《Yandere "family" x reader》Chapter 11- windex


While you and ace were giving in the library, the entire family was speaking on the topic of your brat of a brother... b/n. He annoyed them so much, getting your attention even when he wasn't even there! What gave him the right? Hmm, exactly, nothing does.

"Of course Aaron had to go and promise something we cant give her, why the fuck would we let the brat stay in our house!" Your uncle yelled out through the room, furiouse at the sudden news. He was happily tolerating your presence, in fact he quite loved it. But a grimy little toddler whom you "love" more then them? Absolutely not.

Him and many others in the family had been fuming, angered that you would even ask such a thing from them, they loved you of course, but this was way out of bounds.

"It isn't my fault! If you would've seen her helpless face you would've caved too!" Aaron exclaimed back at his older brother, he also did not want the small child at his home, he wasn't part of the family, and all in the room knew it.

"What should we do? I for one know that he would just be a nuisance in this household" a young man spoke in a calculated tone, he wore glasses and had a defined jawline, his son was sitting directly next to him, silently agreeing to everything he said.

"Thank you Zane, for pointing out the obvious. I personally say we just take the boy and kill it, not that hard... like squashing a bug" slade (your older brother) retorted in a matter-of-fact tone, opening his hand flat and smacking it with his other, as if he were killing a fly in between. This might seem like an odd phrase to say, but in the fleur family, talking of murder and death so lightly was completely normal.


"Well if we could do that the brat would already be dead, and I don't like your tone young man, watch how you talk to me" Zane (your other uncle) spoke, sending a glare to the teenager. They couldn't just up and kill b/n now, you had the idea that he was coming here now! The entire family would break promises with each other any day, but with you... no.

"We can't just kill him, although it would be very satisfying, little y/n was promised she would get to have him here, I say we let her-" Valentina spoke up, before being interrupted by her son.

"You can't expect us to just let that happen! No way in he-"

"LET me finish, we let her get the boy, and then do something that gets him dead, but makes y/n think it's of natural cause." She sated in her usual alluring voice, getting a few nods from the small gathering of people.

"That is actually a good idea, the real question here though is what the fuck we do?" Damien spoke loudly, he was no longer interested in the conversation and would much rather be poisoning the brat by now.

"I say we do the windex trick, windex, cup, he drinks it, bam, now he's dead" a teen spoke, moving his hands through the air as if motioning to something. He was one of valentinas other sons, his name was cadaver, his hair was long and black, and he had a very much so resting bitch face.

"That's not a terrible idea, just maybe not windex hon"

—————————with you—————————-

"W-what? T-there has to be someone looking for me!?" You exclaimed, astonished with the words of this guy. You did know that it was true of course, the problem with being a loner and keeping to yourself. Is that in situations like this, no one cared enough to look, although your parents did solely rely on you for money, they were probably furious right now.


"You do know that isn't true right? No one cares enough to look, it is not as if I am complaining though, it lets me have you all to myself easier" he spoke, looking down at your frame, which at the moment was holding a book based off of an apocalypse. You just stared back at him, not wanting to accept the fact that you were a nobody.

"That's I-isn't fair" you denied, sighing and just going back to your book. He had continued to stare at your saddened face, had he done that? For the most part, the family wouldn't get upset with cold remarks from him, it was completely normal, he had ceased to remember that you were not as tough as them. And it showed.

"I'm sorry if that upset you darling , it was inconsiderate, I shouldn't have been so blunt" he spoke, looking at your hunched self. You just looked back up at him and smileda clearly forced smile.

"No n-no it's fine" you spoke waving your hands to signal that it was indeed okay, even though it made you feel as if your heart was slowly breaking into pieces.

—————-baby time skip—————————-

'Thats, so sad' ace thought, contemplating the whole notion itself. You had been upset, but still shoved a smile on your face and said you were okay. Tho made him want to murder your parents ten times more now, they were probably the ones who forced you to do this!

"If it makes you feel any better, I can most likely bet that the family is going to bring your little brother in a few days." He snapped himself out of his trance, this was a good time to comfort and bond with you! He had to take advantage of it, ace wrapped his arm around your shoulders and squeezed your body close. Noticing the quivering of your arms he glanced down.

"thank y-you so m-much" you managed to sob out, tears betrayed your mind and ran down your cheeks. Nobody other than this family had ever tried to comfort you, it shouldn't have felt so nice, but it did.

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