《I will make you only mine》Chapter 31: Return of an old friend


As planned, after having dinner, I went straight to my room acting a severe headache due to jet lag and requested everyone not to disturb me. The guards immediately inform the same to Ayan and as expected he called me immediately, it was 9:30 at that time, I told him that I am not feeling well and a good night's sleep might help. He insisted on sending a doctor for a check up but I politely denied saying that I'll feel better after sleeping and I just wanted to go to bed, promising him to see a doctor if the condition continues in the morning. The things went just the way they were planned, Ayan and my family members left me in peace to sleep and the guards also went to sleep knowing that I'll not be coming out before morning. One guard was sleeping outside my room while the other was sleeping somewhere else; I changed my dress as of hotel staff and began waiting for the clock to struck 11.00pm. I was scared, but determined to find who my well wisher on this foreign land was.

As the clock struck 11, my heartbeat went high, I slowly opened my hotel room door and saw the guard soundly sleeping, though the hotel was completely full of life as it was just 11 and the other visitors were coming back from their today's visits. I quietly made my way to the reception and got out of the hotel walking behind one of the visitors to deceive the hotel staff so that no one gets an opportunity to doubt me. To my surprise, as soon as I got out of the hotel, a person with my photo came to me and said,

Stranger: "Hello Miss Myra, I am Jack, I have orders to make you reach the location safely, allow me, please?"


Me: "Safely? Where are we going? And who gave you orders?"

Jack: "I am sorry miss, but I don't think this place is right for us to talk; I'll answer your questions in the car, if someone will see you here, and we might land in a big problem."

Me: "But at least tell me where are we going to go? And who has sent you? It is important for me to know that."

Jack: "Ma'am, you have come this far without caring about your safety, I request you to be patient for some more time. You'll know everything. Please ma'am, come with me to the car."

With this, he started leading his way to the car parked few metres ahead. It was a black Audi. The person must be a rich one. Of course, only rich people manage to send you a parcel by breaching the security. I saw he was standing in the front of the backseat waiting for me to come and sit inside the car. For a split second, the thought of not going came into my mind, but it immediately vanished under my curiosity to know the person behind all this and I went to sit inside the car. Jack walked his way to the driver seat and ignited the engine. After a few minutes of silence and observing my surroundings, I started the conversation again.

Me: "So Jack, you were telling me who gave you orders? Who is behind all these?"

Jack: "Ma'am he is our boss. He is a very good person. I don't know much about him as my duty is to only follow his orders without asking questions."

Me: "Who is your boss? I mean is he running some kind of business here? And what is his name?"


Jack: "No one knows his real name, we call him MK or boss, and he runs multiple businesses here. Almost half of the city belongs to him."

Me: "Ohh! How does he know me? And why is he so willing to help me?"

Jack: "As I said ma'am we are not allowed to ask questions. I am here on his orders. He gave me a photo of yours and asked me to bring you to the location."

Me: "What's with this location? Where are we going?"

Jack: "Ma'am we are going to one of his resorts. He owns multiple businesses here, and that is his best resort. It is one of the most luxurious places in the city."

Me: "How far is it from here? How much time will it take now?" I asked with both curiosity and fearfulness.

Jack: "We will be there in a few minutes."

Rest of the ride was silent and after some more time, the car came to a hault. I was enjoying the ride as the environment was very comfortable and the thought about meeting this stranger was giving me good feeling. Jack got down from the car and opened the door for me. I get out from the car and stared at the resort in awe. It was so beautiful that had it been any other day, I would have fall in love with it. But right now, I just wanted to meet the person and go. I walked behind Jack into the resort feeling quite shy and awkward because of my clothing. My clothes looked so bad in front of the uniform of the staff here. Jack led me to a big gate and opened it for me

Jack: "Ma'am, boss will meet you inside. Have a good day."

I thanked him and hesitantly walked inside. It was a kind of open space beautifully decorated with flowers and trees, it was a perfect place for a person to sit and forget everything behind. But no one was inside here. He said that his boss will meet me here. But where his boss is? I wonder who is MK, and if he is such a big personality, why does he want to help a poor girl from a foreign land. While waiting for him, I started enduring the beauty of the place, beautiful combination of white and yellow flowers, brightly lit candles and beautifully created small bridge, it was all looking like a scene from some movie.

Suddenly, I felt the door of the area opened again and I was shocked to see the person coming inside


I screamed and ran to hug him. I felt so happy to see him. I thought I lost him forever, but here he is standing in front of me.

"Yes, it's me..."

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