《Yandere "family" x reader》Chapter 8- grey


One man spoke, he would be considered your cousin if they were going by family relationships, he didn't give two shits though, cousin or not he still adored you with all of his heart. And to know that your precious time was being taken up by stupid Damien, this didn't pass well with him.

"Gray, you know you can't just up and do things, I know you want to see her but she's fragile, remember? You go now and it going to be a conflict and you'll just scare her" your aunt spoke full of authority, she did not want you to be scared of them at first sight, she couldn't have that weighing down on her.

The man who had been conflicted at the moments name was Gray, the name was ironic because his complexion appeared to be completely white. He ran a hand through his hair, tousling it up in the process.

"You say that, but then damiens gonna end up scaring her either way! I know you want to get close to her too! I know I'm not the only one who want to ring damiens ne-" he continued on, waving his hands around as he inched closer to the nearest exit of the room.

"GREY! we do not speak of family like this!" Your mother screeched, just speaking like this could get the entire family turned on him, and everyone in the room knew it.

"I'm gonna go fucking get her, none of you can stop me" he spoke, voice dripping heavily with venom. As he walked out of the room many glares were thrown his way, Gray was off putting the balance, he'll probably make you feint again.

———————-back with you————————

You had still been sitting directly in damiens lap, as he hugged you intensley, he was staring directly at the camera, smirking his ass off as he knew the family would be fuming with jelousy at this point.


"Can I go home now? My brothers probably waiting for me there?" You asked, again, he ignored you once again as you asked a question That he had answered multiple times before. He had been keeping a close eye on you too make sure you weren't planning to jump out a window or do something reckless again.

You hadn't shown any suspicious activity, just the occasional wince sometimes when you numbed into a bruised area, this set off a whole nother level of anger inside him, but he would have to contain himself. You had started twiddling your thumbs about and hour ago,

And Damien had stopped you from biting your nails a few times. It was evident signs of stress and anxiety pushed into habits.

"Okay, well as much as I would love to stay and read with you, little one, I have a feeling that someone is about to come busting through those doors right now" he spoke and released you from his death of a grip, you looked at the door in question, and flinched when in fact, Damien was completely correct.

The doors swung open and in came another tall man, but he looked a lot more pale then Damien. He kept an angered look on his face as he searched the room for your small frame, when his eyes caught sight of you sitting so close to Damien, he was about to attack the tall tattooed man, until he saw your gaze on him. He froze in place at your tear filled eyes, your hands had been quivering due to the loud noise.

He should have listened when his mother did you were fragile, stupid grey.

"Damien it's been a long time, could I take up the time of MY lively cousin for the moment" grey explained, silently "awing" at your appearance up close, you gasped a little bit at the mention of you going with him.


"D-Damien, who's t-this" you whispered, attempting not to anger the fuming male further. Damien tensed up when grey had said the word "my" in such a harsh tone, almost as if he was saying 'look she's mine not yours'.

"That's your cousin, grey fleur, I think he's taking you for a little. Is that okay little one?" He spoke down to you, literally, he had to crane his neck all the way down just to speak to you.

"Ok then" you whispered in a meak tone, you still did not trust these men one bit, they all acted so kindly and lovingly towards you, it was almost as if they cared about you. But that couldn't be true, there was absolutely no possible way someone was able to love you, plus you didn't even know them.

You continued your internal monologue to yourself about how you couldn't trust them, while grey ended up taking advantage of your space four state and grabbing your hand to pull you out of the library, with the protest of Damien of course but still, it happened.

"Oh! Oh where am I?" You spoke, suprised at the sudden change of scenery as you speeded down the hallway to who knows where.

"When was the last time you ate baby girl? You look really skinny?" He asked you, this family really likes pet names don't they? Anyways, the answer to that question would be 'not in a long time', you had too make your father and mothers food daily. But you were never alowed any yourself, the only times you got to eat was when your boss gave you lunch.

"Oh I ate recently, hehe" you lied again to this family, you were not

Going to be that one girl who blindly does whatever your kidnapper says, yeah the hugs were nice, but they still took you against your will!

Gray had done his own personal studying while he was waiting for you, and he got many hints that you didn't eat much, your unhealthily skinny body just proved this.

"Don't lie to me, I know you probably haven't eaten a nice meal in a while, cmon baby." He spoke in a surprisingly soothing voice, then again you were being suprised a lot all of a sudden. He motioned towards an open threshold, twisting his muscular arm round your shoulders, and holding you close to him.

"A-ah no really I ate already" you REALLY did not want to eat some kinda sleeping drug in food. That would just go against anything you had tried to fight for currently. Having yourself completely unconscious, at the will of anyone who please to touch you? That does. It sound like a nice idea.


Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes, I don't really like this chapter.

Anyways what's your favorite song/music album?

Hope you have a fantastic day, byeeee!


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