《Outlander》Chapter 12


Teleporting back to the house, seeing Fergus and Ian watching a movie in the living room, "I'm home." I said as they looked at me and smiled.

"Where's James?" I asked, Fergus puckered his lips to my right, turning towards it a finger poked my cheeks, earning a round of laughter from them.

"I'm here." James replied and proceeded to squish my cheeks, "Wev ho oh ma shik." I said, "You need to learn how to speak properly, young lady." Ian said, earning another round of laughter from them, sending a glare to each of them and clicking my tongue in disapproval as I held James' hand.

"Woah, did someone propose to you?" He asked as Fergus and Ian instantly appeared by my side, my eyes widened as they grabbed my hand and stared at the ring.

"No, dumbass. Claude gave it to me." I replied, "Who's this Claude that you're pertaining to?" James asked, "Where does he live?" Ian asked, "How much money does he have?" Fergus asked.

"Does he know how to cook? Do some laundry? How old is he?" They asked, bombarding me with questions after questions, lifting my hand up, stopping them, "Claude is a 6 years old boy from the orphanage." I said as they nodded their heads and sighed.

"I thought we had someone to interrogate tonight." Ian said, earning a chuckle from me, "Did he make that?" James asked, nodding my head as my answer, "Well, he did a pretty good job, although it's not perfect, but still it's pretty." He commented as Fergus and Ian nodded their heads.

"How about we buy some resin and make some of those?" James asked as the two nodded their heads and my eyes widened, "What?" I asked, looking at them, confusingly.

"We'll be right back." They said and immediately left, standing there in the living room, speechless from what just happened.

Sighing as I shrugged off my coat and headed towards the kitchen. Grabbing a glass and pouring some water in it, a sigh escaping from me feeling the liquid in my throat.

"I've been meaning to talk to you." A voice said from behind me, gasping as I turned around and let go of the glass.

A woman wearing a yellow hooded cloak is standing in front of me.

"I assume you already know who I am." She said as she revealed her face, my eyes widened and nodded my head.

Ancient One.

"I mean no harm, but you should carefully consider what actions you'll partake in. Every action you'll do will change and alter the future and will have its consequences." She added.


"The knowledge you have is a blessing but also will lead to destruction. If not properly and wisely used." She said as my breath hitched.

"Then what should I do with this knowledge I have?" I asked as she stared at me, "I've been keeping an eye on you, ever since you came to this world." She said.

"And you will do something in the future that will change your life and the life of your soulmates." She added, furrowing my eyebrows, looking at her with confusion.

Lifting her fingers as a sling ring appeared, my eyes widened seeing it, "Come with me." She said, blinking my eyes and followed her.

As I took a step inside, everything drastically changed, my breath hitched seeing a girl playing with a doll outside the house.

It was me, a younger version of me. Back when I was still a girl and playing outside our house in Boston.

"Ever since you were a child, you were destined to be in this universe. To have soulmates." She said, walking towards the girl as I followed her but still my eyes were on my younger self.

An elderly woman approached the younger me, seeing it unfold in front of me, furrowing my eyebrows as I didn't remember this happened when I was younger.

As the younger me left and went back inside our house, seconds later, I came back holding some food and water and gave it to the elderly woman with a big smile.

"You're such a kind and generous girl. No wonder how lucky you are to have those people who'll protect you and have you as their significant other. A blessed girl." She said as the younger me tilted her head to the side and looked at her with so much confusion and lost.

"Don't fret, my child. You will understand what I am saying someday." She said, gently patting my head, and vanished through the thin air.

The younger me looked around, "Via." hearing the voice, my body froze, a woman marched towards the girl, a gentle smile was on her face.

"Ma." I mumbled as tears streamed down my cheeks, "We have to go inside. Dinner is ready." She said as I continued to stare at her.

My breath hitched as our eyes momentarily met, "Did she see me?" I asked, "No." The ancient one replied, "Get me out of here." I said.

"There she goes, our princess." biting my lips hard, hearing my father's voice, "Da." I said as I looked at him, scoping the younger me in his arms, earning a laugh from me as mom and dad laughed.


"Now." I said and seconds later, we were back at the kitchen while my tears continued to trickle down my cheeks, "What do you want?" I asked, looking at her directly in her eyes.

"As I said, I mean no harm, but you must heed what I said and wisely use your knowledge or it will cost a great catastrophe. Not only to you, but to everyone you love, especially your soulmates." She said and left.

Leaning my back at the kitchen counter as I slowly slid down, seeing the glass on the floor still intact, exhaling a breath as I continued to cry.

Seeing Ma and Da brought unwanted emotions to me. Flashes of memory began to flood my mind, remembering every moment I had with them until the very day that I saw them laid on a cold metal bed with their eyes closed and cold lifeless body.

I'm going insane.

"What the heck am I going to do now?" I asked, running my hands through my hair, bowing my head, my eyebrows furrowed noticing my hair was now white.

Wiping my cheeks as I abruptly stood up and went inside the bathroom, looking at my reflection seeing my eyes were puffy from crying.

"Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ." I mumbled, staring at my hair, "What the hell." I said, touching my hair, "What- How?" I said, stuttering as I continued to stare at my reflection, washing my hands and removing my contacts.

Thankfully, my eyes were still electric blue but my hair was now all white, sighing as I washed my face and looked back at my reflection.

Sitting on the couch, closing my eyes and rubbing my temples, "We're ho- woah! Who are you?" Ian asked, sighing as I faced them.

Their eyes widened and jaws dropping as they obliviously let go of what they're holding, "Your hair." Fergus said, "I know." I replied, "But you just colored it." James said, nodding my head.

"I don't even know what happened." I said, looking at them, Ian engulfed me in a hug as I was oblivious that I was already crying.

"It's okay. We're here. We'll be by your side no matter what happens." He said and gently brushed my hair. My tears streamed like a river as Fergus and James joined, hugging me as well.

"It's okay, princess." James said, "You're still beautiful though." Fergus said, earning a smack from Ian and James, hearing him hiss in pain, "What? I said the truth." He added, earning a giggle from me.

"See? I even made her laugh, morons." He said, sassily, dodging as James was about to give him another smack.

"I didn't even know why I cried." I said, "Maybe tears of joy?" Ian asked.

Or the opposite.

Sighing as I hugged them, feeling warmth and safety in their embrace.

"Now how about you bake some madeleines and judge who will make the best resin ring from the three of us." Ian said, gently wiping my cheeks, "You left to buy some resin?" I asked as they nodded their heads.

"We can't let a 6 year old boy outdid us, so we decided to buy some resin, make a ring and give it to you." Fergus said, earning a chuckle from me.

Oh, God. I'm living with three kids.

"Are you seriously jealous because a 6 years old boy gave me a ring?" I asked, looking at each one of them, "He's still a boy and you're our sister. If he can make one and gave it to you, then we should." James replied.

Raising my eyebrow at them and shaking my head, laughing at them seeing determination dancing in their eyes, sighing as I stood up.

"Do whatever you want. I'll bake some madeleines." I said, "Yey!" They said, excitedly, in unison.


Laughing at them as I head towards the kitchen, halting in my steps as I remembered what happened earlier, exhaling a deep breath as I disregard it and started to make some madeleines.

"10 bucks she'll choose mine." Ian said, boastfully, "Nah, she'll choose mine." Fergus said, "Mine. I'm his favorite." James replied.

Rolling my eyes and shaking my head, hearing them bicker.

"Mine." Fergus said, "Mine." Ian replied, "Nope, I'm the eldest." James said, "Dude what's that supposed to mean?" Ian asked, "Hah! you fools, between the three of us. I'm more crafty." Fergus said, "Crafty? Where? Knives? This is resin, dipshit." Ian replied.

Sighing as they continued to bicker while listening to them and waiting for the madeleines to cook.


Thank you so much for the appreciation. You all have my deepest gratitude. I'll update every Friday. Stay safe and have a good day everyone.


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