《Yandere "family" x reader》chapter 3- taken


you dragged yourself up out of the fetal position you had been in, using the hallway walls as a base, you dragged yourself down the hallway, into your room, and flopped on your bed. your whole body was in pain, you were used to it, but that didnt make it hurt any less. it had been about 2 hours since your father beat you, and you had gotton b/n into bed, your father had left to who knows where. you were completely exausted.

your soon to be "family", on the other hand, were either livid with your parents, or jittery and excited that you were going to be with them, and so soon too! they paced around their rooms, waiting until the three boys told them yuo had fallen asleep, so they could take you then. it was hard to put together a room that was comfortable, but practical in the sense of you not being able to escape, also in one night.

one of the mothers in the living room recieved a phone call, grabbing teh attention of many in the room. that had to be them! they were about to have their little sister!

"yes, mm hmmm, so shes asleep, okay if you hurt her i wi- okay ye si know." beeeeeeeep, she talked over the phone with one of her sons, a menacing look came over her face at the mention of her "daughters" safety, but fizzled out quickly.

a chorus of, "what did he say" rang out through the very latge room, leaving the women to look up with a tearfull smile.

"shes about to be here" she said, crying tears of happiness that she finally found her "daughter".


"yes, she just fell asleep mm hmm, mom you know i wouldnt hurt her, okay well be there in an hour max" one of the boys talked over the phone, staring at your beaten form lying under a ratty blanket, and rushing his mother to finish so they could finally get you "home". the other two watching you struggle in your sleep, probably nightmares, although it seemed selfish to say, they couldnt wait for the time when you would wake up with a nightmare, and would call your family for help.


"okay, lets go get her, we need to remember, that it would be disorienting to wake up with someone attempting to kidnap you, so we should try to keep her asleep, worst case senario, she wakes up and we have to knock her out again, but even if she struggles we cant hurt her." the oldest stated, motioning to your frail self, and then the few shots of muscle relaxents and viles of chloroform. they could probably break you if they wanted, and with the fact that teh security at your house was non existent, it was best they get you out now.

"okay, here we go' the youngest huffed, and opened the window to your living room silently, and sneaking in, the two others trailed behind him as he moved his way through the small house. vile of chloroform in hand, and made his way to your room, passing a discusted look at b/n room along the way.

"should we get rid of the brat now orrr..." he trailed of, sending a glance to the others, and recieving a shake of the head from both of them.

"nah, hell rot if we leave him here anyways" one replied.

they finally reached your door, and all sucked in deep breaths, wanting to rush in and see you up close, they knew they couldnt do that though or it would wake you up. the middle child slowly pushed open the white door, attempting to avoid a creak, and walked into your room. it was kinda funny, your room had low ceilings, and these three men were all at least 6 feet, leaving there heads to touch the top of the ceiling.

it made sense to them though, you were actuslly quite small, with a frail build ( mostly due to malnutrition), so it was probably customary that you would live in such a small space. but this was just grimy up close.


'disgusting' one thought, staring at the blood stained walls and floor.

The tallest in the room bent down to your facial level, and grabbed a silk sheet, pouring the contents of one of the chloroform vials on it. And bringing it up to cover your nose and mouth completely, while the others watched in jelousy that he got to be so close to you.

Waking up due to the sudden pressure in your face, you saw the large man in front of you and immediately freaked out. Flailing your arms and kicking your feet out, trying to get this mans hand off of your face. He pinched your nose, leaving the only way for you to breath to be through the rag, you still attempted to fight back as much as you could, but you were slowly weakening, and your vision was slowly clouding up.

"-please-" you barely were able to whisper out before being completely nocked unconscious, leaving your new brother to kiss you on the forehead, and pick you up bridal style. Bringing you to the black (insert expensive ass car here), he placed you in the youngest brothers lap, and the youngest cradled your head in his chest.

"How long till we get home ace?" The youngest spoke to the oldest or "ace".

" we have about ten minutes, how does she look?" Ace asked the boy back, alarmed by your abnormally slow breathing pattern.

"I think she's fine, why do you get to hold her the whole Time!? I want to hold her too!" The red eyed one whisper yelled to the youngest, making little motion towards your little form sleeping.

"No shut up she's mine"

"Nu uh she's mine"

"No she's mi-"

"Be quiet before both of your asses are on the street, your gonna wake her up." Ace spoke to the two arguing teens.


Gasps erupted around the room from all 21 people, a car had just pulled up in the driveway. That was aces car meaning she was finally here!

When that clicked in a few of their heads, some of them were so fast to move you couldn't even say the word "sister", the youngest out of the three brothers had been carrying you in bridal style when he was swarmed with the wolf like family.

"Ish she okay?"

"She's so small"

"Look how cute"


The questions continued until the leader of the family spoke up

"Lets get her in bed, when she wakes up in the morning, that's when we can get a detailed explanation"

———small time skip———

"Goodnight darling" your mother cooed to you, kissing your forehead, before pulling the blanket up to your neck, and watched you curl Into the heat.

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