《Until we die (BxB)✔️》•4•


"He'll be alright. I give him a sedative and cleans a few cuts. He needs a lot of rest. The healers said it wasn't something normal, like a stroke or heart attack or anything like that. they don't know what was going on."

"No. Thank you for your work, you can go." He nods and rushes downstairs. I head for the door but I'm stoped by a hand pushed on my shoulder.

"Did he see anything."


"Did he see anything in the woods." My dad asks.

"I-I don't know." I look at my mom and she sighs.

"If anything happens you need to tell him. There's no way of hiding anything he saw." She says. "I mean this Hunter."

I nod and rush into the room. Looking at him lying there, I regret everything even more than before. I run a hand over my face and sigh. Tossing a blanket over him, I pace for a few minutes before leaving the room again.

I know I shouldn't be in there when he wakes up, he shouldn't even be here. Everyone's gonna be pissed about this. I don't think a humans been in this house for almost thirty years.

And besides, he wont want to see me when he wakes up right away. Not like he can avoid me now, I mean, he is in my house.

'Things will be different. You're the son of the alpha and he's your mate. They wont touch him.' Gray, trying to ease me, talks in the back of my head as I pass people who are coming inside again. All of them looking at me with curiosity.

I pull the sleeves of my shirt down over my hands, gripping the ends as I pass everyone. A bunch of girls hoping and wishing that I'm their mate say hi and good night and flirt on their way up.

I just flash a smile and continue walking. God I hate people sometimes. Little do they know...IM SUPOSE TO BE with a guy!

Some people who were outside try to ask me questions and anyone on the third floor has probably already caught onto Tristan's scent by now as well.

I grab some snacks from the kitchen and some of the older women here who are cleaning wish me luck and all that shit. Don't get me wrong, love these women to pieces, they were there when my parents weren't but it's every night.

So I just smile and wave as I walk out to the back and head to my truck. Going to park it and chill in the safety of it for the night.

I pray that I don't run into any of my friends on my way to the truck and hope that none of them has Tristan's scent. This would be a disaster for everyone if they did. Gray tries to talk me into going back to my room and keeping an eye on Tristan, but I argue that it would be creepy and I want him to like us.


Gray doesn't budge easily, even if I haven't talked to him in a long time, I know he is still an Alpha is trying to be dominant in this situation. But then again, he hasn't been here for years, so there is no reason I should let him win.

he tries to push out, trying to take control. Thank god I have gained more control over the past few years, otherwise gray would have everything he want in life.

I bend over and fight gray on this as the lights of the house start to go out. I stay with my truck as more and more lights go out. Watching over the house in silence. A few of the people on night watch pass by me, nodding to me as I close the door to my truck finally.

I watch the fourth floor and my parents lights go out. My little sisters room is dark, not surprising, she should have been in bed hours ago. I see a small light come from my room turn on, it shouldn't be on.

I shut the lights off before I left, a light shouldn't be on. My mind goes to the worst case scenario. A sudden burst of energy ones through and I race to the house, running up the stairs to my room. I listen before entering to make sure no one is in there besides Tristan.

Opening the door, I see Tristan standing by the window, probably trying to figure out how to get out. Sighing before I walk into my own room, I close the door without a sound and just stand there as he looks out the window and curses. I smile a bit as he taps his fingers on the windowsill and mutters more.

He's barley standing and he looks pained.

"Your not going to get out through the window." He jumps and turns around before starting to shake. His hands grip the windowsill as he stumbles on his words.


"You should sit down Tristan. Your not going to leave anytime soon with what happened back in those woods." I take a step towards him and he pushes himself against the window even more, if that's possible.

"Stay away from me." He whispers.

"Tristan, you should take a seat, you just woke up and you probably have a sprained ankle by the way your standing." He has a lot more going on than that. But hey, who am I to tell him that?

His entire face says he's scared and uneasy, and I don't blame him.

"Hunter, what are you?" He mumbles out. My head shoots up and a shiver runs through my body.


"What are you. I heard things in the woods and I saw you, in the car, your eyes were different and you...what the hell are you! Who the hell are you? Why am I here! Why! What did you do to me?" He shouts. He's trembling, his whole body. I don't think he's ever used that high of a voice before because of how shaky it was.


"Tristan, please, just sit down."

"I don't trust you." He says, gripping the window sill he shifts so he's off of his ankle.

"And you have every right to not trust me. Just please sit down."

"please let me out of here. I need to go!" He says looking down.

"I can't do that." His head shoots up and a pale look grows onto his face.


"If you're thinking I'm going to kill you then you are terribly wrong. Nor am I kidnapping you, so don't think that either. I found you in the woods." I say with a slight chuckle. He breathes out and He puts his weight onto his hands. I move closer to him and he moves back as far as he can, so I stop.

"Just, stay calm, Okay?"

"What do you mean?" his voice shakes again and he has that scared face on again.

I rub my face and mumble "I am so going to regret this." I run to the bathroom and I shift into my wolf. With me still in control I walk out to Tristan.

Bad idea, bad idea.

He just woke up, he is scared. this will traumatize him, he hates me. There is no way he is going to think he is sane after this.

But I do this anyways.


Tristans POV


Hunter runs to a small room in here, or wherever I am. Leaving me all alone in the giant place. My whole body hurts like hell and I don't remember a lot.

I think I fell and then some things are fuzzy, but I know I saw a giant wolf with me in the woods, i saw the paw first and them it's whole body was perched over me. Like it was protecting me.

Then the next thing I know, Hunter is carrying me over to his truck and I see bits and pieces. a few times of his looking back at me, but his eyes weren't blue, they were golden. Sometimes pure black. and then He takes me out of the truck and I pass out again. I felt way too much pain, like five years worth of constant beatings worth of pain.

Shit! My bag! Everything I need is probably still in the woods and that has everything I own or need to get out of this town.

I see a head pop out of the bathroom and I fall to the floor with a scream. It's a Wolf. I scoot back as it walks to me, I shake and stumble on every word that I can barley produce.

My head is throbbing as I am backed up against the wall as tears stream down my face in fear. What the hell is going on!

I cover my mouth as the wolf stands directly in front of me. It sits down by me and stares. It looks pained to look at me, but it does anyways.

This is too much, I' going crazy. Maybe I am still asleep, that's logical! But why would Hunter be in my dream, why on earth would he save me in a dream?

Why would he save me in general?

"hunter." My eyes are closed and I am scared, I don't know what to think. Werewolves aren't real, right? There is no reasonable explanation for this though.

Hunter wouldn't keep a real wolf in his room, or what I think is his room. My eyes open as hunter is walking out of the bathroom. Just like nothing happened.

"What..the...hell." I am speaking at barley a whisper, staring at him with what I hope is a horrified expression.

"Just stay calm."

"Yeah." Hunter stands there as I sit in the corner of the room. "You...You can't tell anyone." He says.

"There's no one to tell." I whisper.

"Tristan, I don't think you understand. you can not tell anyone, if anything get out that you know what I am we both can get into serious trouble."

"i-I wont. I promise."

"How are you so calm."

"I have no idea. I don't know if I should be scared or calm or...I-I don't know. I don't know." Hunter lets out a slight chuckle and sits on the edge of the bed.

"Um...yeah, Neither do I. And I know you wont like this, but you need to stay here for a few days."

My head shoots up and I start to shake as pain hits my neck again. "You just woke up from who knows what and Your in shock. You need to stay here for a few days and then we can decide what you want to do. But I just want you to know, I know about your dad. And I will tell you being here is much safer than running away where he could find you. I am sorry Tristan, about what I have done, and for what you have been through with your dad."

"How do you know about my dad." I ask.


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