《To String Together ( Huaze Lei )》Coping


"We're here Miss.Calinao," the driver spoke and I thanked him before getting out of the car. "Should I wait here until you're finished shopping?" Mr.Min asked.

"No, it's alright. I'll call when I'm ready. It may be quite a while that I'm here," I responded softly.

"Very well." I smile at the driver, because it was the only interaction I had with anyone. I shut the door and he drove off. I turned towards the mall and began making my way towards the tea shop.

It has been five days now since I returned to Shanghai alone. It has also been that long since Ximen has spoken to me. After Ximen had left my room to get flight tickets for me to head home, I hid in the room not wanting to see anyone, because I wanted to avoid the questions of why I am leaving. Meizuo was confused why I was in my room and not in the living room ready to continue our show and have cookies. Ximen made an excuse that I wasn't doing well and had a family emergency back in Shanghai with my grandparents.

It was unbelievable he made such an excuse when he only wanted me to be separated from his friends. I did not know when he came back he would avoid me as well. I felt like he abandoned me, because we haven't talked or I barely see him since I left. My worst fear of Ximen ending our friendship seemed so near. Each morning I would find Ximen had already left for school or would sleepover at Meizuo's. Ximens's personal driver has been taking me to school each morning and he would be waiting for me when my classes were over.

In class that I had with the three of them I felt too embarrassed to sit by them, because I'm not a part of their group and Ximen gave me a warning look the first day we were back in class to not sit with them. When Meizuo called out my name, the boys all looked in my direction. I'm sure Lei was wondering why I had skipped theory that morning and the class after that. Meizuo wanted to ask what happened friday evening and I'm sure Daoming Si was enjoying my suffering. I sent a small reassuring smile before sitting towards the front of the lecture hall not wanting to burst into tears, because Ximen doesn't want to be around me as well. It felt like he was choosing them and it made complete sense, because he has been close with them well before he met me. I had to disappear as soon as the lecture was over to avoid Meizuo's calls. I felt guilty for avoiding him, but I wasn't going to let him ruin his friendship for me. I felt terrible that I refused to go to private rehearsals with Lei this week, because I wasn't ready to face the questions and accusations he had.


At lunch I would eat in the library on the third floor alone and at ensemble rehearsals with Lei I would avoid eye contact. He sat first chair for the first violins and I sat first chair for the cello section meaning we sat right across from each other. The conductor was the only thing that stood between us. Lei himself tried to approach from rehearsals, but I was already upset from my isolation Ximen had demanded for. I quickly packed and would leave in a hurry. I knew Lei valued his friendship and I did too, I wish it did not have to affect my emotional state.

My emotional state at the moment wasn't doing so well. I wanted to smile and be happy, but having no one around, especially Ximen, brought me down. It put me in a state, where I wanted to build a wall around me. Over the course of the few days I realized that wasn't best and I should try to make friends. I'm lucky enough Ximen allowed me to continue to stay with him. My first step was going to the tea shop in hopes of seeing Xiaoyou.

The tea shop was just up ahead and I looked around cautiously. When I entered, I noticed Xiaoyou and one other person who was working, but had their back facing me. When Xiaoyou looked up and noticed I was standing at the door, the shy girl smiled and her eyes widened in excitement to see me. I walked over to the counter feeling shy.

"You're here!" Xiaoyou beamed. The girl who had her back to me turned around and my eyes widened slightly to see Shancai in uniform. Shancai turned to Xiaoyou. "Shancai, this is Faye! I met her last week and she's really nice! She kept me company when the shop was slow."

"Hello senior Faye," Shancai said with a slight smile. "It's great to see you again. Are your grandparents alright? I'm sorry you had to leave the trip so suddenly." Xiayou looked between the two of us.

"You too Shancai," I smile. "My grandparents are alright. Thank you for asking." Even though Ximen made up that excuse, Shancai still remembered. I knew my grandparents were alright and I do hope to visit them soon. They live a few hours away. I turned to Xiayou. "Shancai and I met through mutual friends," I smiled faintly. Meizuo explained to me how Doaming Si probably changed the last minute location of their trip to see Shancai.

"That's wonderful." Xiaoyou smiled. "That means we can see more of each other!" Shancai nods excitedly. The wonderful freshman seemed to be filled with happiness and joy. "What would you like to have today Faye?"


"I'd like to have another one of the Taro milk tea and a croissant for today."

"Coming right up!" Shancai beamed and began with my order. Would you like to have your croissant warmed up?"

"Yes please," I spoke kindly. Xiaoyou rang me out and I paid with cash.

"You can sit down," Xiaoyou smiled. We'll bring everything to you. I thanked her before walking over to the seat I sat in last time. Shancai came over with my croissant and I thanked her.

"Is it alright to sit here with you?"

"I don't mind at all," I smiled at the freshman. I felt at ease being in the shop with the both of them.

"Can I ask you something Senior Faye?"

"Ask away." She smiled before asking her question.

"What was it like in the states?" She asked curiously. "Ximen told me you lived there for a few years." I talked about my parents and I moving to Canada. We lived just a few hours from Toronto. I applied to a few schools including the states. Juilliard offered me a full scholarship and it's one of the top music schools I fell in love with. Visiting there made me realize how much music meant to me. I spent most of my time living in New York with a few of my classmates once I started at Julliard.

"I'm going back to visit my parents during the holiday break," I spoke happily that I get to see how my mother is doing in person. I can't wait to see my father as well and my younger siblings.

"Ah!" Shancai beamed. "You must show us some pictures of the winter! It must be very pretty there when the snow is snowing!" I reached for my phone when I saw a message notification from Ximen. My smile faltered slightly when I quickly read the message.

: Can you at least answer messages from Lei on weibo? Stop ignoring him when he has been trying to schedule rehearsals with you

I mentally sigh to myself wishing Ximen would ask how I am doing. This was the second time I've had any interaction with him and it's about Lei trying to get a hold of me. I'm fine Ximen, thank you for asking. I may not be sleeping as well again, but that's fine that you care enough. I have been eating to my best ability and I haven't fainted since then, thanks for asking Ximen. I quickly scrolled through my photos and hand my phone over to Shancai and Xiaoyou. They looked through my phone as I sat there left with my thoughts.

I know Lei has been trying to contact me. I knew he attempted to speak with me.

Both Shancai and Xiaoyou were both excitedly looking at some of the pictures around my neighborhood in Oshawa.

"Very pretty," Xiaoyou commented before looking up at me with a smile.

"How are you and Meizuo doing?" Shancai asked curiously. "Are you two..." I shook my head and smiled faintly at the sad thought I've ignored Meizuo, because I wanted to personally tell him in person that our dating wasn't going to work out. Ximen made sure I never saw him alone when I am around.

"Meizuo and I are really good friends," I spoke softly. Even though I'm no longer able to hang with them anymore, I did not want to spread rumors or cause drama within the school. Ximen, Meizuo, Lei, and Ah Si were good at covering for me when people asked why I wasn't around them since we've returned.

"I thought...?" She questioned and I had a feeling I knew what she was thinking about.

"Meizuo and I thought it was best to stay friends right now. I'm sort of crushing on someone else at the moment," I faintly smiled. It wasn't a lie. I like Lei. Meizuo and I are sort of friends, but Ximen no longer wants me around them.

"He's a lucky guy to win Faye Calinao's heart," Xiaoyou smiled. "He must be a very lucky guy."

"Yes! Very lucky!" Shancai beamed.

"Th-thank you," I attempted my best to be happy. In reality, it was quite the opposite.

"Does he know?"

"He does," I lowered my eyes to my now empty plate. "I've known about him since the beginning of senior high school." Both Shancai and Xiaoyou awe in unison.


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