《Until we die (BxB)✔️》•1•



Running out o the house and speeding down the street, I silently thank everything that I live a short three minutes from the school, so its just a small run for me to get there. I really can't afford another tardy for my first class, I'll get booked from soccer if I do.

Making it into the school grounds as I flip my backpack around my side and dig for my school ID, I huff as I barley make it past the front doors, which locked after the bell ended. Made it to school. I slide my backpack back around my body as I continue to run past students and teachers still lingering in the halls, who all scream at me to slow down.

I don't have time for that, I can't be late to class. Hoping my teacher is in a good mood today, I see the door still open and I run in taking my usual seat in the back. I get giggles and glares from everyone and our teacher isn't even here.

Setting my bag down next to my feet on the floor, I run a hand through my hair, trying to fix the longish mess of a mop that sits on my head. I sigh as I lean down to dig through it and try to find the book or notebook for this class. It doesn't take long for me too look up when a group of kids are around my desk.

"You missed a practice today, meaning, you missed a little beat down kid." a voice booms over everything making everyone stop and watch. I look down as the guys hands slams on my desk causing a loud boom. I look up and roll my eyes at the group of boys around me. All football players, all friends of possibly the worst guy here in this school as well. All of them join in on the fun of bullying me too.

"Go away." I say quietly, not bothering to look up at them. It's not worth the black eye.

"What was that wimpy?"

"Go away." I say back again, making most of them laugh as this guy smiles at me and nods.


"You've got balls today fag." This guy looked at me smiles wickedly, not good. Not good at all. My knee starts to bounce as they stay there not saying a word, "I wouldn't recommend coming to your practice later today Faggot. Last time I checked, you aren't doing too well with Hunter. I'm sure he wouldn't mind giving you a small lesson."

He lets go of my desk as a teacher walks in and no one looks back at me anymore. No one says anything because they know nothing will happen. This is how it's been at our school for years.

Like a stereotypical high school, everything is run by the jocks at this school. I can't do anything about it and neither can anyone else, if they don't like you, they really don't like you.

I guess they wouldn't like a gay kid like me.

"Tristan. would you like to answer the question?" Looking up at the teacher, I didn't even see the past five minutes go by. Nodding my head, I grab my notebook and flip the pages to find the answer.

Just another day.


"Paper is due next Wednesday." My teacher yells to everyone filing out of the room. "Um, Tristan, can I speak to you?" Picking my head up from my desk, I mentally groan at the fact that I just fell asleep again. Looking at my teacher who waits for me to come over to her desk.

I somehow missed lunch and slept through my third class as well. Not like I enjoy going to lunch or any of my classes here always, I don't have many friends. Typical, right?

My only friend has been gone for two weeks, and she has yet to get back to me on when she will be back, because honestly, I don't survive this place without her.

"Sure." I walk over to the desk and she looks at me with a annoyed face. "What's been up with you lately? You've been missing classes left and right and you fall asleep during this class."

"Oh, I just haven't been sleeping well these past few weeks." Lying to her, I smile and toss my bag back over my shoulder.


"I see. Well I do expect more from you. I want an A+ paper on my desk."

"Yes Ma'am." She nods and shoo's me out of her room and I rub my face so I can wake up again. I run around the school to my locker and then the locker rooms for soccer practice. As I enter the room, my teammates are already leaving to practice. I attempt to hurry myself into my clothes and grab my bag as I try to run out but I'm pulled back onto the ground by someone grabbing the collar of my shirt.

I hit my head on a bench and someone kicks me hard in the stomach, another in the back over and over. I cradle myself into a ball and take the kicks. Someone pulls my head up by my hair and my eyes jolt open to the sudden painful grip.

"Next time, don't try to avoid us. You know you'll get hurt anyways." The kids from first class, the biggest holds my head up as I groan. In the corner of the room, I see someone over seeing everything. I have a cut lip and my side burns, badly at this point. When I am dropped back onto the ground as everyone leaves the room besides the one kid.

Hunter. The person who over sees me getting bullied and kicked to the ground most days. He's probably the worst out of everyone, you never know what he is going to do. He either is the only one pulling punches, or he lets everyone of his dogs at me.


I cough on my hands and knees and hunter leaves. Groaning, I get up and limp to my bag, the remaining items scattered around the tiled floor of the locker room. No way I can go to practice now. Holding my side as I walk to a mirror and look at my face, I'll have a bruise at my head and the cut on my lip is small. I don't bother looking at my side right now, I just need to talk to my coach and go home.

Walking home I try to think of a way to get out of school without getting beat up every time. I've attempted to think of a plan for two years now, nothing works. It's like I am being hunted down, for the past three years I've been hunted down by people who hate me.

When I finally reach my house I get inside and run upstairs to my room, locking the door and running to the bathroom. I pull my shirt off and see cuts and small bruises everywhere.

I try to clean them and get something to cover them up but give up half way through seeing as there really is no point. Thank god I don't have to take swimming for gym class, actually thank god I don't have to take a gym class at all.

I grab a hot pack and lay in my bed, resting on the warm pack. My body attempts to relax but I hear the front door slam and I sit up right away again. All the pain shooting back up at me. I get up and walk to the bathroom to get some pain meds, looking at myself in the mirror as I swallow them.

I have bags under my eyes again, my hair is getting a bit longer again, and I am nonlyn thinning out again.

Hoping my dad doesn't come up here anytime soon drunk and mad, I sit on my bed. I toss an arm over my head and fall into my thoughts.

Grabbing my cracked up phone, I text a friend, or at least try to reach her. Seeing as my best friend is out somewhere in a forest to help some people, its not that easy to get a hold of her right about now.

I just have to hope that she can get back to me tonight.


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