《I will make you only mine》Chapter 29: The Unexpected Surprise


My princess served the food she cooked. The food looked well, but when I tasted it, I went into another world. It was extraordinarily amazing. I have never had such an amazing food. She cooked enough for 2 people but I didn't let her eat. Obviously, she must eat her own cooked food often, so now, it's my turn. I won't let anyone have it. Only I have the right to eat it. So I asked the chef to cook something else for my love. No words can justify the appreciation of her work. I wonder how she manages to amaze me every single time. I wasn't that hungry but I ate everything which she cooked.

Now I desperately want to marry her soon. When she can sent me to heaven just with her food, I wonder how living with her feel, how will it feel to wake up with her in my arms every morning, to eat her cooked food every day, and to enjoy each moment of the life with her. I truly look forward to the day, when she will be officially mine.

I cooked and served the food. And he didn't let me eat even a single bite. He ate whole of my cooked food and ordered the chef to cook something else for me.

"Uummmm Myra I didn't know you cook so well, else I would have kidnapped you earlier and kept you as my cook before marrying you. You cook amazing. I just love it. Now, you'll have to cook more often for me once we get married. I am not going to leave you that easily." He said when he started eating.

He was really pleased by the food and his eyes held appreciation, for me and for the food. He was looking as if he had achieved happiness after a long time. I wonder why he has become so secretive. He lives alone, does all kinds of illegal activities, earn a lot of money, do whatever he wants, still he is not happy and is adamant of taking my freedom away. I wonder why he thinks that a middle class girl can make him happy. He can get anything which he wants in this world, still he chose me. I wonder why? Maybe, I'll ask him someday.


"Hey sweetie, your food's ready. Come on, open your mouth, I'll feed you." He brought me out of my thoughts. He feed me slowly. His eyes held so much passion and love. I kept matching his stare and in this staring session, I accidently bit his finger. With the realisation, fear engulfed me again; he will punish me for hurting him now.

"P..Please sorry. It was an accident. I didn't intend to hurt you, please forgive me. Sorry, please please sorry." I covered my face with both of my hands and started apologising.

"Hey hey calm down, it's alright. Everything is fine. Please relax. I am not going to hurt you." He said calming me down. I removed hands from my face and looked at him. He was smiling. He wasn't angry, and I was glad that he wasn't because an angry Ayan is worse than even an erupting volcano.

"But you can repay it by letting me bite you too. It would be amazing." Now he was grinning widely. I immediately lowered my head and averted my eyes from him. He understood and let it go. I finished my rest of the meal silently and he was watching me intently while I was eating. Once I was done with the food, he spoke again

"Since you cook a super amazing meal for me, it's my duty to reward you now. Tell me, what do you want? I promise, I'll fulfil all your dreams." He said genuinely looking at me.

I know it's my fate now to marry him. And he will not wait any longer; neither will he allow me to work. To ask him such things is just adding fuel to the fire. So I decided to be happy just for the last time before getting tied to him for the rest of my life.


"Ayan, I know that you want to marry me at the earliest, and now you will start preparing for the wedding as well. I have accepted my fate and my life with you. I now, sincerely promise to you to be loyal and fulfil all my duties towards you. And today's incident has proved that there is nothing I can do to escape you. So, I just want one last chance. While doing job, I was saving a small portion of my salary just for the emergency purposes, now that my family debt is no more a big problem, I want to have some time alone with my family for a few days. Past few events have been too much for us, and we just need a little time to get back to our normal lives. Can you please let me go on a family trip for just 4 days? I promise that I'll do as you say once we are back and I have already promised you my loyalty, so I won't run away. Can you trust me just to let me go for 4 days to get my happiness back? Can you do this for me?"

I know that he is going to deny, but I can try just for the last time. But to my surprise, he looked thoughtful, and then he spoke

"I understand what you have been through. Okay 1 week family trip to England. But on two conditions, one I'll make all the arrangements, and second, you will have my guards with you. And once you come back, you'll come straight to my mansion and we will start with our marriage rituals. Deal?"

I can't believe my ears. He is going to let me go and spend some time with my family. I became so happy that I instantly hugged him and spoke

"Thank you so much Ayan. I love you. You made my day."

"I love you too sweetheart. I love you too..." He hugged me back and whispered. His voice was sad as if he didn't want me to go, but his agreement stirred something in me. He actually cares for me; else he wouldn't have allowed me to go. It's not just his lust, it's something else too.

England, I am coming...

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