《Outlander》Chapter 25


Morning transitioned into night, stars littered the sky decorating it beautifully as they shine and glow accordingly. Tucking my hands inside my pocket, the wind grew colder as the night deepened. Sighing as my stomach protests from the lack of food.

As I continue to walk around, looking at every colorful sign lit above the different stores I passed by. Reaching further down my pocket, mentally scolding myself for not bringing some cash, not even a dime found in my pockets – only my phone resting comfortably inside.

Exhaling a breath, as I ignored my hunger – I could have just gone back to the tower, teleported back but I don't feel coming back yet. Maybe a few more minutes or hours will do.

As I was about to cross the street, a hand reached out and held my coat. Jolting, looking down, seeing a little girl dressed in a pink dress with some accent of white, lace at the end of her sleeves paired with a white close shoes, her blonde hair styled in pigtails.

Her olive skin, round face with big round blue eyes, rosy cheeks and heart-shaped lips – what a cute little human being. Crouching down matching her height, "Are you lost?" I asked, as she smiled and shook her head.

"Where are your parents?" I asked, "My father said he will just go to his work but he never came back. My mother is sick and my brother gave me some money to buy mom some medicine." She answered, "I'm sorry. I was just too scared to cross, that's why I unconsciously held onto you." She added, her voice shaking slightly.

"It's okay, young one. How about I accompany you?" I offered, seeing her eyes lit up with gratitude. Lips stretching into a smile, showing some of her crooked teeth. "But my brother said that I should not talk to strangers." She replied, "Hmm." I said, placing a hand on my chin.

Smiling as I offered my hand to her, "I'm Rivia. What's your name?" I asked as she shyly accepted my hand, her soft little hands shaking mine. "I'm Yanmarie. But you can call me Yannie." She answered.

"Nice meeting you, Yannie. So, shall we buy your mother her medicine?" I asked as she nodded her head, offering my hand, she quickly rested hers in mine as I stood up. As if in cue, the signal changed, we crossed the street together.

"Do you know where to buy the medicine?" I asked as she nodded her head, "Around the corner. Over there." She replied as we continued our way headed towards the store. Minutes passed by and we reached the said store, Yannie let go of my hand and ran towards it as she tiptoed and went inside.


Following her, entering the store, "Yannie, hello dear. How's your mom?" A woman asked, wearing a flower-patterned shirt, a black sunglasses sitting on her nose. A gentle smile on her wrinkled face, "Hi, Rikki. Mom is doing good. Although she's sick right now, she'll be okay." She replied with a smile.

As the woman finally noticed me, "How may I help you dear?" She asked as I approached them, "The beautiful lady helped me cross the street." Yannie answered, my eyes slightly widened at the unexpected compliment.

The woman chuckled and gave Yannie a small paper bag, "Thank you." She said as I smiled at her. "No problem." I replied as she looked back at Yannie, "Don't forget to say thanks to her." She reminded the young child, the latter excitedly nodded her head, said her thanks and waved goodbye to the woman.

Walking beside Yannie as I decided to accompany her to their house, "How old are you?" I asked, "6 years old." She answered, smiling remembering Claude. As we reached their house, Yannie gave me a shell hair clip as her thanks for helping her.

Making my way back to the tower, walking in the alleyway, hearing footsteps on my back. I continued as I listened and alert my body to any sudden attack. Exhaling a breath, taking a sharp turn and hiding myself behind the bin, silently waiting for whoever's following me.

As I reach out for my dagger, biting my lips remembering I left it at the tower.

Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ

Steadying my breath, a man passed by, I slowly approached him and locked my hands around his neck. Grunting as he starts to scratch my arm, "Why are you following me?" I asked as he continued to wiggle his way out.

Hissing in pain feeling something hit my side, I immediately let go of him as he coughed and catch some breath. He looked at me, a metal lid on his left hand. Stepping aside as he attacked me, teleporting behind him, kicking his arm, immediately letting go of the lid.

"Who are you?" I asked once again, seeing him smirk sinisterly, "Rivia Jones. You shouldn't have left your sanctuary." He mocked, scoffing at what he said.

"Sanctuary. What am I a wounded animal?" I remarked, rolling my eyes. "That attitude of yours will harm you bitch." He countered, "Please. I take full responsibility for my attitude. You should rather watch yours." I replied as I dodge his attack.

Noticing a knife on his hand, he continued to attack me carelessly, clicking my tongue in disapproval as I elbowed his chin, he staggered a step back, grabbing his hand and twisted it, earning a grunt from him as he let go of the knife.


Placing my hand on his neck, as my hold tightens, "Who do you work with?" I asked as he coughed, grunting as I placed my other hand on his temple and quickly dive inside his mind.

Standing in front of a man, his back facing me wearing black jacket, a pair of black pants and black boots, "Here is your mission soldier. Retrieve Rivia Jones. Bring her back alive. Use any means to get her." he said, and placed a manila folder above the desk. "No witness. And bring her back as quickly as you can. Alive." the man added, as he turned and faced me.

Baron Wolfgang von Strucker

"Hail HYDRA." I said, another man entered the room, wearing the stealth suit, "He will be your back up." Strucker said. As I turned around--

Gasping, feeling something prick my neck, hissing as I let go of the man, grabbing the syringe and pulling it out. Gulping feeling myself wobble, shaking my head as I steady myself. Turning around, standing in front of me is a masked man, he's tall and big, towering over me.

Taking a step back as he slowly approached me, my eyes widened, panic immediately creeped inside me as I can't teleport.

Tap your watch two times and JARVIS will automatically notify me wherever you are.

Remembering what Tony said, I reached for my hand. The man clasped his big gloved hand on my neck, gasping for air as his hold tightened. Black dots begin to appear, with difficulty reaching my watch. I successfully taped it twice and began scratching his hand.

Closing my eyes as I kicked his gut with my remaining strength. Hearing him grunt as I collided at the ground, catching my breath. Exhaling a breath as I grabbed the knife, I quickly stabbed him on the leg, earning a groan.

Shaking my head, the man took out the knife and stood limply. "Fuck." I mumbled as he grabbed my hair and punched me on my side, kicking his crotch as let go of me. Screaming, feeling a stab on my arm and leg, "Asshole." I muttered, sliding between his legs, kicking his shin as he kneeled.

Grabbing his hair and pointing the knife on his neck, our eyes locked, a sense of familiarity washed over me seeing his light brown eyes. As I was distracted, he grabbed my arm, lifting me up and slamming my body to the ground.

"Shit." hissing in pain, grabbing my arm, screaming as he placed a pressure on my stab wound. "We we're ordered to bring you back alive." He said, "Fuck your orders. I will not go with you. Over my dead fucking body." I replied venomously, earning a slap from him, groaning feeling my cheeks sting like hell.

"Shut up bitch. I would've have killed if not for that stupid order." He said, grabbing my chin harshly, "How dare you touch her." A voice said behind the man, "Let go of her you mewling quim." He said as I hit the ground.

Closing my eyes as I grunt, "Darling, are you okay?" He asked, opening my eyes, seeing a pair of green eyes staring down at me, "Loki." I mumbled, "Yes, yes, it's me, darling." He quickly answered, gently placing a hand on my face.

Hissing at the pain, he immediately retracts his hand, "Where is she?" Another voice asked, hearing the worried and angry voices of Steve, Nat, Clint, Thor, and Tony. Grunting as my head begins to throb, clutching my head and my body burning up.

"Steve, and Thor bring back those bastards. Clint, Tony, and I will scout the area. Loki bring her back quickly to the tower. Heal her if you can. We'll go back to the tower as soon as possible." Nat said as they nodded their heads and immediately moved.

Loki carefully carried me in his arms as I whimpered, "It's okay, darling. I'm here." He mumbled softly, "It's hot." I replied, taking a breath shakily. "We will get back to you, Via." Steve said and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"Let's go." Tony said as Clint and Nat followed him. Steve and Thor drag the two bodies. Another whimper escaped me, tightly shutting my eyes feeling the pain worsened every second passed. "They will pay for what they did to you." Loki said, "Hold on tight, darling." He added softly as his voice lulled me letting the darkness take over.

"Useless creatures! The task was simple. So simple! Bring her to me!" A man wearing a black suit, shouted enragedly, lifting and throwing the desk, spilling the papers everywhere.

His black eyes changed into dark ruby eyes - a similar color of blood. "Fucking worthless humans!" He added, a man wearing a butler attire - a suit, shirt and tie, standing at the side, no emotions can be seen on his face as his master continues to throw tantrums. Seemingly accustomed to his temper.

"I will get her even if I have to kill everyone including those pathetic bastards. She's mine. Mine!" He growled, dangerously low. Sitting down on his expensive chair, his eyes stare at the big and beautiful painting of a girl inside his office.

"I will get you, mi vida. Just wait a little longer." He mumbled and barked orders at his butler in which the butler quickly obliged.

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