《Yandere "family" x reader》Chapter 15- pillows


To say you were scared when you woke up was an understatement, with the memories of being knocked out all of a sudden, you were completely disoriented. Waking up in ANOTHER soft bed, but this time, there were people directly next to you, holding on you your waist. What. The. Fuck.

All you could think of was how you felt a needle going into the back of your neck, and the mans arms going around you, nothing else. It clicked in your head that the man claiming to be your father had drugged you, it was scary that he could make you so vulnerable, and you could do absolutely nothing about it.

Silently trying to get out of these peoples arms, you squirmed and wriggled down, succesfully getting your "mothers" arms off, she was the easiest out of the two, mainly because she was smaller and her grip was softer. On the other hand, this guy, litterally was the tallest and brawniest man you had ever seen in your entire life, he was holding onto you as if you were going to leave any second, there was no possible way you were getting out of this one.

Although it would seem as if they were still asleep, your father had awoken when you started squirming, and was silently "awing" at your movements, knowing fully well that you couldn't get out of his arms without his consent. He let out a small chuckle, waking his wife up, and getting you too snap your head in his direction.

"Sugar, why are you awake so early? You need your rest, Cmon go back to sleep for me?" The man spoke to you, while you continued to squirm and kick. He just tightened his arms slightly around you, a spinet warning to stop. Well... this isn't going to end very well.

"G-get off of me, y-you drugged me you creeps!" You screamed at them, slightly muffled through the dense pillow and fluffy blanket you were with. Your mothers head perked up, looking at her only daughter squirming, you were just so adorable. Her hand came to grasp your shoulder in a comforting way, it didn't help as you continued to scream at them.


"Darling we had to, you weren't calming down, and would you look at that! You didn't have any nightmares last night, maybe you should start sleeping with us every night." Your mother spoke and you stopped squirming, your head attempting to pop out from the blankets, you could really only see your eyes and forehead. You looked at her alarmed, shaking your head vigorously from side to side, then continuing your struggle to get out of this mans arms.

"Please just let me go. Please?" You ended up asking politely, the man muttered a small "awww" and released his arms from around you. Looking down as you pushed yourself up slowly, your arms were feeling intensely sore, probably the relaxers. it was kinda funny that not even 2 weeks ago, you slept on a rock hard mattress, and woke up at 4:30 to get to your banking job.now your being told to go back to sleep in a Wildly comfortable bed, with two people who would gladly give you a hug, heh.

"Sugarplum, it's only seven, no one else is awake right now, and Damien got your little brother last night, I don't think he's going to wake up any time soon. You slept for a whole day, guessing he'll do the same." Your father spoke, making direct eye contact as he said the words "little brother". Your eyes widened at the mention of b/n, you can finally get out of here now!

"He brought b/n? Uhh, Thank you guys!" You exclaimed, a great full smile lighting up your fac e, the two smiled back and your mother patted a seat next to her, you just eyes her and sighed. You hadn't thought of it, but now that b/n was here, they had leverage against you. They could do anything they wanted, and threaten you with your little brothers safety to get what they want. It scared you.

"You're welcome darling, now go back to sleep"

————————-time skip———————————

(2 hours later)

9:37 am

You had indeed fallen back asleep on the women's shoulder, she was rubbing your back slowly, and you eventually slumped over on her. It had been about an hour and a half later before you woke up again, in the same bed, this time with only your "mother" next to you, she was just kinda staring at you, it was creepy. When you remembered about b/n you asked her and all she replied with was "later".


Well, it was later now, and she had alerted the family that if they wanted to see you, now would be the best time, for you would be a little more peppy now that b/n was with you. Kian "just happened" to be waiting around your parents door, mostly waiting for you to come out.

"God, just gotta let it happen for a month kian, that's it, then it'll be fine and she'll be all ours again." Kian whispered to himself as he waited for you to pop out, which you did, hearing the last part of his sentence and being overall confused. What was he even talking about?

"What was that?" You asked him, raising your eyebrows and putting a confused look into your face.

"Ah, nothing, you ready?" He asked, changing the subject swiftly, walking over to you and grabbing onto your hand, gently guiding you down the hallway. Everyone in the family was so... nice? You really did not know, but they treated you so sweetly, like a family would their children. Holy shit, nonononononono, no Stockholm syndrome here, none at all. Nope.

"Mm hmm." You hummed in a chipper tone, squeezing his hand slightly, you were indeed happier today, definintly because of b/n being okay. But kian would love to fantasize that you're happy because of him, you looked so sweet and happy, all be aide of him. Yes.

"I'm guessing you slept well last night?" He questioned, pretending as if you weren't happy because of b/n. He was definitely a chill person, he treated you like a friend, it was nice in its own way. He repeatedly sent small side glances at you, looking at the smile placed on your face. you were just so CUTE!!

"I think I did, I-I don't really know" you spoke, looking directly ahead to the wide doors, both painted an off white blue, the frames were covered in white paint, and there was a small sticky not stuck to it that said "b/n", it was clear his arrival wasn't prepared.

"Well, I don't understand how you wouldn't know if you slept well or not, buuuttt your little brothers in there so-" he started, and you went straight for the door, clutching the handle to the point where your knuckles went white, you twisted the handle and pushed it open. Revealing a large scale room, and multiple people sitting in there, staring intently at your figure now displayed in the doorway.

"O-oh is he in h-here" you stuttered under the gazes of these people , freezing up slightly before seeing a few familiar faces, axel, ace, and Damien were here, that's nice isn't it.

"Yes, we've been waiting for you, he's still sleeping, that's one tired toddler" an older looking man spoke, waving his hand in the direction of a lump on the smaller, toddler-size bed. You ignored the loving stares you got from these completely random strangers and hurried over to the bad, wanting to make sure that these people weren't tricking you, and that b/n was really here.

You made your way around the bed, seeing his small little face peeking out from the bundle of blankets. The family members in the room were only there to make it look like they gave a damn about b/n, in reality they just wanted to let you think they were "good people", smartest way to make you like them.

"Thank you, I really mean it."you spoke, looking at the group of people, who were sitting down on various objects, just looking for your reactions.


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