《Yandere "family" x reader》Chapter 18- pretty


You had been sitting next to cadaver and your "aunt", while b/n talked random words and fiddled with your delicate hands. You always replied with things like "yeah?" or "I agree.", it was funny to you, and sweet to all others in the room. Although they absolutely despised the grimy little toddler, he brought out an adorable soft side of you, you smiled so much more when he was around!

"You know you are really pretty right? Just wanted to let cha know!" Cadaver practically yelled into your ear, startling you and causing you to jump. Somehow these people can find a way to teleport themselves, like seriously, they always just pop out of no where, or that could be the drugs still in your system... fuck.

"I agree with that, she is what one would call attractive." Ace chimed in, staring at you again, he was resting his head on the knuckles of his hands, even when he was bent over he was taller than you. Apparently the conversation that was now sparked was amusing to Damien, for he smirked and raised a brow at your (now) red face.

"Oh yeah, she's totally pretty, even with tat cute little blush on her face." He spoke out in his usual rough tone, he internally giggled like a fucking school girl when he saw the blush deepen. Usually you didn't get compliments, you definitely got the occasional "slut." Or even sometimes a "bitch", never good things though. Soooo the feeling of embarrassment off of compliments was unusual, the blush on your face contrasted perfectly with your s/c skin, you looked so cute. You had zero idea how to react to these comments, so you just kept your mouth shut and your lips sealed.

"Yuh huh!!" B/n yelled, giggling at his own silliness. He threw his hands up and made a grabby hands motion, signaling you to pick him up and set him in your lap. The boy just nuzzled his head back into your chest, its kinda funny how you were in this position only a few days ago... heh. The boys "adorable" actions, were not so adorable in damiens or any other members eyes. Your grandfather had only seen the boy up close one time before, and he knew right then and there he was going to be a disgusting little nuisance. psychotic urges ran through his head, Different little imagines of the things he could do to the little poser.


"Awwww is she embarrassed?" Your aunt cooed, turning her head swiftly to look at you, sending an unnoticeable glare towards the toddler snuggled up on your chest. Gods help you, you could probably be mistaken for a red chili pepper of this point. Why the hell was this happening to your face? It felt hot, but also not really hot, gosh darn it!

"I-uh- oof, um, p-please stop" you stuttered out, not meeting the eyes of any people in the room, the feeling of embarrassment was foreign to you, so the whole "red faced and inability to stop it "thing was bad. You hid your face behind the blubbering child that was b/n, and the sudden realization came to you. What the hoopledop were you doing? Just sitting here casually blushing, with your flipping kidnappers.

JuSt A NoRmAl TuEsDaY, RiGhT SuSAn?!

(Don't know why I said Susan, no offense to any Susan's)

"Aw don't be like thaaat, we're just playin!" Cadaver spoke loudly, he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and started to rub circles on the left of your lower back. You lifted your head from behind the toddler, and met the eyes of the hyper-as-fuck man, and just held a long stare for a while. Which was interrupted not long after it started, by your one and only grandfather.

"Sweetheart, I hate to interrupt... whatever that was, but it's about time that you are, and probably him too." He spoke to you, adding a slight hint of genome when speaking the word "him", he had noticed how skinny you were, it almost looked as if your skin was stretching to cover the bones in your arms. And your shoulders were so jagged, it almost looked monstrous, not only did it make him loathed your "biological parents" more than he already did, but it made him worry for you. It wa seat your body wasn't in its healthiest state, so now he was going to put you on a schedule (without your knowing of course). Three meals a day!


"Cmon, you go eat, I'll feed the child." Your aunt piped in, and before you could object she snatched b/n from your arms, going out of the door swiftly, leaving you dumbfounded. What in the microwaveable gods just happened? You were silently crying on the inside, knowing that you couldn't do anything about your current situation, and tried to accept that this is how it was going to be.

"W-where is she taking him exactly?" You asked the older looking man, who was at the time, admiring your adorable face. He snapped out of it after a moment and threw his hands up slightly, shrugging his shoulders. Muttering out an "I don't know". This caused a large amount of panic to bubble inside of you, b/n could be dying, she could be killing him! Oh my god!

"I believe what he meant to say was that she's going to feed him somewhere else, we keep supplies for younger children such as your younger children, it's in a nursery, down a few hallways. Do not worry darling, he'll be fine. You have to eat." Ace spoke, standing up from his sitting position and walking over to you. His words succesfully calmed your internal pinch down for the moment, if b/n wee to get hurt because you left him alone with that women, you would just shrivel up and die. Dead as hell.

—————————-in the "nursery"——————

The second that your aunt got out of site from you, she immediately set the toddler down, disgusted with herself and with the thing. She touched it! Oh my god she touched it! She rubbed her hands on her shirt vigorously, trying to get the "b/n germs" off of herself. She contemplated just not feeding the little heathen, but then he would just blab to you and make you upset with her. She couldn't have you upset, especially with her!

"Ugh, guess I'm nice. Just this one time though, can't wait till he's dead" she spoke, grumbling at the fact that she actually had to help the little grimlin. He remained completely oblivious with his little two year old mind, he was actually excited with change of scenery, he never ever got to see anything than the house or ms Kim's daycare. This was soooo coooolllll!

Eventually she just gave him a banana, and let him figure the rest out on his own.


I'm supposed to be sleeping, but instead I'm writing for you guys.... yolo bitches.

Okey, so sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes, also I apologize for the late chapter.

Have a toodlefull day today! Byyyyeeeeee!


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