《The Badboy Prince Just Can't Resist》Chapter 11- And There Was the Fight pt. 2


I sat there for an hour, my arms crossed angrily. I was going to miss music with Annalise, this was taking way too long.

I already knew what the boys were going to say... that Cole started the fight. They wouldn't dare say me, they know I could ruin any aspect of their life if so.

What made me even angrier was that Cole was going to get out it. His mom is dating Mr.Roswell; he wouldn't be able to afford the school in the first place, but dating the schools principal definitely has its benefits.

If only Mrs. Reynolds knew the truth about him.

Finally, I was the last guy in line. I was just waiting impatiently, about to be interrogated by the big, bad, principal. I wanted to scoff aloud. If I wanted to, I could have the principle down in an heartbeat. The door to the office opened and I smiled immensely once I saw a familiar face.


"Damien?" She questions, a little bit of worry I caught in her voice.

She's worried about me.

My anger dissipated,"That's my name. What can I do for you, Woods?" She just made my day that much better, just for caring. I was quite surprised she was talking to me, even worried about me. We hadn't talked the last two days of last week, plus the weekend. That's four days in total without hearing her sweet voice.

I didn't want to scare her after I called her out. She probably thought I was a creep, looking up her records; telling her I knew she was lying. She was hiding something and I wanted to find out, but I also wanted to give her time to trust me. I wanted to hear it from her.

"Wha-what are you doing here?" She asked, her eyebrows furrowed and her nose wrinkled.

"You haven't heard?" I arch one eyebrow.

"Heard what," she was still confused.

"He must be sending us home." I mutter and pinch the end of my nose.

"What?" Annalise questions in surprise.

"I got into a fight." I state calmly. I watch her reaction intently, a laugh about to escape my lips. She was very worried, very worried indeed.

"Are you ok?" She asks quickly,"Why are you smiling? This is not good, Damien." She reprimanded me.

"I'm fine, it's the other two kids you need to worry about."


"You didn't hurt anybody... did you?" She wonders aloud. That about did it, I was about to burst out laughing, right there. The memory of me knocking out a poor guy in one punch flashed through my brain.

"No." I try not to smile wider. She cares for others even though she doesn't even know who they are.

She was so kind.

"What was it about? How did it start?" I don't even think she realized she sat down next to me, but I did.

"I don't kiss and tell, Annalise." She rolled her eyes playfully and I marveled at her playful face.

"But you came out alright, right?" She asks yet again, her serious face back. Her eyes were scanning over my body for any sign of injury. Then back up to my face. It made me completely hot all over, everywhere her eyes traveled. I just wanted to slam her up against the wall and kiss her senseless, run my hand through her long, brown hair-

"Damien?" She tilted her head.

"I'm fine, shortcake. Don't you worry about me, I'm a big boy." I stretched my arms behind my head on purpose, giving a unbelievable fake yawn. I grinned as she glanced at them and I saw a flash of something in her eyes before she looked away, blushing.

She is too innocent for her own good.

"So, what are you doing here?"

She jumped,"Oh- I just needed to change classes. Mr. Yen wanted me to switch into a more advanced history." I smiled again, she was a smart one, wasn't she? She was bumping up to a fragit class level.

"Too smart for high school, huh Annalise?" I smirked at her.

I have already studied all history there is to know. Even more that others don't know about, some of history's deepest secrets. Being the soon-to-be King, I've taken all education classes, including fragit level.

Learning about being a King, handling criminals, dealing with our citizens problems. It was tiring, having to grow up so fast and knowing I will become King very soon.

So many responsibilities.

Tyler, the last guy came out. He gave me a quick nod that told me "nobody said it was you". That's when Mr. Roswell walked out with a creepy smile on his face. Annalise tensed up, I could see it out of the corner of my eye.


Oh, Woods. If only you knew what I could do to that man with my bare hands if he ever laid a finger on you.

He glanced at her,"Annalise Woods? What the pleasure I have seeing you today. Anything you need? I don't need to have a talk with you too, do I?" He teased her. A fowl grimace was upon my face.

She quickly shook her head,"I was just talking with Damien. I came here to switch classes and got... distracted."

I smirked as Mr. Roswell glanced at Annalise then back to me,"If you don't mind, I need to have a small talk with Darius here. I don't think he's the best distraction for you at the moment."


He glared at me. I challenged him right back, with an even more threatening look. "Until we meet again, Woods." I turned to her, mood changed completely and gave a brilliant smile showcasing my two dimples. I picked up her soft hand and gave a light kiss on the back. I walked to the door, for Mr. Roswell already opened it for me.

I've been through this process too many times.

I decided to steal one last glance behind me and found Annalise staring at me with a bewildered look, holding her hand.

Finally, she didn't look away.

This time she was staring right at me.


I walked into his office with a confident stride.

A: Because Annalise finally didn't look away, and we had a conversation- this means improvement.

B: Iv'e known Mr. Roswell's dirty little secret for quite some time and I've just been waiting to blackmail him if I ever got in big trouble. So right now. Also, he probably won't mess with me the whole year right after. Right up until I graduate this damn high school.

C: Annalise and I had a conversation.

D: ... Annalise and I had a conversation.

I sit down in the velvet, black guest chair and make myself comfortable. Mr. Roswell gave me an arched brow at my attitude.

"Let's just cut the crap, Darius. We all-"


"Whatever- everybody in that fight knew it was you who started it in the first place." He glared at me, his beady eyes in slits.

"What evidence do you have?" I question with a smirk. "I wonder who they claimed it was. Let me think... what was the name again?" I tapped my finger on my chin, arrogant as ever,"Oh-your stepson- Cole Reynolds!"

"He wasn't even there when I arrived, that's my evidence. For you, you have no bruises. Only red knuckles and an overachieving ego. I wonder how many of your 'friends' you really hurt in the process, Damien."

"That reminds me!" I point my finger in the air,"What do you think of Hannah? Pretty thing, isn't she?"

"Hannah is a very kind and responsible girl," He sat up in his seat, glancing around the room.

"I've heard a few rumors, maybe you and Hannah are closer than I thought. You both know each-other very well." I propped my feet up on his desk as he froze up. His eyes were dilated, very wary.

I've got him right where I want him.

Mr. Roswell is a pervert and a pedophile. He has sex with about three girls in our school, even one he sexually harassed. He threatened that if she told, the girl would be expelled from the school and worse; I have the letters he sent to her just to prove it.

That's why all the girls wear short gym shorts, dance dresses, everything. Because he wants to see anything he can.

If only Mrs. Reynolds knew!

"I have a letter you sent to Veronica. The one that said, as I quote,'For if you ever do relay this private event we had shared, there will be consequences.' I wonder what would happen if anybody found out you touched her? You know, I could make the consequences for you be even worse, me being Prince and all." I exclaim with a smile.

Two years ago, he tried to touch Veronica. She got away before he could do anything, but it still happened. She kicked him in the family jewels and ran. Not that she needed help with handling herself anyway.

Mr. Roswell cleared his throat and composed himself,"Alright, Damien. You can be excused." He gestures to the door. I take my feet off his desk, one by one, and walk out his office.

When I walk out Annalise is nowhere to be seen. The fifth bell rang and I knew school was over for the day. As I gathered all my books out of my locker, my happiness from Annalise dissipated.

Cole still got away.

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