ripped from me emotionally. I didn't have control over things, half the time that I did those things to you, I don't even remember. My mind would blank out for periods of time until I remember to get my head straight."

"then why did you continue to do it? I mean, you could have stopped. Why me?" I ask looking down just like him.

"Because you were easy. your a side liner for everything. It-you were just easy. And I tried to stop but I couldn't I don't know why. I think part of it was that my friends are terrible. They beat everyone up and I think I was just scared of losing my group? I didn't know how to feel, I don't know how to feel. "

I sit with my head down. My knees are bouncing and every time someone leaves or enters my head shoots up and I make sure my dad isn't in here.


I've had enough of him and I can't be with him. Even if he is my dad. "Just so you know, almost everyone is smaller than you." I say trying to break the silence. "And an easy target. But I get it, I guess."

"What do you mean?"

"You weren't right? Like...you weren't mentally right? You lost a part of you and that must have sucked. You...you didn't know what to do with yourself. I'm not saying beating me to a pulp was right, and I'm not saying the you saving me from the woods is making up for this. But I get it."

I see a small smile on his face as he looks down into his lap, pulling his sleeve down so his hands are covered. I haven't looked him in the eye the entire time we've been here, or I've tried not to.

He looks broken. Like he's going to break down, like this is the worst thing he's ever done but does a person change like that over night? I mean four days ago he was beating me down in The hallways.

My head shoots over to the door again as someone goes out. Hunter turns too, his face frowns. "Come on." He says turning to me and pushing me up. I tense up and cover myself in a reflex and stop moving.

"Tristan, I'm not going to hurt you. But we should leave now. Trust me." As soon as he says trust me and puts a hand on my shoulder lightly I move out of the way as he drags me by my hand out the back door. Running to keep up, he opens the door and rushes me inside.

"What's going on."

"A friend was in there."


"So unless we wanted shit from him you need to listen with me. Again trying to be better person here. We can talk more at my place."

"O-okay." I say in a whisper looking down, going down into a shut down mode.

Driving fast, Hunter is way over the speed limit and it starts to freak me out that he is freaking out. I grab the door and he looks over instantly slowing down to a few miles over the limit. I let go and put my hands under my knees and look down as we drive in silence.

"Sorry." Hunter mumbles out as he looks in the mirror.

After a few minutes of not talking and not looking at each other again, Hunter pulls up to the house Hunter unlocks the door and I get out as he walks over to my side. Closing the door for me and walking ahead of me as people hustle in. "What's going in?" Hunter asks a few people.

Getting claustrophobic for some reason, I move closer to Hunter with my head down again. People don't need to see me. I slowly latch onto his arm as he talks to someone. I feel his gaze on my and he continues to talk to the girl. "Alphas called a meeting. Urgent."

"Crap. Tell him I have something going on."

"Okay Hunter." She says before running with the rest of the group.

"You don't have to skip this because of me." I whisper as we walk behind he group, me still walking really close to him.

"It's fine."

"Are you sure?" I ask squinting at him. He shouldn't leave them because of me.

He looks at me and then looks ahead. "Positive." My face heats up and I look down and watch my steps as we walk up the stairs. He pulls me into his room and walks to the bed and throws himself on it. After a few minutes he sighs and starts talking.

"I-I don't know what to do. I want to make this right. You have no idea how sorry I am for everything."

"I know. And I already told you I forgive you, I guess?"

"How can you guess at something like this?"

"I don't know."

He stands up and walks over to me. Lifting my shirt up Hunter points at a bruise on my rib going into my back. I try to move away but he hold me still. "How can you guess? When I've given you this Tristan. I'm the reason this is there! I'm the reason a lot more cuts and bruises are on your body!" He yells at me with tears brimming his eyes. His eyes start to turn a gold color again as he gets frustrated.

Stepping back from him, I watch as he groans and apologizes to me. Tears fill my eyes in fear as he is about to cry in guilt. I push mine back as he walks around the room mutter things. Wrapping my shirt around myself tighter feeling safer with it clinging to me, I walk over to him and spin him around making him look at me.

His eyes are glowing Gold and he looks like he's going crazy. I jump back for a second and I have to push myself to calm him down.

"Hunter. I said. I. Forgive. You. I don't need to think about it. I know what you did was wrong and the best part is, is that you understand that it was wrong. I don't know how much I should trust you or your family but I know that you are a good person. You are smart and athletic and you are nice, even when your not? I've seen it. Your a good guy and I do forgive you for everything. I don't blame you for anything! You were mentally unstable and I trust that you were getting some type of help. Please calm down!" I say to hunter, holding him down in my grip as tight as I can.

He try's to move but I don't want to think that's him doing the thinking right now. He stops moving and he just stares at me. "I forgive you. I get it, okay?" I ask.

"Okay." I nod at him and he just looks at me. There's a knock at the door and I jump and Hunters focus comes back into play as he steadies me and looks at the door. He walks to it and a girls voices comes through.


"Your father needs you."

"How urgent?"


"Okay Okay." He growls back at the girl. Hunter closes the door and looks at me. "I have to go."

"It's fine." I look around the big room and sigh.

"Is my phone here?"

"Yeah on the dresser. Are you sure you'll be fine? For a few. If not you can come down with me."

"I'll be good."

"Okay." He starts to close the door behind him before he pokes his head back in, "thank you Tristan."

"Of course."

"You'll be good?"

"Yeah, what could happen?" I ask shrugging.


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