《The Badboy Prince Just Can't Resist》Chapter 3- And There Was The First Day Of School pt.2



"What language do you speak?" My eyes widened as I heard his smooth voice, I expected it to sound rough due to his sharp features.

"Can you speak the common tongue," He rephrased, folding his arms and piercing me with his gaze. I felt uncomfortable and looked elsewhere, anywhere but his eyes.

He actually thinks I speak another language.

I composed myself," Yes, I speak that."

"Thank gods! I was going to be upset if you couldn't speak the common tongue," he tapped his finger on his chin. I looked at his ring more closely, trying to get a better view of it. "Yet, you only need to know one form of it with me."

I scoffed, my face morphing into a scowl, "Who do you think you are?"

"The person who's going to show you around school, sweetheart."

I couldn't help but laugh,"I am nobody's sweetheart. Especially not yours."

"How about we-" He cut himself off as if he realized the 'smooth lines' weren't working. Leaning up against the wall, he placed an arm above my head.

"Why did you turn my offer down?" I felt the energy between us shift.

"Well, what do you think?" I questioned back, finding the conversation quite comical. I had a feeling this conversation wasn't going anywhere.

"I don't know, that's why I asked you. I don't understand why you didn't want to talk differently with me."

"Hit on you?"

"Yes, wanted to be shown around the school."

Very straightforward.

"Why should I want to?"

"Why not?" He tilted his head, face inching closer to mine. I could smell his scent around me, and I tried telling myself not to breathe in. I hated the way he smelt intoxicating, like the woods mixed with a hint of musky air.

"You shouldn't like somebody just for their looks."


"Well, what if I could give you anything you desired. Have you ever dreamed about a title or more land? How about-"

"I'm not looking for any Prince, figuratively of course," He smirked at that, "I desire a person who would treat me like a princess on the inside, no titles required."

"That's what I could do-"

"Could is not the same as will," I started my rant, and he gave me his full attention. "I don't care for land or a throne."

"Then what do you want?"

We stared at each other in silence. Nobody has ever asked me what I wanted before, so I didn't know how to answer him. I had always wanted what my mother thought was best, but I had never considered my own desires.

"For you to leave my sight." I pushed his chest, breaking our eye contact. He blinked, seeming to come out of his trance as I stormed away.

"I'm not sorry for running into you before, just so you know."

"I'm not either!" I glared at him, slamming the office door. The last view I saw was his devilish smirk that returned, and somehow I knew that this was not our last encounter.


"How may I help you today?" The woman at the front desk gave me a bright smile, all of her teeth showing.

People are more welcome in Deltora than Gregerson. In Gregerson, people were afraid of my mother and I because we were of a higher financial status. We were considered very wealthy in the land, Gregerson being one of the poorest kingdoms, but that didn't mean I wanted others to be afraid.

I wanted friends.

"My name is Annalise Woods, and I need-"

"Woods! I've heard so much about your mother's work. It must be great having such extravagant dresses in your wardrobe!" She exclaimed. I nodded in agreement, and she complimented my dress. She handed me a map of the school, my locker number, and schedule. I was fully prepared for my first class, deciding against using the map so that I didn't look like the "new kid".


When I walked into the science lab, the room seemed to grow quiet. The chatter stopped and all eyes were on me. Giving a small smile, I decided to take a seat in the back. The obvious staring was replaced with whispers and I couldn't help but wonder why.

"Hey, new girl." A girl to the left of me spoke," What is your name?"

"I'm Annalise, it's nice to meet you," I reach out to shake her hand, but she hugs me instead.

"My name is Hazalen, don't be so formal." She laughed. My eyes widened at her generous hug- I mean she had to know our classmates were talking about me.

I pulled away with a smile, "Hazalen?"

"Hazalen. I know it's odd."

"No I like it- it's unique."

"Well, it seems like you will be the talk of the crowd today."

"I've noticed that. Do you have any idea why," I ask her, hoping it was just because I was new.

"Well for one, you are considered the most beautiful girl in school. It used to be Isabelle, but thank gods that title doesn't belong to a wrench anymore." Hazalen retorts with an eye roll.

"You must not like Isabelle, do you?"

She played with her hands, "Well, we used to be friends but no, not anymore."

I zoned out for the remainder of the class. I couldn't help but replay the events in the hallway, thinking about his question. I didn't know his name, which made me run in more circles.

What fuels his confidence?

Who is he?

I jumped as the bell rung, catching Hazalen laughing at me. When lunch started, Hazalen and I met outside on the front lawn. The grass was soothing and well kept, so I didn't have a problem with my legs becoming itchy. She updated me on all the gossip of the school and told me more about Isabelle.

She was beautiful, from what Hazalen says, or everybody in general. That when I see her I will know exactly who she is talking about. But that her personality was quite the opposite.

"So who have you met that isn't a complete..."

"Bitch? I have this cousin named Henry- but ever since my ex broke up with me, you are the closest thing to a friend I have. The school shunned me after rumors spread about our breakup."


"Aren't you going to ask me why?" She breaks it, her head tilted.

"I don't like pressuring people to talk about their past. Just like I wouldn't want somebody doing the same to me." I squint my eyes thinking of Descuvi, trying to put a picture to my homeland. Nobody could find out I was a Descuvi born because I would be shipped out of Deltora in a flash. I already loved this kingdom and I didn't want to leave. My mother was excited about her business picking up, and the people in Deltora were kind and free-spirited.

"Are you insisting you've had a hard time too?" Hazalen questions, my attention back to her.

"In ways, yes."

"I won't push you." She reassuringly smiles.

"Nor I to you." I return her smile, a look between us that spoke we would share our stories one day.

We finished our meal and walked to our next class, excited that our schedules were similar. The day passed with whispers and burning eyes surrounding me, but Hazalen supported me with smiles. I walked into my last class, forgetting about all of my troubles due to the excitement of a new friend.

Until I saw him.

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