《To String Together ( Huaze Lei )》Making Plans


"Lei," Ximen said through the phone. I could see him and part of Meizuo on the phone. It looks like they are having a great time. I felt guilty for interrupting their night. Lei looked towards me before looking back at the screen. I leaned back against the headrest to continue to take steady breaths. "You know Meizuo and I are out tonight." In the background I could hear music.

"I know. I'm with Faye...." I heard Lei spoke nervously.

"You're with Faye? She was in a deep sleep when I left with Meizuo earlier. I wouldn't think she'd be awake right now. What's... wrong?" I could hear the worry in Ximen tone. Lei explained he came to the house to talk to me and I had a panic attack. He told him he thought I was doing alright and he found my inhaler.

"Why would she be having one right now?!" Ximen exclaimed towards Lei. I took in a sharp breath and Lei turned towards me to make sure I'm alright. He walks over to me and takes a seat at the edge of the bed. "The only time Faye has one is when something is wrong. What have you done?!"

"I had no idea she was going to panic. Ximen, I did not mean to cause this much trouble for her. She's seems alright now." I heard a sigh from Ximen.

"I'm on my way. Stay with her until I get there." Lei nods and ends the face call. Lei looked towards me and he apologized for causing me trouble. He apologized earlier. His cold harsh tone completely absent as he tried to explain to me he shouldn't have acted the way he did earlier. What if he never found out I was close with Ximen? Would he continue to act the way he did earlier?

"I'm sorry," I say lightly after what seemed like awhile of silence and Lei looked towards me confusingly.

"Why are you apologizing? You just had a panic attack Faye. You don't have a reason to apologize. How... are you feeling now?"

"My chest aches." I wanted Ximen to be here.

"I'm sorry Faye."

"Ximen is my childhood friend," I say, feeling the need to explain to him. Lei nods and smiles slightly.

"I know. I found out earlier. Who would have known you and Ximen are really close. You're both... quite the opposite." I shrugged still feeling a bit overwhelmed. "I'm sorry for the way I acted towards you."

"You had no idea."

"I should have acted professionally. It was wrong of me to be disrespectful to you. Especially if you mean something to Ximen, I respect you."


"You were only stating the obvious." Lei smiles for a split moment before his expression becomes unreadable. I wasn't sure what he was thinking as he sat in front of me. Am I really confessing to him the first day we meet?

"I'd like for us to start over. Can we?" Lei asks. It takes me a moment to comprehend. I wasn't sure if he was trying to change the subject that I knew he knew I have a crush on him or if he genuinely wanted to start over from earlier.

"I'm not sure. Can we?" I questioned unsure.

"We can if you allow us to start over. I know we did not start off the way I had wanted. I really was not in the best mood this morning."

"Only if you take me out for breakfast tomorrow." Lei raised a brow.

"No wonder Ximen is your best friend," Lei laughed lightly. My shoulders relaxed slightly. "You're cute when you're pushy." After everything we've just gone through, Lei calling me cute makes my heart flutter.

"I'm only pushy with people I'm comfortable with."

"You're comfortable with me already?" He questioned my words.

"I'm not quite sure about that yet, but taking me out for food may change my mind. If you're really Ximen's closest best friend here, then maybe I can reconsider. Especially, since you've calm me down with my panic attack. Only Ximen has been able to calm me."

"Not your parents?" I shook my head and lowered my eyes feeling my self conscious shying away. When I was younger, the other kids would bother me, because I was quiet, shy, and would always prefer to read a book instead of playing with the other kids. There were days where I came over to Ximen's home and he would find me upset. I would stress and panic to the point it became difficult to breathe. Ximen being the one friend I had, trusted him and he would always hug me. He helped me recover when it came to these situations.

"My parents called Ximen when I came home from school in tears. They knew my relationship with Ximen was closer than anyone I knew." I thought about the many times Daoming Si would bother me. Ximen never asked why I was upset or what caused those panic attacks. He always made sure I'd be okay and support me for whatever I needed at the time. "I would really appreciate if no one else knew. Only Ximen and my parents know." He walks over to the bed and takes a seat on the edge. He crosses his arms and seemed to be going through something in his head before hiding.


He let out a sigh and looked down towards his phone before looking at me again. "I'll take you out for breakfast tomorrow morning."

"Not too early," I point out. Lei lets out a light laugh and breaks into a sheepish smile.

"Of course. We wouldn't go before ten thirty. Is breakfast for just the two of us tomorrow?" I nod in response. "I'll let Ximen know of our plans before I leave. For now, you should rest."

"I was resting until you rang the doorbell. It was about time I get up and eat anyway."

"Ah, you need proper rest. You're not used to the time difference yet."

"I'm hungry now," I pout.

"I'll ask Ximen to make you something when he arrives. You should relax for now." I nod and leaned back against the headrest. Lei reached over and pulled the comforter so it was over me. I felt the warmth of the comforter.

What seemed like almost an hour ago after talking with Ximen we hear the door opening and commotion coming from downstairs. Lei stood and without thought, I reached for his hand. He looked down towards our hands.

"I-I," I stutter and let go of his hand quickly. I felt my cheeks beginning to heat up once again and I lowered my eyes. "S-sorry." Before Lei could react or say anything, the door opens. I looked up to see Ximen entering and looking around frantically. I hope he did not drink too much and drive all the way back here. Meizuo enters behind him just as out of breath as Ximen.

I noticed Meizuo's cheeks were flushed and his eyes were filled with worry and concern. Once his eyes land on me, his shoulder relaxes slightly and gave me a faint smile.

"Faye?" Ximen asked. I knew he was worried for me the moment Lei told him on the phone what had happened. He walked over to me and Lei takes a step away from the bed so Ximen can take a seat close to me. Ximen sat on close to the edge and reached for me so he could wrap his arms around me. I wrap my arms as he brought me closer to his chest for a hug. I closed my eyes feeling at ease to have my closest friend here. The nerve wracking feeling beginning to fade away. His arms tightened around me and I could feel his heat radiating against me. "Are you alright? Do you need anything?"

"I'm alright," I spoke lightly. "Lei calmed me." Ximen nods and he pulled back to take a look at me. He wasn't wearing his circular glasses. I noticed there was slight blush on his cheeks and I could tell he had rushed to get here. It was a relief to see he did not drink too much tonight.

"That's good. I'm glad you're alright. Do you want me to stay here with you tonight?" I nod slightly. I looked to Meizuo and Lei witnessing a side of Ximen, I'm sure they don't see. Ximen to me has always been a protective brother and he would always be there for my recitals and competitions when I was here. He would be my tutor when I struggled in a course. Ximen has always shown his soft side to me. I'm glad for that. Ximen looked to both of his friends and wasn't sure whether to question Lei for how this started or to discuss it some other time. "Do you need some tea? I can make you something to eat if you're hungry." I nod knowing I trust Ximen to make something to calm my nerves.

"I'll be back soon," Ximen announces to Lei and Meizuo and they nod as he walked out of the room. Meizuo and Lei turned towards me.

"Are you alright Faye?" Meizuo asks and I nod. I look towards Lei and he breaks eye contact by looking at Meizuo. I mentally sigh realizing I had taken his hand just moments ago.

"Lei?" I ask. He made eye contact with me once again. "Where are we having breakfast tomorrow?" It took a moment for a response before he shrugs unsure.

"I'll... think of something. There's a few places we can go. I'll message you when I get here." I nod knowing he meant by Weibo. I wasn't going to be the first one to ask for a number after my many embarrassing moments today. I noticed Meizuo looking between Lei and I.

"Am I invited to breakfast?" Meizuo asked. Lei breaks into a smile before taking a glance towards me.

"No. It's my time to spend with Faye. You left me with Ah Si earlier for lunch." I smile between the two as they bicker about who spends time with me. "She's my accompanist, I think I need more time with her." Lei sends me a wink and I look down attempting to not show how he has some sort of affect on me.

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