《The Badboy Prince Just Can't Resist》Chapter 13- And There Was a Frisky Annalise


"What the fûck do you think you are doing!" His angry voice rang through my ears. I glared at him and started to pull my way back up to the table, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back down.

"Annalise, stop this the right now. You are going to regret this."

"No I won't! They love me-let me back up you bastard!"


"I'm just having fun you!"

"Annalise, I'm trying to help you." He angrily stated. "Why are you even here?"

I decided it was a great idea to hurt him physically for my fans. I reared up my back leg, and kicked full forward until I reached my destination.

But it never did reach his family jewels.

He grabbed my leg with fast reflexes and threw it back down, causing me to go out of balance. He grabbed my waist and hoisted me over his wide shoulder. I grunted out, my head hanging as I started to feel dizzy.

"Where are you taking me, you intruder?" I was hitting his back.

"I'm not telling you."

"He's kidnapping me! Help! Somebo-" a smack on my butt made my sentence stop. I gasped loudly and then started to kick him repeatedly,"Let me go! They want to see me dance."

"No, they just want to see you out of that tight dress and in their beds for tonight. What are you doing in that dress anyway Annalise?" He grunted out the last part.

I huffed out," If they want me to take off my dress, so be it. It's hard to breathe in anyway. My boobs hurt so much by now."

He grunted out and heaved a sigh,"Annalise, please shut up. Right now. I'm doing this for your own good. But if you keep talking like that-"

"No, you are kidnapping me."

"Am not." He quickly retorted.

"Are too!"

"I am not!"

"It's without my consent. I wonder what would happen if the Prince got in jail?"

"It wouldn't happen, sweet cheeks." He laughed darkly. I noted we were outside even through my hazed mess. The cool air hit my bare legs and face, a nice feeling out of the heated room.

"I'm going to put you down now, ok?" He questions.

"Do it already, I don't have all day. Even though your ass is fine, my head hurts." I sarcastically fired. He didn't say a word, surprised I would guess. He did have one fine ass, even a drunkard could see that.


"Annalise this is definitely not you." He states in all seriousness. He puts me down and my dress rakes up. I stumble and grip onto his arm for help, the blood rushing to my head. I leave my dress hiked up all the way, so high you could see my underwear.

I didn't have a care in the world.

"Annalise." He huskily looked at my bare legs. His eyes were a dark, stormy gray, no blue to be seen. "Pull your dress back down before I do it myself."

"No, I'm too hot right now and the cold air feels so good!" I throw my hands up in the air and smile like a lunatic. He grabs my dress and pulls it all the way down, then looks away.

"Gods, when will that carriage come." He mutters. I start laughing as I see a green unicorn walk across the street.

"Damien! Look!" I point out into the street at the green unicorn.

"What, Annalise?" He asks, standing in front of me protectively.

"Move, I want to see the green unicorn!" I yell and try and push him aside. He lets me and looks out into the street in confusion.

"Annalise... there is no green unicorn."

"What are you talking about? Of corse there is. Look at it! It's so majestic!" The unicorn stopped and looked over at us. I smiled at it and waved. It winked at me, and I giggled.

I hadn't even realized I was walking towards it in the carriage-filled street, filled with willing drivers to take us drunkards home. I reached out, almost touched it.

Then felt two large, hard hands pull me back and took me away"No! No! You ruin everything Darius! He was right there!"

"Annalise," he chocked out, two hands on the sides of my head, shaking it,"There is no green unicorn in the street. Get that through your tiny head." He growled and flicked it.

"What were you thinking? You could have gotten trampled by the horses." He yelled, hands in the air. I started crying, tears rolled down my face one by one, and they broke into sobs.

"All-I wan-wanted to do-wa-was touch t-the u-corn!" I hiccuped.

"Oh gods no, Annalise I'm sorry-I'm so, so sorry." He breathed out. Obviously this hit a soft spot for him.

"I'm being so rude to you-gods-you don't even know what you are doing, do you?" He pulled me into his chest, the one I had fallen into, danced with, looked down at when I didn't want to look into his mysterious eyes. Now crying is added to the list.


"Ser-erves you right. I'll ne-ever see one ever a-again." I sobbed even harder. He sat there with me, my head in his chest. He started to run his hand through my hair, massage it, making me feel soft and fuzzy inside.



"You're better?"

"Yeah." I sniffed out and wiped my snot on his shirt.

"Good, because our ride is here." I felt his hand in the center of my back, helping lead me to the carriage. I stumbled a little, grabbing his shoulder for support. We made it to the carriage in one piece and I laid my head on his shoulder, drifting off just a tiny bit.

I couldn't imagine how bad this looked. A drunk, teenage girl climbing into a carriage with a handsome Prince wrapped around her waist. What felt like moments later, hands pick me up and cradle me. Taking me away to some unknown place.

"Annalise." It shook me a little.

"Yeah?" I startle awake.

"You need to get out of that dress. You can't sleep in that, I brought some clothes for you to change into." Darius held out a nightgown which looked like something a grandma would wear.

"I'm not wearing that. That looks trashy, I think this will do." I took off my dress way too easily, the fabric slid off my body in waves. I smiled as I felt rid of the thing, my body cooling off the very second it was off. There was just silence as I felt his eyes rake over my body.

It was hot everywhere he looked. I thought this would cool me down, but it did just the opposite. He licked his lips as his eyes grew darker, his eyes a complete gray.

It's only when he is looking at me when his eyes are that gray...

"You better put this on right now... before something bad happens." He threw the nightgown at me and it covered my body up. He turned away, furiously running his hands through his hair.

"No, give me something else. I'm not wearing this long thing-" he pushed me up against the wall,"Annalise, you are pushing it. I can't be around you when you are like this, I'm going to do something I will regret for a long time." His hot breath flew into my ear. I breathed out at the impact, even drunk I was highly affected by his touch.

"What exactly is that?" I challenged him. His head traveled to my mouth, so close if I just jerked forward we would meet, but he pulled away. He declined, not taking my bait.

I frowned, obviously not liking this as he stormed away, hands knotted in his hair again. He was grabbing some clothes from his dresser and that's when I really noticed how big the room was. It was the size of my living room and kitchen, too big just for one person. That's when I figured out where the bathroom was and how much I needed it.

I ran-the heels already off-as fast as I could. I threw up in the toilet, the contents falling out of my mouth disgustingly. Damien was right there, holding my hair back for me. There just for me.

He didn't have to bring me to his castle.

He didn't have to pull me off that table.

He didn't have to save me from getting killed in the street, or being yelled at by Isabelle.

Hell, he didn't have to let me into his life. He doesn't do that to many people at all I hear.

Damien grabbed a towel and wet it from his bucket of water, and cleaned off my mouth. His focused, narrowed eyes were all I looked into as he went to work. They turned into concerned ones after he finished.

"Are you better now, baby? What did you even drink tonight; hell Annalise, you've been through some crazy shit."

I was still too caught up on the 'baby' part,"Baby? There is no baby."


"You called me baby."

"I did?"


"No I did not."

"You just did- you said-"

"Annalise what did you drink tonight." He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I don't know. The bartender was a little creepy though, he said he would give me the good stuff. It sure did feel good but not anymore." I giggled.

"Im going to kill him." He grunted out, eyes closed.

"Give me those clothes. I'm starting to feel... sleepy." My eyes were fluttering. He quickly gave them to me and I slowly shrugged them on. He led me to his bed and as soon as I was in the covers, I was in a land of nothingness.

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