《Yandere "family" x reader》Chapter 20- poison ivy


"Who wants to go first?" Your father asked a much more scary tone than he used with you, he and all others (except for Zane and ace, who were doing other things) were staring at the unconscious women who was sprawled out on the concrete floor of the basement. Her arms was curved in a sever angle, one that an arm should not bend in, complements from evangeline for that one.

"Me me me me me me me me-" cadaver started repeating loudly, waving his hand out in front of him, he REALLY wanted to get the first blow, mess up that women's plastic face. He was interrupted by his mother, she knew that he would keep going if she didn't stop him, plus, cadaver is amazing at torture, if he couldn't leave a mark than no one could. That's not foreshadowing at all.

"Okay hon, you should be careful though, leave some for the rest of us." She said, glancing towards the twitching figure of your biological bitch of a mother, oops! Looks like they "accidentally" hit her too hard, ohhh noo what ever will we do.

She stayed unconscious in the floor, ragged breaths emmited from the heaving figure, sounding similar to a demegorgon or something like that.

"Haha beeches- OW! What was that for? Okay then, bye!" Cadaver yelled, after being smacked harshly atop the head by his grandfather, mainly for calling his own family "beeches", if your gonna curse, do it properly.

Cadaver walked further into the room, completely aware of the eyes that followed him along the way, and poked at the human body laying on the floor. A small trail of blood was layed from when she was dragged into this particular room. The room Looked like a cement cube from the inside, all walls were the pale grey color, the scratchy stone could easily scrape knees if bent on, that's probably why they didn't have it anywhere else in the house, you could hurt yourself!

He kicked the women harshly and swiftly, who needs weapons when you have perfectly muscular legs right? the figure emmited a groan and suddenly became conscious and aware of the sudden pain in her upper chest.


"What the hell!?" She screamed at the young man, attempting to move her hands to clutch her chest, but failing due to her hands being zip tied together behind her back. Her eyes widened as she realized the situation, karmas a bitch isn't it?

"M/n l/n correct? Ha I know I'm right, well let's start off here. I~don't~like~you, in fact I hate you, so I'm going to make this easy for your tiny little pea brain to understand, your gonna die a very painful painful death, let's get started right?" He spoke in a sing song voice, smiling creepily at the women. Her eyes widened at the word "die", in all honesty she deserves this, hurting her OWN DAUGHTER for her personal gain.

"What the fuck? Who the hell are you! Why am I here, you don't want to hurt me, I-I'll make you p-" she started, hissing the phrase with her annoying, nasally voice. She somewhat hissed at the (clearly stronger and more powerful) man, she stuttered slightly, showing that her oh-so-strong composure was a complete lie, she was practically peeing herself on spot... coward.

"Make me pay! now how in the HELL would you do that bitch? In fact, we're here to make you pay, you made y/n suffer, and intentionally hurt her. I can't believe she stayed long enough to keep your ass stable you bitch, and you know what you did to help her? Nothing, you're a sad excuse for a mother, it's about time you learn that... right?" He spoke, still smiling, he was unnaturally calm, that what made his aura so... eery. The women who one would call your biological mother was reeling in shock and her own form of self pity as she took in her situation.

"Don't even speak... slut" he seethed at her, using the name that he knew was used on you too many times to count, smirking at the shocked look that adorned her face, he loved seeing narcissistic people's souls silently crack. It was soooooo funny!

After a few seconds that he was silently at this bitch, he slammed his hands down on her face, a scream came from m/n as an audible crunching noise sounded throughout the entire room. Members of the family who hadn't already been intrigued, we're definitely interested now, who would want to miss this?


"You never deserved someone as amazing as her for a daughter, do you know how long we had to wait to get her finally for myse- ourselves? As long as I've been living, that's a long time! Wait, why am I even still talking to you? Let's just start the best part shall we?" He the women. Blood was slowly dripping down her face, her nose had a bone clearly sticking out of the bottom, the edge jagged, and it looked as if someone had attempted to shove it through her skull, oh wait... someone did!

"Fuck you, and y/-" she started speaking again, god her voice is so annoying isn't it? Like 1000 tiny needles jabbing into cadavers skull, ugh! If she was going to die, she wanted it to be in spite of her killer, and in disrespect of her "daughter"... rude.

"DONT YOU DARE SAY HE RNAME WITH YOUR FILTHY MOUTH-" cadaver screamed at the women, how could scum like her even have the will to speak so lowly of you? She was nothing compared to you, what gives her the right to talk like that! The young man was angry now, contradicting his usual bubbly self, he had just met you, but even so, he knew you were the one.

He blew up in a rage, scratching and kicking and striking the body of the women many many times. The body was eaten and bloody, a few tears were on the surface of her skin, blood seeped out of them, ew. you know how the normal human can only take so much impact at once? Yeah, well... I think we exceeded the limit here.

"Oh shizzle."

———————- with ace ——————————-

For some reason, ace had to miss all the fun with your bitch of a mother, to watch the two year old boy while he played around in the greenhouse. He was told that you were going to have to have an appointment with his uncle, and it was pretty clear your parents never took you to the doctors, so it would be stressful... to say the least, so his mother said to "watch I've rather little brat, she needs as much off of her mind as we can get".

The small boy wandered around, touching random plants and knocking a multitude of things down, the tall male watched in pure disgust. He really didn't like being in the presence of the child, it made him feel... dirty

"Hold on, do not touch that." He spoke towards the little ball of energy, who was about to touch a vine of poison ivy that had been growing up on a wooden pole throughout the room, if he touched that, he would just get a rash. And then it would be a whole hassle to conceal it from little old you.

"Why?" The small boy questioned the much taller one in his usual happy-and-bubbly voice, he inched his hand closer to the plant, just to spite ace. He thought he was scary and mean, it was only fitting to attempt annoyance on multiple levels.

"Because, do. Not. Touch. It." Ace warned, before swooping down and grabbing the boy before he did something idiotic. immediately disgusted with himself, ace set the boy down swiftly. Oh no oh no oh no he's contaminated now, oh that's disgusting, gross.

"God dammit, if you were not important to her, and had no emotional value to y/n, I would be very happy to end you right here, brat." He practically growled at the boy, it's actually kinda funny in it own special way. Hes talking to the boy as if he's not going to forget what he said in over 10 seconds, like many other toddlers, b/n has the attention span of a walnut.

That's when ace heard the familiar scream of you, little y/n, and turned his head towards the large scale mansion/house. He didn't know why you were screaming,


Any grammar or spelling mistakes that were made will be edited tommorow, cause it's late and I'm lazy :)

Have a great day todaaaahhyyyy byyyyeeee!


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