《Outlander》Chapter 23


As I was finishing cooking our lunch, an arm suddenly wrapped around my waist and leaned a head on my shoulder.

"Smells delicious." Tony mumbled, chuckling at him and gasping as he placed a kiss on my neck, "Taste delicious." He added as I rolled my eyes.

The oven rang, gaining both of our attention, "What are you making?" He asked, "Adobo." I replied as he looked at me with confusion.

Smiling at him and placing a quick kiss on his cheek. I grabbed and put on my mittens and opened the oven. Grab the pan and let it sit aside for it to cool.

"And what is this?" He asked, pointing at the pan, "Madeleine." I responded.

After the food was served and the plates were in place, "JARVIS can you please call everyone?" I asked, "Yes RJ." He replied as I nodded my head.

"RJ?" Tony asked, raising his eyebrow, "Uh-huh." I replied and smiled at him. "When did you become RJ?" He asked as I giggled.

"It's my nickname." I replied as my smile slowly falters, remembering Abel. "Tony, I have a question." I stated as he nodded his head and sat beside me.

"What happened to the guy, you know the one we caught here in the tower?" I asked as he furrowed his eyebrows, "S.H.I.E.L.D. took custody of him." He replied as I nodded my head.

"Why?" He asked as I looked at him and shook my head. "Nothing, just curious." I answered as if in cue, Nat, Clint, Steve, and Bruce appeared.

"I smell food." Clint said and placed a kiss on my cheeks. "Perfect, I'm hungry." Bruce seconded, smiling at me shyly.

Four of them each took a seat, "What's this? It's delicious." Nat said, looking at her, chuckling, seeing her munching deliciously on a drumstick.

"Adobo." I replied, "I learned that dish from my Nanay." I added as they nodded their heads and continued to eat.

"You're quite a cook." Tony commented as we were enjoying our lunch. JARVIS politely interrupts our meal.

"Sir, excuse me, but Director Fury is here to see RJ." He said as I pointed at myself, "Me?" I mumbled, my soulmates automatically became alert.

The elevator door opened revealing Fury, standing up and walking towards the living room. Seeing Fury in his usual all-black outfit.

"Director, fancy seeing you here." I greeted as he turned around and looked at me.

"What is he doing here?" Tony asked, "And security breach." He added as Fury continues to look at me.


"You know the guy." He stated as my eyebrows furrowed, "He claims he knows you too." He added, "Wait up, pirate. Care to tell us who the guy is." Tony remarked and went beside me.

"Apparently, this girl knows something about that guy. And he will only open his goddamn mouth if she..." and pointed his index finger at me, "will see him." He finished as Natasha and Clint stepped in.

"Via is not even an agent. Let Tasha and I interrogate him." Clint said, seriousness in his voice.

Standing outside the room, looking through the glass, Neron was sitting on a chair, wandering his eyes around with a bored expression written on his face.

Natasha went inside, seeing him smirk and averted his eyes away ignoring Nat.

"Who do you work with?" Nat started as Neron heaved a sigh, "Bring me Rivia Jones. Tell her I have a message from someone named Abel." He replied as my eyes widened and my hands trembled.

Jolting hearing something slammed inside the room, Nat leaned forward, "She's about to explode. I'll escort Tasha out." Clint said, "I'll go in." I announced as my soulmates - Clint, Steve, Tony, and Bruce looked at me.

"No." They replied in unison, exhaling a sigh and running my hand through my hair, "I can take care of myself. And I have something to ask him." I stated as I went inside.

Steve held my hand, looking at him, "We don't know how dangerous he is." He said as I patted his hand, "I won't come close to him. I promise." I replied as they all sighed.

"Just be careful." Bruce said as I smiled at him and nodded my head. "I will, Brucie." I responded, seeing a faint blush on his cheeks.

As I went inside, Nat looked at me with confusion, "Ah, the one I've been waiting for finally came. You made me wait for so long, RJ." Neron said, "What are you doing here?" Nat asked and went beside me.

"It's okay Nat. I'll handle him." I replied as she looked at me worriedly, smiling at her as she sighed and went outside.

"Finally, some alone time with you." He said as I gave him a glare. "Don't be so angry. I'm sure you want to know what his message is for you." He added.

Walking towards him and stopping in a fair distance, "How did you know Abel?" I asked, "We have the same face, don't we?" He asked, "Don't answer my question with another question." I replied as he chuckled.

"So impatient." He muttered, "How did you know him?" I asked, "I can't answer that question for now." He replied as I took a step forward.


"Then what is his message?" I asked as he smirked and looked at me directly in my eyes, "I'll come soon to take everything that is supposed to be mine." He replied as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"That's what his message is." He added, "What supposed to be his?" I mumbled, hearing him chuckle, "That guy is full of mystery." He continued as I looked at him.

"Is he here?" I asked as he grinned and leaned forward, "Why would I tell you?" He daunted as I smirked and his grin faltered.

"Even if you won't tell me I'll find my friend." I mumbled as he laughed, "Is he? Your friend?" He asked as I took a step back, "What?" I asked, confusingly.

"I never knew the world-renowned surgeon and genius Riva Jones is so naïve." He replied, "Oh, RJ. Even family can stab you in the back." He added, cryptically.

Heaving a sigh as I turned my back against him, making my way towards the door, "051811" He said, halting my steps as my breath hitched and my body froze.

"Familiar?" He asked as I instantly teleported in front of him, grabbed his collar and lifted him up, "How did you know that?" I asked, venomously.

"I'm sorry. Does it still hurt?" He whispered as I tightened my hold, "How, you ask? He told me everything. Sadly, they didn't get to see their daughter receive her diploma. Didn't get to see how happy she was." He added.

"I know things you didn't know, Rivia Eibhlin Filbert Jones." He continued as I looked at him directly at his eyes, "You must be wondering why I know your name, when the world doesn't, even Abel and your soulmates doesn't." He muttered and chuckled.

"You're just a lost soul in this universe. A soul who shouldn't be here in the first place. Just a mere outlander." He added as I swallowed a lump in my throat.

"Is that so, Neron Armaros Maximo?" I asked as his smile instantly disappeared, "And I can easily know the things you don't want everyone to know." I added as he looked at me murderously, "Don't forget where you are right now." I continued.

"You may know things about me, but not all. It's just a shallow part of my life compared to the depth of what I went through. As you've said earlier, I'm the world-renowned surgeon and genius Riva Jones. Don't threaten me without knowing what I'm capable of." I whispered.

Smirking at him as he was trembling with anger, "Let's see then how will you be able to handle what's in store for you." He replied, gritting his teeth, "Then I'll be waiting for it. Besides, I'm not alone. I have my soulmates with me." I responded as he smirked.

"You still haven't met all of your soulmates." He stated as I raised my eyebrow and let go of him. Chuckling as I fix his collar, "That's true. But you forgot, you haven't met yours also." I responded as he glared at me.

"Don't worry about my soulmates. I will find them and make sure they're safe and okay. You should worry about yours. You never know what kind of person the universe gave to you." I added.

"Thank you for conveying the message. Seeing you here, tied on that chair inside this room. You are no longer useful to them. They will leave you to rot yourself." I said and went outside, ignoring him as he shouted in anger.

Nat approached me, leaning my body to hers as she firmly and securely held me. "Are you okay, angel?" She asked as I looked at her and smiled.

My eyes then caught three familiar people, squinting my eyes, seconds later, gasping as I stood up and ran towards them.

"James! Fergus! Ian!" I called as they looked at me with wide eyes. Fergus ran towards me and engulfed me in a hug. "Via, thank heavens you're okay." He said and tightened his hug.

"Glad you're okay, shorty." Ian teased and ruffled my hair, "Where have you been, princess?" James asked, hearing someone cleared a throat behind us.

My soulmates were glaring at them as Fergus continued to hug me. Breaking the hug as Nat glared daggers at Fergus.

"Agent Romanoff. Agent Barton. Captain Rogers. Mr. Stark. Dr. Banner." James greeted them as they continued to glare at them.

"Agent Moore." Clint said and looked at the three of them, biting my lips feeling the atmosphere drastically changed. James, Fergus, and Ian were still oblivious to why they still glared at them.

Clapping my hands and laughing nervously, gaining everyone's attention, "James, Fergus, Ian, meet my soulmates. Clint, Natasha, Steve, Bruce, and Tony." I said as the three of them looked at me with wide eyes, shock was written on their faces.

"You mean The Avengers are your soulmates?" Ian asked, smiling at him and nodding my head, "Yeah." I replied as the three of them gasped in unison, laughing seeing how flabbergasted they are.

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