《Clace one-shots》In Need of a Miracle {3)




I scurried around my loft getting everything ready for Alexander's arrival. First and foremost I changed the sheets on the bed to something cool knowing he would need it. Next I rushed to make an antidote. I grabbed all of the supplies and put them on the kitchen table.

I was right in the middle of muttering a spell when my door flew open. I looked up from my work quickly. "Put him on the bed." I commanded. He nodded and went straight for the bedroom.

I turned my attention back to the spell I was creating. I muttered a few words and waved my hand over the mixture. It was an anti-demon blood extractor. It would cleanse Alec's blood of all the demon poison. "Magnus he's ceasing!" I heard him yell to me from the bedroom. My head snapped up at the words. "Raphael, call Jace and tell him to get over here now! Stir this too!" I said while taking off towards the room. He nodded and took out his phone while stirring the mixture I created.

The sight was almost to much for me to handle. Alec was moving uncontrollably on the bed. I raced to his side. "Hold on Alec." I said out loud to him. I waved my hand across his body while activating my magic. He, very slowly, started to calm down. I poured every ounce of magic I had into him. "Fight Alec. Come on." I said desperately. With each passing minute my magic got weaker. I had no source of energy, but I didnt stop. I continued to fight with him.

"Magnus!" I heard a voice say. I looked weakly at the door to see Jace standing there. "H–he–help." I said with absolutely no energy. He rushed over to my side. "Anything. What do you need?" He asked me. I held my hand out for him to take it. "En–energy." I said almost out of breath. To much was being taken out of me. He nodded and grabbed my hand.

I felt a surge of energy flow through my body instantly. The light blue flame that was going over Alec's body was immediately turned dark blue. It was working. W both used all of our energy to help the young shadowhunter. "Here!" I heard Raphael say to us while barging into the room. He brought the mixture to me. "Make him drink." I instructed him. He nodded and placed the glass to Alec's lips.

The mixture slowly began to disappear. Gradually Alec began to stop moving. He slumped back onto the bed and I stopped my flow of magic that was going through him. I watched as his chest rose and fell in steady motions. A small amount of relief washed over me.

"Is he going to be ok?" Jace asked with so much worry and fear. I nodded. "He should be." I replied. I took out my phone and walked into the other room. "It's Alec. He was infected with demon poisoning. I gave him a potion that will cleanse his blood but I still want him to be looked over by you." I explained into the phone. The voice on the other side was understanding and said to bring him over immediately. "Of course." I said before hanging up.


I turned to look at Jace who had just entered the room I was in. "He'll be ok." I said. "Since his strength is getting better I am going to portal him to Catarina. She will be able to take better care of him at the hospital." I explained to the fearful blonde. He nodded his head at me while processing all that had happened.

"You'll stay with him, right? You wont leave him?" Jace asked me after a few moments of silence. My eyes met his, but I didn't reply. "Please?" He pleaded with me. "He needs you. You give him things that as his parabatai, I never could. The only way he will be able to heal, is with you by his side. I know you two aren't in a great place right now, but I'm begging you.... please dont leave him." I could see his eyes were forming tears. I nodded my head at him. "I wont leave his side." I replied confidently.

He gave me a small breath of relief. "Thank you." He whispered. I gave him a sympathetic smile. "I should get him to Catarina." I said. "Izzy and I will meet you at the hospital." He replied while walking towards the door. Once he left I walked towards the bedroom.

I quietly opened up the door. My eyes went straight to the sleeping shadowhunter. His chest was rising and falling at a steady pace which put me at ease. His hair was matted from the sweat on his face. He fought the poison with everything he had. I silently walked over to the bed and kneeled down next to him. My magic was weak, but I managed to conjure up a wet towel. I pressed it gently onto Alec's forehead. I watched as he began to wake up from his sleeping state. His eyes struggled open. "Ma–Magnus?" He asked in a raspy voice. He sounded exhausted. I knew he was. "Sleep." I said to him. He closed his eyes immediately in response.

I decided to take thirty minutes to help Alec before I portaled him to the hospital. First and foremost I drank a potion to help me regain my strength. Then, with a snap of my fingers, Alec was dressed in new, clean clothes. He stirred in his sleep, but he didn't wake up. Next I got him some water and put the glass to his lips. It was a miracle that he drank it without waking up.

I waited till my time was up so that I was at full strength. Blue flames sparked in my hands and I opened a portal. I carefully picked Alec up and I walked through. In an instant we were in a hospital room that Catarina wanted us to go to. I laid him down on the bed carefully. He was still asleep.

As soon as I had sat down in the chair, Catarina walked in. I smiled at her. "How are you doing?" She asked me. I sighed. "Fine." I replied. She shook her head not convinced. "How are you really?" She asked me. I watched as she began to hook Alec up to the monitors in the room. "I dont know. I hate seeing him like this." I replied with another sigh. Our conversation was interrupted by a worried voice. "Oh my Gosh, Alec!" I heard Izzy say as she ran into the room to her brother's side. I saw Alec's eyes slowly open to the sound of his sister's voice. "Izzy?" He asked with the tiniest smile I had ever seen. She grabbed his hand. "I'm here." She said with tears falling down her face. "We were worried about you." Jace said while walking up to his brother's side. I watched the reunion from my chair with Catarina by my side.


"Siuooi truirfd." Alec mumbled at his siblings. Izzy tilted her head at her brother. "What?" She asked him. He took a shaky breath. "S-o t-i-r-e-d." He said pronouncing each letter slowly. "An–and d–iz–zy." He managed to say. He shut his eyes quickly.

Immediately his body began to move rapidly up and down on the bed. "Alec!" I heard Izzy and Jace scream at the same time. "Move!" Catarina said while moving towards Alec. Izzy and Jace did as she said and I got up immediately. Fear crawled up my throat. I couldnt speak. I ran over to the side of the bed. Blue flames came to my fingers again. My tears clouded my eyes. My hands were shaking as I ran them over Alec, trying my best to heal him. Nothing seemed to be working.

Catarina was doing her best and giving him different liquids in different tubes. I suddenly felt two hands on my shoulders and I felt a huge surge of energy running through me. I looked over and saw Jace and Izzy giving me their strength to save their brother. They had tears running down their faces. I turned my attention back to Alec. His body had stopped moving all together. I hadn't noticed.

I stopped my magic and instantly heard the noise. The dreadful noise. The noise that made me die inside. The noise wasn't a beeping like I had hoped. It was a nonstop noise. I looked up to the monitor to see the line. His heart had stopped beating. He was gone.

"No." I said with more tears in my eyes. My body began to shake. "No. No. No. No. No. No." I kept saying. Izzy gripped onto Jace while crying into his chest.

I lifted up his shirt to see his parabatai rune. It had faded away. I had so many emotions I couldn't keep them in. It boiled inside of me. I had anger, frustration, and sadness. "He's not gone. He's not gone." I said to myself. I tried to hold in my emotions, but I snapped.

I felt my magic go out of control. I used every ounce of emotion I had and it combined with my magic without my approval. Without thinking I pointed the surge of magic towards Alec. There was so much force in the magic that it could kill large group of greater demons. It was so powerful. I screamed out in pain and anger. Tears ran down my face. The force was still going into Alec's body until it suddenly ran out. It stopped and I fell to the ground crying.

The noise was still going and I used the last bit of the magic I had to break the machine. Izzy had ran outside the room and Jace followed. They were both in so much pain. Catarina had left to give us all space for a while.

I looked back at Alec's still body. He was gone. He was really gone. Tears continued to fall from my eyes and I screamed again. The pain was so much. It felt like my heart was being strangled. There was so much I hadn't said. So much I had said that I didnt mean.

I had managed to stand up and walk over towards the wall. I took my fist and threw it against the cement. It was painful, but it felt good. I did it again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. The pain was so good.

"Magnus! MAGNUS STOP!" I heard someone scream at me. Arms wrapped around me and I struggled. "Stop!" Jace said again. I stopped struggling giving up. I turned and cried into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me. "Its ok. Its ok." He said to me. I felt a few of his tears fall onto me. "He cant be gone. He cant be. He cant be gone." I whispered into his chest.

My hands ached. My heart ached. Everything was numb. I felt like a huge piece of my life was missing. It was missing. The one I loved was dead. He wasn't coming back. He wasn't coming home. He wasn't going to greet me at my door begging me to help him with a demon attack. I wasn't going to see him blush when I complimented him. I wasn't going to see his perfect smile he gave me every time I saw him. I wasn't going to feel his presence in my home. Our home.

I shut my eyes wanting it all to be just a dream. I wanted to wake up. I wanted to see him. I wanted to hug him and not let go. I wanted to see him blush at my compliments. I wanted to see him on my doorstep begging for my help. I wanted to see his smile every time we crossed paths. I wanted to feel his presence everywhere I went. I wanted to make things right with him. Now I dont get the chance.

I gripped onto Jace as I continued to cry. He was gone. He left with no hope of returning to us. To me.

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