《Until we die (BxB)✔️》*3*


Tossing my bag over my shoulder I run out the house door and just run. Running down the street until I hit a main street, and just went from there. I needed to just get out of here, back roads would be nice, I could just chill in the ditch for the night and leave for a bus stop or something in the morning.

Stealing a couple hundred from my dad, taking some food and water and whatever else I might need, I left and I don't plan on going back.

I need to get out of this town, away from everyone in this crap town. Running, which I am usually good at, hurt. do to the past few days now of trying to get out of the house, I've healed the best I can for now.

I just needed to leave, I don't have a bike or car. My neighbors are all friends with my dad and would tell him if I were to ask for a ride or bike. I can't do anything but run with my two feet for now.

I run into the woods knowing my dad will be tracking me and following my every move when he sees I'm not at home. Even if he did tell me to leave, he's drunk and he'll come for me in the morning. It's something that he does. I don't thin he actually cares about me, but he makes sure I am alive every morning.

Probably because he doesn't want to deal with a dead kid.

I run through the woods and start walking as I'm an hour into them. it's calm, hardly anything is around me because the trees using my phone flashlight to make sure I don't run into anything, I finally feel like I can breathe for some reason.

the only great thing about this town, is the woods. They are deep, filled with protected land. Nothing can be placed in them or taken down with out the owners permission, and no one knows who's owns all of it.

After a while of walking, I get a pain in my back. before I know if, I am on my hands and knees as pain shoots up my back constantly. My fingers grip the dirt and leaves underneath me. I let a small scream leave my mouth as my back arches up. I

don't know what is happening to me. I can't breathe and everything hurts. I can't move. My body's burning but I'm shaking harshly, I can't control it. Tears fall as my muscles stiffen and cramp, my bones hurt so bad. I hear a loud bark and growl as something runs at me.

All I know is that I am in pain, serious pain, and I shut my eyes tightly.

I know wolves are a popular animal around here but I never realized that they were so close. I can barley open my eyes and all I see is blurry paws and dirt. My chest heaves up and down and I feel paralyzed.

This is it, I think I am going to die now.


Hunters POV


All I can say is that I am severely frustrated. Driving back from Tristan's house I am so fucking angry and confused and...and dammit I'm worried for him. As he opened the door, I saw liquor bottles everywhere, the smell of blood and alcohol reeked from the room and blood stains were in the carpet.

I should call the cops or something, but I think that would hurt him even more, especially if he knew it was from me.


God, I hate thinking about this shit. I never really wanted to beat Triston, I just didn't know how else to handle my side, my situation. Like I said earlier, I couldn't control a thing I did half the time I saw him.

I don't know how I felt about being gay, and I don't know how anyone would react. So I took my anger out on him, and I've know that sense day one. At first I thought that it was all his fault, he was the one to blame. But it just hurt me even more, and I felt like I needed that.

But I would stay up for hours beating myself up and hurting myself so I knew what he went through every day. I hurt myself in so many ways. I would go crazy worrying about him that I would drive to his house and just sit there, watching him.

Making sure he was okay, that he didn't try to do anything to himself that he was going to be okay. I've never caught a sight of his dad, I've heard shouts but I've never seen his dad do anything to him.

and now when I try to apologize he brushes it past him and gets me out. I don't trust my gut and I want him to forgive me so much, even if I don't deserve it. But I got my wolf back today and we've been talking and everything is so much clearer.

I've wanted it for so long, but ever sense My friends have gotten onto the road that I've followed I couldn't. Getting my wolf back to me, is a big deal. It's because he left that I didn't have control.

Its like a whole other experience happens when your other part of you leaves for years and comes back to a time where you actually accept something.

I pull over and get out and kick the dirt as I run a hand through my hair and huff. I growl loudly and I can feel Gray taking over. My phone rings and I answer it right away.

"Hunter! Where are you! You are suppose to be at home!"

"Hey mom."

"Where are you!" I pull the phone away and groan again as she scratches through the phone at me.

"I-" Gray starts to take over in frustration and I have to stop.

"Honey, are you okay?"

"yeah mom. I'm fine. I'm on my way." Gripping the side of my truck again, I dig my foot into the dirt.

"Alright. Are you Sure your alright."

"If I'm not home in ten I've had a shift."

"D-Do I need to send someone out?"

"n-No. I've got to go." I hang up and toss the phone in my car and lean over the bed of the truck. I feel my self brake down and I run to the woods so no one see's me. I start to shift and my clothing rips to the shreds and fur takes over. My paws hit the dirt floor of the woods and I run as gray takes over and I merely sit in the back of our mind.

Seeing as he has come back today, I let him have control for the first time in a while. I don't need it right now.

We run around for a few hours and sit to rest. As I gain control over our wolf form and gray calms down some as I scratch at my ears and just Before I get a chance to fall asleep my ears perk up and I pick up a scream from a mile or two away. I sniff the air and a familiar scent.


My body jolts up on an instinct and I race to it. Tristan.

My body races faster to the scent and I come to a sudden halt as a mixtures of scents fill the air. Another wolf and and a mixture of mating scent are ever where around him. A growl comes from me as I stop in front of him and circle him, checking to make sure no one hurt him. He's passed out on the floor, his body still shaking.

I make sure no one is around and I sniff him and all of these smalls are emitting off of him.

'What the hell.' Gray, my wolf, speaks to me as I sniff down his body one more time to make sure I am right. His body is cold but his cheeks are flushed to a deep red. I wrap my furry body around him and sit there as his body stops shaking.

His eyes sometimes flicker open for a small moment but they fall right away as he stays unconscious. I hear a howl from somewhere a few miles away and I stand up over Tristan. His body starts to shake again and He twitches.

'We need to get him out of here.'

"Where are we going to take him, did you see his neck? Something happened to him at home, I know it."

'just bring him home, we'll take care of him and maybe he'll change his mind about us.' grey tries to get me to do this, not that it is a bad idea. he has a bag by him, and by the layers of clothes, I think he was running away.

"that wont happen."

'well, we have a better care system. We can take care of him.'

After thinking about it for a few moments I decide that the idea would be a better idea. I shift back and pick Tristan in my arms and run out of the woods rushing us both out before another wolf picks up my scent. though it is a bit of a run, it's better than the both of us staying out there.

Finally getting to the truck I open the door and set Tristan in the back, laying him down on the seats and making sure he isn't hurt anywhere. Quickly changing into a pair of jeans and a hoodie and starting the truck.

I start Driving off, constantly look back to make sure Tristan is okay. His eyes flutter open and close every few minutes, trying to mumble words, still half asleep.

What the hell is wrong with him?

"Shh. Just hold on for a little bit." I tell him, holding his hand as tears stream down his face, He's waking up. I press the gas to get home faster, minutes go by as I fly down the dirt road, crunching the brake as I pull up to the pack house. A few people rush out as I get Tristan out and Hold him in my arms as He cries out, his breathing is out of control and he's clutching my shirt, screaming in pain.

I run up to the house as my parents rush out along with a pack doctor and a few healers, all looking at me like I was crazy. I wouldn't blame them.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know. I found him in the woods like this, he started to wake in the truck. Just help him please!" I yell and the doctor and healer rush to me, listening to my demands. A healer stops his crying and he falls asleep instantly, limping in my arms as he grows quiet.

Kneeling down with him in my arms, My eyes dark back and fourth as I watch every part of Tristan, making sure he is okay for now.

"He's very weak. I can keep like this for a few hours. But I've never felt anything like this. Is he a human?" The healers keeps asking me questions, but the only one I catch was that last one. Nodding to her as I hold him tighter, I see the healers try and talk with the doctor.

"Get him into a room." I stand up almost instantly and hide his face from the people outside, getting protective of Tristan. I run up the stairs to the fourth floor, bringing him into my room and setting him on the bed gently as people follow me.

The doctor stays close behind me and rushes to his side, checking his pulse when he can, mumbling to himself. I see him shake his head and I squint at him, ready to fully react.

"Hunter." I look to my parents who are standing there at the door.

"Take care of him." Running out the door, Mom grabs my face and looks me in the eyes, ready to kill me.

What. Happened!"

"I don't know, I was on a run and I passed him. I found him like this mom. I didn't do this." grabbing onto her hands and pulling them away from my face, I hear my dad sigh behind her and nod.

"I know honey."

"What was he doing in the woods anyways. Most Humans don't go that far out." Dad, this time, speaks up, looking to my mom instead of me for an answer.

"I don't know." I look at my dad as I continue. "I found a bag near him with some of his things in it. He was running."

"Why would the boy being running?"

"His dad. I think his dad beats him. When he comes to school he comes with bruises on his body that I never gave him, let alone others. When I found him his neck was all bruised up. I went there earlier to try to talk to him, but Mom, holy crap. There were bottles and smells everywhere. There was fucking blood on the carpet and walls."

"That would would explain his fathers behavior at the school the other day." My dad says. "Should we call someone?"

"No! That will make his situation worse, he's not eighteen yet, meaning he would get put into a home. And if his dad is a total nut job than he would target Tristan." I yell get over protective.

"He's right darling." My mom says taking my side. "He will stay here until he's healed, then you two will decide whats best."

"okay-" The doctor comes out interrupting us.

"What? Is he going to be alright?"


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