《I will make you only mine》Chapter 32: Friend turned bad


I was not able to believe my eyes, it was Manav. He was the last person on this earth I expected here. But how did he know? How did he escape? What happened with him? How did he own half of the city? What's going on? I was so lost in my questions that I did not get to know when he came near me and hugged me tightly. His hug showed his anger, his frustration, his passion, his protectiveness and his love. His hug was so tight that it started choking me and that's when I spoke up

Me: "Hey! You are choking me."

He realised his strong hold and released me from his arms.

Me: "How are you? Where were you? How did you know about me? Oh my god, I'm so sorry for everything you have gone through because of me. I missed you." Saying this, I hugged him back and this time it was a short hug and I released him listening to his voice.

Manav: "What Ayan did with me was something which you cannot even imagine. I'll tell you the whole story


He beat me to the core, destroyed my family, ruin our business but left me without killing me with his own hands. His men, after destroying my family, beat me to the core and left me for dying on the foreign land of Iran, without my passport and visa. I was bleeding profusely and I was about to die out of pain and hunger. But a miracle happened at that time. I saw Ayan on the streets of Iran. I was starved with hunger but the anger inside me was like a burning fire which could have burnt the whole world. The anger of loosing you, the anger of losing my family, my business, everything was making me mad and I went out of control. I followed him and caught him at an isolated place. I killed him with my bare hands at that time and eat his flesh because of my uncontrollable hunger. Suddenly a lot of men surrounded me and I started laughing. I had already killed him, I was then ready to die peacefully, and just a regret of not meeting you would have left in me at that time.


Those men caught me and injected something in me, I immediately lost my consciousness. When I regained my consciousness, I found myself tied from a chain along a pole, a figure appeared before me. His face was blurr, but I could easily talk to him, that's when I started the conversation which changed my life

Manav: "Your boss is already killed by my hands. You are your own boss now. Live happily, that monster will never return now."

A strange voice came from the other side

Man: "Who are you? And why did you kill Salim?"

I was confused as I killed Ayan and not Salim

Manav: "Who Salim? I don't know any Salim. Maybe you are mistaken. I killed Ayan, not Salim."

Man: "How do you know Ayan? Why do you want to kill him? Gaurds release him and bring him to my chamber." He instructed and his guards obliged immediately. I was quite confused but chose to remain quiet. They took me to a room and made me sit on a comfortable chair. The lights were comfortable in the room and that's where I met him for the first time.

Man: "Hello, I am Siddiqui and this is my area. I am the mafia king and the guy you killed was my right hand Salim. Ayan and I had same guru under whom we learnt everything about mafia. I was always ahead of Ayan but he somehow managed to lure our guruji and took the power of the ultimate mafia king. All the mafia bow against him but I want to kill him because that position is mine. So, we chalked out a plan and decided to clone my right hand as Ayan. We had plans of going to India next week and replacing him with the real Ayan and killing Ayan first before announcing our rule. This way, no one would have had a doubt about Ayan's missing and we would have taken the whole power. But you killed my right hand mercilessly. This suggests that you too have some history with Ayan. I have told you my story and now I want to know yours.


I narrated him what happened with me and we became friends. We had a common enemy and our goals were subject to the death of that enemy. He wanted power, and I wanted my lost life back.

Flashback ends

I wanted you back, so I decided to start working with him. I had nothing to lose now, so I set my plans to win you back. I came to know about your visit to England, and that's when I started my plan. My personal properties are under Ayan's watch, so I used Siddiqui's contact. This resort is his, and he helped me to reach to you. I was going mad to see you again. Now, I have power and will both to protect you from that monster. I will take you away with me and we will always live together. No one will separate us then. You coming here have cleared one thing that you still want to escape him. Don't worry my love; we will fight this out together. I love you so much. I missed you badly."

With this he hugged me again. Now I was more scared. Another Ayan was standing in front of me in the form of Manav. He was behaving the same way. I decided to get out of the place at the earliest.

Me: "Mmm..manav, it is really relieving to see you in a good health. But I should leave now. Else the guards will get to know about me being missing and everything will become a mess.Always be happy. Good to see you."

With this, I began moving towards the door but the door was not opening. It was locked, maybe from outside, or maybe Manav has locked it. Terror returned in me, suddenly I start feeling as if I am in the middle of an ocean with a broken boat. Manav didn't budge from his place. I tried again

Me: "Mmm..manav t..the do..or is not oo..opening. I want to..to g..go. Pppleas..se open the..the door" I stuttered badly

Manav: "Hey sweetheart, we have just met, and you want to leave. What happened? Are you not happy to see me? See I have come this far for you, and you are going away from me? What happened sweety? I am the same Manav you used to love. Tell me, have you started loving someone else?"

He turned towards me with such fiery eyes that just by looking at him, a tear escaped from my eye

"Mmm..manav, you have turned bad....

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