《To String Together ( Huaze Lei )》Worry


My phone vibrated and I glanced down to surpassingly see a message from Daoming Si. He must have figured out my passcode and put in his contact in before handing my phone back to me. Clearly he made sure to take my number. A cold chill went up my spine as I half listened to the conversation going on in the tea shop. Both Shancai and Xiaoyou had to return behind the counter.

Stress signals were going through me as I picked up my phone to see why he would send me a message.

: why is it when I'm trying to go to the tea shop, I find you there? I thought Ximen told you specificslly to stay away from us and anyone acquainted with us? This includes Shancai. Meet me outside the shop in ten minutes or I'm coming into the shop.

I closed my eyes shut feeling like I was trapped and a part of me inside was feeling cold. I couldn't face him today. Like many days in the past, I wasn't doing well and wanted to escape. I came here to break away from my draining and sad thoughts. Sitting here alone while Shancai and Xiaoyou worked was calming for me to get away from my loneliness and feel like I had some sort of purpose. I did not want Daoming Si to bully me or talk down on me. I really could not take it. I felt my heart beating against my chest and it was hard to remain calm, because I thought of the times of what had happened before. My finger went for Ximen's contact and I clicked on his contact to call him. I brought my phone to my ear feeling panicked Doaming Si will come in here and cause trouble.

What has Ximen told Meizuo and Lei as the days passed on? Are they frustrated or mad with me for avoiding them for every possible thing?

My phone continues ringing until it stops realizing I am brought to Ximen's voicemail. He really is not answering me? What if it was an emergency and I needed him? I can't believe he sent me straight to voicemail. I put my phone down and hugged myself as I began feeling stressed. My breathing has become uneven and I let out a shaky breath knowing my fear is clearly present. I'm going to pass out and cause a scene if I can't calm down. I looked towards Shancai and stood carefully making my way over to the counter.

"Sh-Shancai?" I spoke barely above a whisper. Xiaoyou had gone to the restroom and she was working behind the counter at the moment. She looked up and her eyes widened in shock before she left out a gasp.

"Faye?" Shancai asked worriedly and walked around the counter so she could be in front of me. "You don't look so great at all, what's wrong? What happened?"

"D-Do you h-have Lei's number?" I asked hoping she understood. Why of all days do I forget to bring my inhaler? It was stupid of me to leave the house sometimes without it.


"Of course! Do you need me to call him? I can do that right now," Shancai spoke worriedly and took her phone out to call him before I could respond. She carefully took my arm and led me towards the back of the shop so we could be away from the bright light. "You can sit here on this bench... Hi! Lei!" I wanted to look at Shancai, but I felt the air leaving my lungs once again and I felt the familiar constricting feeling of my chest finding it difficult to breathe.

"Hi! Lei!" I heard a panicked Shancai on the other end. I frowned slightly and I put the book I was reading back on the shelf. Meizuo looked towards me confused from my sudden movement.

"Shancai? What is going on?" I asked worriedly. Meizuo and I were in a bookstore browsing around, because Ah Si had left us and told us he had to do something. Now Meizuo and I were waiting for his return.

"S-she's not doing well. I don't understand what happened. She was fine just a few minutes ago and now she's panicking and having difficulty breathing. She asked me to call you." My mind pictured Faye... I immediately began for the exit of the bookstore. I knew she couldn't have been in here. I heard Meizuo calling out my name, but I had no time to explain to him what was going on.

"Where are you two?" I asked.

"I'm working at a Bubble tea shop cafe towards the west end of Grand Gateway Shanghai. It's across from the Old Navy. Please tell me you're near by," I heard a pleading Shancai. "Faye looks so afraid and I don't know what to do." They're on the complete opposite side of where we are. I began running in worry that I wouldn't be able to reach Faye in time. My concern was her panicking to the point she may faint.

"Bring the phone to her ear," I demanded. I didn't mean to sound harsh towards Shancai. My mind was in panic for how Faye was reacting. There were people staring at me as I was now sprinting across to the other side of the mall. I could hear uneven breathing on the phone and my chest constricted in pain knowing Faye was not feeling well. I'm reminded of the night I went to Ximen's house to visit her. "Faye?" I spoke into the phone. She doesn't respond. "I'm on my way there. I'm not to far away and I will see you soon."

The shop Shancai had mentioned was already in view. I could hear footsteps running from behind me; assuming Meizuo followed close behind. I enter the shop breathing heavily looking around frantically, but don't see the two people I am looking for. A moment later, I saw Shancai emerging from behind the self towards the other side of the shop and gestures to me to come over. Quickly, I made my way over and when I turned the corner, I saw a stressed and frightened Faye sitting down in front of the bench with her head between her knees.


My actions automatically went straight for her. I went down onto my knees allowing myself to be between her knees and my hand caressed the side of her face for a moment. It has been since Sanya since I've really seen her. Her eyes were wide and filled with fear. I noticed right away she wasn't sleeping well and she has lost a bit of color to her face. Has she not been eating well? I was confused why she was here now, afraid. What caused her to have this panic like this?

"D-Daoming Si," she breathed shakily reading my expression. My left hand took her hand and I intertwined them attempting to calm her. I hope I'm able to calm her.

"Do you have your inhaler with you?" I asked gently. She shook her head. I carefully wrapped my arms around her and pulled her in for a hug. I let go of her hand so I could wrap both of my arms around her and I held her close to my chest trying to figure out the best way to help her. She's afraid. I had to ease her mind. "I'm here Faye," I spoke gently into her ear. I gently pressed my lips to the side of her head before pulling away to look at her. "No one can hurt you." I spoke carefully. I realized I've hurt her and I hope my words would not backfire on what I am telling her.

"Y-you've hurt me," she stuttered and I closed my eyes realizing I had to figure out another way to calm her down. Before I could think of something, she continued talking."Ximen has hurt me." I opened my eyes and I saw the tears building up in her eyes. "Daoming Si is always mentally hurting me." She must be in a trance of her thoughts. This was more than just her panicking. She is able to talk to me. It only took her expression that I knew she wanted to be held. I brought her head closer to my chest and held her head while my other hand gently rubbed circles on her back.

It did not matter to me. I was no longer growing frustrated with her for ignoring my messages. It did not matter we were supposed to meet with one of the professors to perform a section of one of our pieces to make sure we were staying on track. I did not care if Ximen told us to stay away from Faye. Faye was hurting and she was suffering and I could not let this continue. It was clear there were multiple things bothering her.

Ximen made Faye leave so suddenly after arriving in Sanya, because somehow, she had pissed him off greatly. I had a feeling she told Ximen about her and Meizuo, or her liking towards me, but it was enough to send her back to Shanghai and not speak of her the rest of the weekend. It was clear Monday morning when I asked her to do a morning rehearsal with me and she did not show nor did she show up to the two classes we had together in the morning. It wasn't until our business class we had with Ximen, Meizuo, and Ah Si did she appear. Immediately I knew from the way she reacted for a split moment looking towards us, that Ximen had spoken to her. She avoided Meizuo and I and it was unlike her to suddenly avoid on purpose.

I looked slightly behind me to see a concerned Shancai and a confused Meizuo with his arms crossed over his chest. I don't think this is sitting well with him. I turned my attention back to Faye and kissed her head again.

"Is she going to be alright?" Meizuo asked hesitantly. I glanced towards him and nod before focusing my attention on Faye.


"Faye?" I asked softly. About a half an hour had passed and Shancai had to return to the front to continue to serve customers. Then there was Meizuo who sat at a table so I could have privacy with Faye. Her breathing has calmed and she is no longer shaking. The moment I arrived and held her, her shaking slowly disappeared. After awhile her tense body was relaxed and I waited awhile until speaking again. "How are you feeling now?"

"I feel... comfortable," she spoke tiredly. This must have taken most of her energy away. I smiled slightly knowing I can make her feel this way.

"Stay with me tonight," I spoke before I can process what I said. This would certainly allow her to sleep tonight if she knew I was around. Who knew what was going on between Ximen and Faye at the moment. I could hear her sharp intake of breath as she slowly pulled away. A look of uncertainty was shown on her expression.

"I can't." She shook her head.

"Than let me stay with you at Ximen's."

"Ximen doesn't want me to be around you." The tone of disappointment was enough to let my guard down with her and show my emotion to her. I took her face and brought it close to mine.

"Did you have an emergency with your grandparents?" I asked suddenly. An uncomfortable shift occurred with Faye and she lowered her eyes so we did not make eye contact.

"No," she spoke lightly.

"Are you on speaking terms with Ximen?" She shook her head and let out a tired sigh.

"He's angry with me... I've never... I've never seen him like this before."

"Ximen will forgive you," I reassured her. I knew what I had to do and I knew this was going to be the right decision. Hoping Faye will be alright through this was my most concern.

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