《Until we die (BxB)✔️》•2•


As I'm thrown to the ground my nose bleeds and hunter just stands there watching me as he brings his hands back to his own body.

No one is here.

Like always.

I turn over and wipe the blood away from my face as he stares at me with a blank look on his face. He always looks like that when he does something like this. I don't understand it.

it's like he doesn't feel anything. It's weird. Looking up at him, it looked like he was ready to leave me there, his light brown hair fell into his face a bit as he huffed and squinted his eyes at me, until we both heard foot steps echo in the halls to us. Neither one of us moved.

When the principal turns the corner and see hunter and I, he yells and hunter looks up. I get up and look down as he walks over to us and yells. Dragging us both to his office where we are forced to wait for our parents.

Together. In the same Room.


This just took a weird turn really quick, I just sit there awkwardly as Hunter stands somewhere across the room, not saying a word to me. I don't speak him, he doesn't really speak to me. at least we both agree on that.

I don't think I have ever been in the principals office, its weird to sit in there with your bully. With the kid who looks like he would easily kill you if he wanted to. yeah, that's a little weird.

We are left alone as the principal calls our parents and I sit in a chair rubbing my head. This. Is. Not. Good. My cheek burns and I feel bruises forming again all over my face. Hunter flares from the corner at me and I can feel his daggers shoot at my head.

Now he probably wants to kill me, he's probably blaming me for this.

"What?" I ask softly. Nothing. I look down and stare at the ground not even noticing Hunter walk over.

"Boys, your parents will be here in five." The principal pokes his head in to inform us and leaves us alone again "great." Hunter mutters.

I roll my eyes and huff as I look down again. Not like he has much to worry about. He's a rich kid here, he has no problems from what I can tell. he's smart and athletic, he's popular, I don't see what the heck this guy has to loose here.

"Did you want to say something?" Hunters voice booms compared to my quiet one.

"I don't see why your complaining. You're the one who got us in this mess and and it's not like you'll get the worst from your parents, or the school at that matter." I say back at him, my head still looking down.

"And how would you know?" He spits back.

"Because I've met them. There good people with a brat son. You'll get a week suspension and go home with nothing to worry about. And besides, it's not like you had to punch me down in a hallway, or ever had to do that while we are talking about it." I say.

"Not like your getting in trouble."

"Oh wouldn't you love to know." I say back looking at him as I shoot words at him bitteraly. He doesn't even know what my life is like, last time I checked, it was a toast piece of crap. The door opens and four people walk in. My dad, Hunters parents and the principal. Everyone takes a seat and my dad glares at me causing my head to drop.


He seems pissed. Probably was called out of work for this too.

"Now What is the meaning of this!" My dad yells.

"Your sons were caught in a fight today. Not long ago. I've called you all to talk about punishments and maybe to get an in light from the boys. As parents you should know that we don't except this behavior here. As for both of the boys they have been also skipping many classes. This is unusual because these two are some of the top in their grade. I would like to talk about this too. " Our principal replies calmly, folding his hands together as he sits at his desk.

I can see Hunter wincing as my dad screams at the principle about how he doesn't have time for this shit. Hunter looks at me and for once I see another emotion besides hatred, I see pity. "Dad stop." I whisper.

"Excuse me. You wanna say that to my face!" He yells again making everyone uncomfortable. I look down as Hunters parents start talking, intervening my Dad from yelling at everyone.

As soon as Hutner's very sweet and nice parents talk with the principle, both hunter and I are let out with a weeks suspension and nothing else.

"Did he lose?" My dad looks at hunter and his face goes to shock. He stands up and starts to walking to hunter.

"Excuse me." Hunters mom asks standing up in front of my dad making him stop.

"Did. My. Brat. Lose?" Hunter does nothing and my dad looks at me. "Let's go." He roughly grabs my hand and pulls me closer to him, I can already smell the rum on him. I walk out behind him and I hear more talking from the others, I wanted to cry right then and their at how tight my dad held my wrist, how he pulled me faster than I could walk to his car.

I can see him fuming as we pull into our driveway, as soon as he is out of the car he walks over and pulls me out by my hair, dragging me into the house.

Let it begin, Punching me over and over on the wall as soon as we are in and the door is shut. I drop and my dad kicks me everywhere, spitting on me and yelling at me. As soon as he is don't and decides he needs to go get more drinks, I hobble upstairs and lock myself in the bathroom.

praying to whatever gos there are that my dad passes out or leaves me alone for a few hours. At this point, he has nothing better to do than beat me to a pulp in life anymore.


Hunters POV


After Tristan leaves, very quickly behind his dad, who was harshly pulling him away from he school at that, my parents walk me out of the school and they look at me with sheer anger and pain on their faces.

I'll admit, I'm to the best person in the world, but I don't think my parents have ever given me a look like this.

"What." I ask them as we continue to walk to their car.

"what the hell is wrong with you!" My dad yells. "Your insane! You know that. What would have happened if you lost control!" He screams at me in the parking lot. "If you lost control and your wolf came out! Do you know how much damn damage you could have caused!"

"I wouldn't do that." I counter back not looking at any of them. And I wouldn't lose control, There isn't a way for me to at this point in life. I especially wouldn't lose control when punching Tristan.


"Like hell. How long has this been going on." My mom asks.

I don't answer. "HUNTER!"

"A few years." I say unable to look at my mom who covers her mouth and hides in my dads figure as he growls, getting frustrated.

"You are so dead." My dad says.

"Why! Why would you hurt him! With everything he's probably been through, and he's your mate!" My mom screams. Me and dad look at her like she's crazy and she huffs at the both of us.

"Excuse me?" My dad bellows.

"You both know it!" She points at me. "I could see it when I walked in. The way you looked at him when his dad yelled. You were letting off scents and anyone with a damn mind could see it. So why the hell were you doing this! And letting others do this to him! Why didn't we know about any of this!" She yells at the both of us now.

"Is this true? Have you been hurting your mate." My dad looks at me.

"Yes. But I didn't have control. I never did. And I fucking regret it every time I see him and lose control again like that! I don't have Grey and you know that! You know he's blocked me and it's been years! I lost my mind because it was because my mates a human! I didn't have the right mind and I still don't! But I never had control, and I never tried to intentionally hurt him!"

"You idiot." My dad mumbles. And I deserve it all too. I deserve everything Tristan's been through in the past four years too. I've been killing myself and my Wolf for years now by doing this. I look down and try to breathe as my mom paces and my dad just stands there.

"This is not how we raised you." She mutters.

"It's not like it would work anyways, he's a fucking human."

"Plenty of people make that work. I'm just wondering why the hell you would put him through this! You could have came to us! We could have helped you through this! but instead you loose yourself when you see him and beat him down!" My mom yells.

"Because We don't want those feelings mom! I don't know how I like this! I shouldn't be with a human! And I shouldn't have to put up with this shit! I've never wanted a mate, and when I found him...Gray Locked me out. I've always need my wolf, and he shut me out the moment I said no because I didn't think it through! I went crazy every time I saw him! You know I would never do this on purpose." I yell.

"I just lost control of me and Grey and things happened! I've tried to make up for it and I've been gaining control Mom! I haven't touched Tristan for months! And something came over me....and I don't know what it is. Grey started to come back and I was fighting him when Tristan ran into me and I lost it." I get out with tears blurring my eyes.

I know, I sound like a crazy person and a dick wad, and I probably don't deserve shit in life with what I have down, especially with someone who is suppose to be one of the most important things in my life.

But when I say I care about Tristan, I do mean I care. I just don't know how to handle it, or show it, or even think about it.

I never have. I don't know how, and I don't know how to fix anything I have ever done.

"Get in the car. We are going home." My dad says.

"Maybe we can figure out how to fix this mess you have somehow created."

"You need to fix this. You won't survive without a mate and you know that. If he doesn't know and doesn't reject you, you will die. Make something work. Please. I can't lose you baby, you know this isn't right." She cry's and I know she's right. There are so many complications to being mates in my world and death is one of them.

I need to fix this mess. I know everything is messed up and wrong, but people fix things like this all the time...right?


Tristans POV


One day into my suspension and dads gone. I run downstairs and pile food into a pillowcase for me. I don't want to have to deal with a drunk dad and more pain if I can avoid it at any cost. I run back upstairs and as soon as I am in my room I hear a car stop at my drive way and I race to my window to see a a Ford in my driveway with Hunter getting out.

How the hell does he know where I live?

"I don't have time for this." I whisper wimping down the stairs, from last nights beating, I don't even think I should be walking right about now.

I run a hand through my long hair as Hunter knocks on my door. I shakily open it and look up at Hunter who's leaning against my door frame.

"What are you doing here?" I ask quickly and quietly looking up at him, just to look away the second I do so.

"Saying sorry."

"Go." I look behind him and he waves a hand in front of my face making me jump back.

"Expecting someone?"

"No. I just don't want someone to see you here." I whisper, somewhat backing away as much as I can without leaving the door.

"And what's that?"

"None of your business." I say as he huffs and rolls his eyes at me.

"Look I know a simple sorry won't fix anything I ever did to you. But I wasn't in the right place. And I realize that now, now that I have gotten a good talking from literally everyone I know at home."

"Good. Get some help. Now please go." He rolls his eyes and puts his foot in the doorway as I try to close the door.

"What's your deal?" Looking up at him again, his eyes furrow and a frown deepens on his face. Like he's getting upset or worried that I'm not really listening.

"Nothing Hunter. Please leave. Thanks for stopping by with that mini speech, but please. leave." I watch his eyes and they get softer as I say his name and It sets in.

He removes his foot and leaves as I ask. Starting his truck and checking his phone I see his eyes furrow and he leaves.

I sigh and close the door, running upstairs and once again a car pulls into my driveway. Hunters thankfully gone now, but just another problem comes my way, Dad. I hear him stomp up the stairs and I race to my door and try to lock it but he beats me to it and opens my door.

Pushing me out of the way and tossing me to the ground he stomps into my room and takes it apart piece by piece.

"Where is it! WHERE IS IT YOU LITTLE WHORE!" I flinch and look down. "WHERE IS IT!" He picks me up by my shirt and tosses me to the ground again.

"I don't know what your talking about." I choke out.


"I don't know!" He slaps me hard against my face, re-busting my lip. Tears fall down my face as he screams at me, whiskey covering his breath. he left work today and went to a bar instead.

"GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE! I NEVER WANT YOU HERE AGAIN YOU LITTLE FAG!" He leaves my room, slamming the door shut, making the one picture in my desk fall. The one picture of mom that I was ever given.

This time I am going to listen to my dad. I'm leaving. I can't take this anymore. No one deserves this under any circumstance in life. And I don't need to put up with it, I shouldn't need to stay here. I should have left when I was a kid, but that fear of getting more trouble always clouded my mind.

it still does, if I am caught leaving this place by my dad, he'll just bruise me up even more, even if he wants me gone.

I shouldn't have to deal with this. I should never have to put up with any of this, no one should.



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